He Loves Me

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Before I start with the next chapter, I'd like to deeply apologize because I couldn't continue with any more gift chapters. I noticed that it has been making a lot of you confused about the timeline and the chronology of the story, and it's dragging a lot of time for me to continue with the actual story plot. So for those of you who are confused about all the scenes from the previous chapter, basically all of them are not in the actual plot, but I just imagine them to satisfy some of your requests. Which also means, no, they're not married yet, things haven't settled down and Jungkook hasn't converted... yet😂 My actual story stopped at chapter 'Unraveling', so I hope everything is clear now. 😅


Jungkook's POV

I had never felt more anxious and scared in my life to have parted with someone I barely knew. It had been a whole day since Leilah last replied to my text messages, making me almost conclude that she had gone back to her country. But I tried to stay positive and rational that she could not have gone home this early. Or could she? I wanted to text her again but I immediately felt embarrassed about doing so since she already had a future fiancé waiting for her back in her home country. Gosh, the thought of that made me feel sick.

One time, a message notification showed up on my phone. My heart almost skipped a beat when I noticed that it was from Leilah. I hopped into bed like a peppy teenager and I quickly read the message.

'Sorry I haven't been replying. I hope you still remember what I told you about chatting with the opposite gender when you were 'Josh'. 😅 Josh or Jungkook, practically the rules are still the same. Sorry, I hope you understand. But don't worry, we can still catch up with each other if there's anything important. Friends, right?'

My excitement slowly disappeared. 'Friends'. Yup, I guess that's what we are.

'Yes, I remember. Sorry for bothering you. Have a nice day.'

Great, couldn't sound more pathetic than that. I sighed. I knew what she was talking about and I understood that but my heart still screamed to keep in touch with her all the damn time. I know it's bad but I just couldn't control myself. I felt like I'm obsessed with her in a way that I just wanted to see her, be with her. If I could just have a whole day to sit next to her and hear her talking, I would be the happiest I'd ever been in the last eight months. I'm freaking crazy over her and meeting her for a short while and then separated without even knowing her goddamn age did not make it any better. I just wanted to be with her and all of this resistance just amplified the temptations even more. Knowing that she already had a guy to marry drove me nuts. Why did it have to be like this? Why did my life have to be like this?


My head snapped up as soon as I heard someone calling my name. It was my father, watching me in front of my bedroom door.

"Are... Are you okay? You seem bothered."

I tried to form a reassuring smile and chase away all those thoughts in my head. "Yeah... I was just thinking about work." I lied. I had to hide it. I had no choice.

"Are you sure?" He sat on the bed right next to me. "Well, you got a few days off, I suppose you shouldn't be thinking about work at this moment."

"I know. I'm sorry. It's just... Something reminded me of it."

He nodded understandably. "You know, I noticed you have been acting quite strange since you came here. You seemed lost in your thoughts every time you're alone. Is there anything you want to talk about?"

I looked at him for a moment before looking down, unable to meet his eyes. These burdens inside me were almost unbearable but I was too afraid to let them out. I would keep them to myself. I could handle this just like I always did.

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