To Be Wise

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"What?" Fateh asked back, seeking for confirmation.

"I want to follow you to Korea," I repeated.

"But, why?"

"It's my last request before marriage. I've been dreaming to go there by my own. So please, when you go there this end of the year, I want to go too."

"You know there is 98% that Abee would be against this, right?"

"That's why I need you to help me say this to him. Please, Fateh. This is all I'm asking for."

"I can't promise anything, but if this makes you happy, then I'll try what I can," he said.

"Yes! Thank you, brother! Thank you so much," I exclaimed.

"Woah! Yeah, but don't be cheesy."

"I'm not! I'm just happy. Thank you, bro."

"Anytime, sis." We both smiled.

We arrived home a few minutes later, right before Maghrib. Well, according to Malay tradition, young women shouldn't be out later than that as it would be very inappropriate. Though, it's actually for safety causes. I was really nervous to tell my father about my wish to go to Korea. I really pray that Abee would agree to this.

"Just go with your husband when you're married, then. Why on earth would you want to go alone?" Abee snapped right after I told him about it.

"I'm not alone, Fateh will be there with me, remember?" I persuaded.

"I'm still not satisfied. He would be busy preparing for university. Why would you want to go there? For a holiday?"

"Yes, but it's been my dream to go there by myself. I want to learn to be independent, for once, Abee. I've grown up already. I can take care of myself."

"No, Leilah. It's too dangerous. You have no idea what the racists would do to you, especially when you're wearing niqab there. I won't let anything bad happen to you."

"Please, Abee. Just this once. Fateh will take care of me there I'm sure. Right, Fateh?"

"Yeah, I wouldn't be that busy. If I have to settle with university preparations, then Leilah will stay at home, and then when I'm free, we can go touring. Nothing to be worried about," Fateh chimed in.

Abee was not well convinced yet. I could see the lines on his forehead; the sign that he was very worried. "I still have a bad feeling about this, Leilah. You can go there when you're married to Adam. That'll make things easier."

"Oh, Abee. Adam is not a superhero. It's Allah who is the Almighty Protector. He's the one who had protected me from those robbers before, not anyone else. We have to believe in Him. Even if I'm married to Adam, bad things still could happen to me and at that time, it's only Allah's protection that we seek." This time my words went straight to Abee's heart. I waited hopefully for his further reaction.

"Leilah, just listen to me. I'm doing all of this because I love you so much. Go to Korea when you're married to Adam. For your honeymoon or whatever. Just don't go now," he insisted, but his voice was rather in a calm tone.

I couldn't believe it. I didn't remember when the last time Abee was being this strict to me. He was always tolerant and understanding, soft and calming, motivating and supportive. Maybe he was just scared. But I shouldn't lose hope yet. No matter how strong Abee's feelings against this, my heart was even stronger saying to me that I should once go there by myself, to learn to be independent. To overcome my fears and to find myself.

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