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Leilah's POV

The sky was bright blue and pristine without any tracks of clouds. I shivered slightly at the cold weather and tugged at my sweater. It was already the 9th day of my stay in Korea and the second day in Busan. My brother and I booked a budget hotel for two days and one night, so we would be back in Seoul this afternoon. I looked at the time on my phone's screen— 6.30 a.m. I bet barely any soul was awake at this moment. I had just done my Fajr prayer with my brother and now just looking at the plain sky, meditating or probably just drifting out. In my palm, I held the beautiful crescent moon that Jungkook gave me yesterday, partially could not even believe my own eyes. Obviously, I still couldn't let go of what happened yesterday. It was too enchanting that it only lasted for a short while. Enthralling yet ephemeral.

I asked my brother that I wanted to go outside to take some fresh air. I had a black mask on today instead of a niqab for precaution. I seriously did not want anything like yesterday to happen again. Walking along the pavement, I savored the magnificent scenery that greeted my eyes. Some stalls had started to open, some young people jogged while listening to music, and a few dogs had just got up, ready to guard the house. Other than those, only silence accompanying me for the rest of the morning stroll. I praised Allah for this breathtakingly tranquil moment. It cleared my mind, took me away from all of my stress, and calmed me down. This is why Islam taught us not to sleep after Fajr.

It is actually mubah (permitted) to sleep after Fajr but there are a few hadiths that advocate us to do something more beneficial than going back to sleep.

Jabir bin Samurah narrated: "When the Prophet prayed Fajr he would remain seated where he had prayed until the sun had risen."— at-Tirmidhi, Hadith 585.

Anas bin Malik narrated that: the Messenger of Allah said: "Whoever prays Fajr in congregation, then sits remembering Allah until the sun has risen, then he prays two Rak'ah, then for him is the reward like that of a Hajj and Umrah." He said: "The Messenger of Allah said: 'Complete, complete, complete.'"— at-Tirmidhi, Hadith 586.

Well, however for me, I'd definitely fall right back into sleep if I just sit there on the praying mattress, so walking around can also be done instead, as long as we occupy our time by praising our Creator.

I did not bring my phone this time as I rather did not want any distraction. Which I later regretted doing so. Arriving back in the hotel, after what seemed like half an hour's journey outside, I saw my brother sitting on the bed with a phone by his side. I was stunned for a moment, realizing that the phone was mine.

My overthinking brain had already gone through a hundred and one possibilities of what could have happened. My phone by his side, him looking at me like that, and the fact that he once found out my password and I forgot to change it until now, so apparently yes, I guess I'd figured everything out.

"Did you just rummage through my phone?" I seethed, looking at him straight in the eye.

He got up from the bed. "I didn't mean to. Your phone was ringing constantly with notifications. It wasn't my fault," he protested, but no way was I going to buy that.

I quickly grabbed the phone. "Well didn't your parents ever teach you about privacy?!"

"Dude, my parents are your parents. Look, there's something important we need to talk about."

"This is important! If you read anything, I swear I'm gonna..."

"You're going to what?"

I stopped.

"Urgh! I hate you!" I stormed out of the room and got outside. I really did not know what to do. Fateh probably had read my chats and even my personal notes. Nobody in the family ever knew what I was going through. Nobody. The moving on, the meetings, the dreams, the struggles, all of them were unknown by everyone except Tira and Aishah. And of course, Allah Azza wa Jall. I did not know what my brother would think of his sister after this. Did he know everything? Did he misunderstand? Then it's better if I clarify everything to him than letting him going on false assumptions. But how can I do that?

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