Along The Road

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One month left before I'd travel to Korea. The excitement was unbearable. I had already bought the things needed and probably there were only a few preparations left such as renewing my Visa and helping my brother to find a suitable place to rent near his university. I also worked hard on improving my Korean language skill. I've learned Korean since the first day of being an ARMY, it's just that I had never been brave enough to try and speak the language. I already moved back to my apartment with Tira after we had upgraded the security system in our house. The guards were also demanded to be extra-cautious in the future especially in guarding our house; my father himself made sure of that. Anyway, apart from all these improvements, I still couldn't run away from the fact that I will be marrying Adam in apparently a short time. I kind of regretted convincing my father by saying that I will marry him. And now it's getting even more complicated.

Josh really texted Fateh and thankfully he had helped him as best as he could up until now. It's even better actually as Fateh had better knowledge than me. He kept on updating me about Josh though I didn't know what the point of it was, but as usual, he's much better in teasing me than anything else. I could feel that things were getting better, and I was proceeding my life normally, as a girl who had moved on from K-Pop.

It was difficult, moving on, I could assure you that. But it's not impossible. All you need to do is only have faith in Allah and focus on being a better servant. And then, your obsession would fade away itself, along with the current of time.

I was at the park that I usually came at that time, sketching some little kids playing at the playground. What is this, sketching some little kids because I'm going to get married? I shook my head at the thought of that. Whatever, Leilah. You are cheesy.

As I was mixing the palettes on a container, I noticed a big shadow on my canvas. I turned around to look at who it was.

"You're really talented, you know?" Adam said, crossing his arms while standing behind me.

"Um, thank you," I said, turning to the front quickly. I never knew he was always here in the evening to jog before this. Probably because I'd never even noticed him before.

I think he noticed my shy expression thus moving further from me. He sat on the ground next to me while I sat on a stool with my paint set. "Sorry if I made you uncomfortable. Is it okay for me to sit here?"

"Yeah, sure. I'm just... painting. Don't mind me," I said in a friendly tone.

"Thanks." He wiped his face with a small towel before just stared ahead, looking at the kids.

Okay, this is awkward.

"Hey, um, may I ask? What did you mean when you described the meaning of my painting before? The one about a guy struggles to stand up to get to the garden," I finally asked the question I'd been forgetting to ask this whole entire time. I couldn't believe I just started a conversation. That was indeed a rare phenomenon.

"Wow, you still remember?"

"Because, it's quite peculiar to me. I also wonder how did you even know the meaning."

He smiled before sighing. "It's a long story actually."

"Well, if you don't mind, you can tell me."

"Okay. This is a secret. Since you're my friend, promise me you won't tell anyone else."

"Yeah, sure. Of course."

"I'll try to make it short. I was actually having a really hard time. It's my last semester, remember? Well, have you ever wondered how do I end my study this fast?"

"You're right. It's actually really fast. How?" I asked eagerly.

"I jumped a year. And I know it might sound crazy but I was a nerd in school. I changed from time to time at the university. My whole life has been study, study and study. I am a hafiz too but I'd never really understood the meaning of the Quran deeply. So I used to be very stressed out because of studies. I wanted to be successful and I could see it already, but the hurdles were unbearable. Especially when my mom... She, she died three years ago." His voice was calm but I could see how hard he tried to hide the pain from showing on his face.

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