A New Beginning

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Girl's POV

I woke up from my bed, hearing the loud beeping sound of my alarm clock. After performing Fajr prayer, I sat still on the praying mattress, my mind still thinking about what happened yesterday. It took me quite a while to realize what I was doing before I came back to reality. Gosh, please stop thinking about those things again, dear self. I rubbed my face and folded my praying clothes.

I really didn't know what to do. I wanted to forget everything but it seemed like more trouble is coming after me. And I had nowhere to run.

I went back to our apartment in the afternoon and Tira was not there. I've figured out she was still mad at me. But that doesn't matter by the way. I'm staying away from her, remember?

I stared at the wall of my room. The posters of them were there, all around the place. I turned around, and more of their pictures caught my eyes. And finally, on the very right side of my bed, on the table, was a drop-dead-gorgeous picture of him; Jeon Jungkook.

I threw myself onto the bed and slowly curled up. I cried, again.

Oh Allah... Why am I like this? Why did I even choose to be like this in the first place? Why was I too stupid back then? I'm so weak right now that I just want to sleep for a long time. And wake up not remembering a thing? That would be a blessing!

When you're weak, it's so easy to be instructed by Satans. And to avoid that, the only thing to do is seeking protection from Allah.

This won't do. I have to be strong and start clearing everything about them. I got up and reached for my Quran to read. And then I thought about my special Quran which is with him now. No, stop thinking about him! I can make a new one similar to that after this.

Done reading surah Ar-Rahman, I closed the Holy Quran and started to 'clean' my room. Although I still haven't recovered from the sadness, or sorrow, or emptiness, or whatever you call it, at least I felt better than before.

I actually had a list of how to move on made by myself. First thing first, get rid of all these posters. About the albums, I maybe could just sell them to someone else since they're too expensive to be thrown away. Next is unfollow everything about them on any social media. Fanpages, Twitter, Instagram, and everything, because I'm moving on for good. Then, delete their pics and videos in my phone, unsubscribe their Youtube channel, and delete all their songs in my MP3. Well, that last one might seem not that necessary, but it's important for me because I couldn't control my feelings whenever I hear his voice. And probably that would turn back all the memories before this, so I definitely should stop listening to them.

Last but not least, tawakkal (leave the rest to Allah and have faith). I'm going to spend a lot of time reading Holy Quran to erase this feeling after this and pray that Allah will ease everything that I have planned. Making myself busy for study would also help to forget about the memories. And the most important thing is getting myself closer to Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. That is what supposed to be my number one priority; Loving the man who loves me, his ummat and who wills to sacrifice everything for me, not some random Korean guys who worship other than Allah. Oh God, how come I just realized that now?

I know this entire plan could be hard at first but at least, it's worth the try.

As I was scrolling down my twitter to unfollow some accounts, a notification suddenly popped up on the screen.

'JHustle97 followed you.'

I scrunched my eyebrows. Who the heck is this? I checked the profile to find out who it was. It was a guy who likes to post pictures of beautiful sceneries and... Gosh, his English is bad. There were no pictures of himself at all. Guess I don't know him, and I won't follow him back. Well, that's the rule.

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