The Girl

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Jungkook's POV

We were in the waiting room at that time and all my hyungs were chatting while eating ramens. But for me, I prefer to just sit there looking at my phone. I said looking, not using it because honestly, my mind was driving way too far about something else. And again, it was about that girl. The mysterious girl who appeared to be one of our fans in the concert just now. Wait, no, she's not a girl, she's a ghost. But what kind of ghost who had such beautiful eyes? Then maybe she's an angel. But did angels wear black? Or was she a devil? Shit, what was I thinking?


I looked up.

"Don't want some ramens?" Jin hyung said.

"Sure." I moved nearer towards them before joining the table.

"Guys, remember this one fan we met during the fanmeeting just now?" Jiminie hyung started and it got my attention, so I turned my eyes on him.

"Which one?" V hyung said with his mouth full of noodles. Man, he might choke like that.

"The one who's covered in black veil. Gosh, she got me scared. Do we have a fan like that? I mean, she didn't react like a fan at all. I even winked at her but she just... Yah~ what is she?" Jimin exclaimed, full of expression.

"Never met that kind before. That's a first." Suga hyung replied while still focusing on his ramens.

"Yeah, me too. Is she a ghost or what?" Rap Mon hyung joked which made Jin hyung chuckled and hit his arm.

"A ghost in our concert?" said him, still laughing. J-Hope hyung giggled as well.

"So, had anyone really make it out of her?" J-Hope asked and everyone shook their head except for V hyung. He began so excited to tell us something but I didn't really look as I was still focusing on my ramens. And apparently, I might don't want to hear about it.

"I did! She smiled at my jokes, I can see it from her eyes. I think she liked me." He smiled widely.

"Seriously? What'd you do?" Jimin asked, with a little bit of annoyance. Then, V was telling them the whole thing but I didn't have the heart to listen. My mind was still drifting about her. When I stared at those beautiful eyes, there's nothing I could think except for one word. And stupidly, that word had just slipped out of my tongue. Gosh, what would she think? But she wouldn't understand, right? Or would she? When she was smiling to V's jokes, I felt so uncomfortable, or maybe insecure. There's this crazy, unwanted feeling inside me. And then we were staring at each other for quite a while. And my heart beat so fast that I hardly could breathe, until now, it's still racing whenever I think of her. What is happening to me? This is not right. She's a fan, I'm an idol, with lots of other fans. Plus she's a Muslim. Which means I can't even get near her. And yeah, I almost forgot. The contract; not dating anyone until the chosen period of time and not making any controversies about scandals during that time.

"Yah, Jungkookie... Why aren't you saying anything?" J-Hope pointed at me as I looked up at them blankly with noodles still stuffed in my mouth. All of my thoughts flew away just like that.


"You okay?"

"Uh, of course," I said, calmly. But then V hyung cut in and boasted.

"You stared her the whole time, didn't you? And then you guys were locking eyes at each other and I heard you said 'Yeppeuda...' right?" he giggled. "Jungkookie... What has gotten into you?" he brushed my hair roughly before I pushed his hand away.

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