'The Girl In Black'

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I felt butterflies in my stomach as the sudden thought popped up in my head. No, it couldn't be... I shook my head and took a deep breath to calm my heart down. I must have gone crazy. JHustle97 could not be Jungkook. I was just overthinking because I still couldn't get over him and that's it.

I'm moving on, remember? So stop freaking thinking about him!

The next day was just one of the normal days I had on campus and I would face it like no big things had happened to me the two days before. At least, that was what I'd planted inside my brain to get through days after this much less painfully. Except that that rarely even worked.

No matter what I'd rooted inside my brain, the external effects would never fade. I was still in a frosty condition with Tira. I still had to meet that guy my parents had set me up with. And I still couldn't stop associating almost everything that I saw in front of me with the memories of those seven guys fooling around with each other. And it had been a habit that's hard to overcome. Gosh, why am I such a freak? If I hadn't been so enamored of them, it wouldn't be this way. I wouldn't be so distracted in my daily life since there were much more vital things to do rather than these stupid craps. I wouldn't feel so plunged every single time I breathe. Great, and now I started to hate them.

I had just finished my first class and there were still no signs of Tira since we scarcely had classes together. I admit that I was kind of afraid to meet her based on what I just did on the social media. But maybe I was just over-thinking. A friend wouldn't be that irritated if her best friend cuts her off on social media, right? No—?

I walked along the hallway, heading towards the cafeteria. I had to mention that I walked alone this time although that would sound so pathetic because it looked like I didn't have any other friends than Tira. Never mind, I am pathetic. Reaching the cafeteria, I bought my food and sat at an empty table. Honestly, this was the part that tested me the most as a niqabi. Because everyone would be so curious about how we were going to eat with the niqab on, and probably tried to take a peek at our faces. As normal, I hated all the attention but luckily got used to it from time to time.

"That's crazy! What was she thinking before that?"

"And also embarrassing. She must've gone crazy over the idols."

The voices were coming from a group of girls across my table. It didn't grab my attention that much until at one point, it hit me.

"Who would ever think of a niqabi going on a K-Pop concert? Man, poor this girl. She's stupid enough to ruin her reputation. I wonder who she is..."

Ya Allah... I was about to cry. I really didn't think that people would still talk about it. It's been two days! This couldn't be happening. I bet only certain people would talk about this. No one else would pay attention. I'm invisible, remember? Relax, Leilah. It's just them, no one else will.

I finished my food quickly and got rid of the cafeteria, heading to my next class. It's okay, dear self. Focus!

Deena, a friend of the same class greeted me as we walked into the lecture hall. "Hey, what up? Your eyes are kinda red... What's wrong?"

"Nah, just some specks. Let's go."

"Right, um, Leilah, you know the 'The Girl In Black' controversy?"

'The Girl In Black'? I was definitely clueless. "What is that?"

"The niqabi who went to a K-Pop concert recently. They call her that because she was wearing all black at that time and her identity was still a mystery."

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