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Adriana's pov:
After yet another rather harsh beating, my so called father fell asleep. As usually completely drunk and therefore unresponsive. Still I try to pack my few clothes as well as my only picture I have from my mom in my backpack. The last item is my wallet that I have been hiding so dad wouldn't steel my very little money I have as well as the bank account mom has given me before she passed away And without my fathers knowledge. Afterwards I slowly open the window, so I can climb out of it. Knowing my father, he definitely has the key for the door somewhere on his body to make sure I won't be able to leave. I don't care though, we are only on the second floor with a tree standing right in front of my window. When I still can hear him snoring loudly I breath out in utter relief, knowing fully well another beating would of been his chosen punishment otherwise. A beating I might not even be able to survive. His rages are simply unpredictable. Carefully I climb onto the tree and then I make my way further down which was pretty hard since my whole body is arching badly. I am sure dad has broken yet another few ribs of mine, it after all would explain why breathing is so painful. Right now though isn't the time to think about any of that. Instead I should concentrate on climbing since I don't want to fall off of the tree. Just as my feet touch the ground I can hear some people talking not too far away from me, so I quickly pull my hood up, not wanting to draw any attention on me and start to walk in the opposite direction. Where too? Honestly I have no idea. The only thing I know for sure is that I need to get as far away from my supposed father as I possibly can. Otherwise he is going to find and surely kill me for misbehaving and disobeying him.
„What is such a Young Woman doing out here all alone to such a late hour?" a deep and honey like voice suddenly questions me from right in front of me. Guess I wasn't paying attention where I was going at all. It's at least the only possibility for me not see this humongous man standing right in front of me.
„Cat stole your tongue?" he asks with a low chuckle since I haven't answered him till now. My body tingling and feeling all warm all of a sudden.
„No, it didn't. And to answer your earlier question, I am all grown up, so you don't have to worry about the time I am wandering around." I reply after biting my lip in thought of what I should answer. Still I keep my head lowered, not liking for anyone to see my swollen eyes nor the cuts all around my face. It's humiliating enough to know how bad I am looking like again. Dad hasn't been holding back at all tonight. Thinking about it, he never does, especially on the first days of a new state or city. Guess he feels the most secure about it than? He can easily say that I got bullied and that's why we moved, I know all of his lies by now.
„If you say so princess." he says. Irritating me with the name more than anything. Yet my body heats up at the sweet monicker I just got called. Of course I know he meant it mockingly.  He has too! He after all is a complete stranger!
„Why don't I accompany you?" he adds. Sounding rather seriously.
„Demetri, there you are! I thought you meant to go hunting with me?" another, more mature voice asks. The hell does he mean with hunting? It's way to dark already to see any animals!? So what could they possibly be hunting for?
„Ah! You already found...." the new guy starts to say but suddenly stops mid sentence. Sniffing the air like some kind of dog!
„Why don't you introduce me to your friend Demetri?" he asks. Sounding extremely happy and might I say even relieved all of a sudden. Maybe I should try to get away from them as quick as I can! They are acting kind of weird and I also have no time for any chit chat! I need to get moving and I have to right away.
„I sadly wasn't given any name till now." the younger one whines slightly. Of course I can't hold in my giggles at that. Something that has gotten me in more trouble than I can count. Dad always hated my giggles, or laughs, or pretty much everything that is me.
„Such a pretty sound." I hear the older one say.
„It sure is! I think I already am addicted to it!" the other one, Demetri I think is his name, adds which such love in his voice that it stings slightly. I am absolutely not used to anyone talking to me! Especially not with such care and joy. Usually everyone only ever frowned upon me or acted like I am not even there. So this is completely different!
„Maybe we should introduce ourselves to our sweetheart." the older one says, stepping closer towards me. Strangely I don't feel  that threatened from them. Only confused on why they are even talking to me.
„That sounds fair!" the younger one enthusiastically states.
„My name is Demetri Volturi and to my left is Marcus Volturi. May we know your name now princess?" he goes on happily and hopeful that I tell them my name now too. To be honest I don't think it's a good idea to give them my name. Who knows who they are and who they know! Maybe they are some of dads friends!? The thought alone makes me shudder! Dad often handed me off to his friends to do with as they please. It always was his way of getting money.
„Princess? Are you alright? You are shaking terribly." Demetri asks worried. Still, the unknown is way too overwhelming.
„I need to go now." I stutter out. Slowly registering that my body is indeed shaking.
„You can't leave us sweetheart! Not after we finally found you after all those years of longing and grief!" Marcus nearly shouts out, the panic clear to hear. Still, the shouting only triggered me more. Of course they are my dads friend! Why can't I ever get lucky!? Why can't I just be already at an airport to leave? My eyes closing in a wishful manner. Please just let me be at an airport! Please!

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