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Demetri's pov:
A knock on the door makes me look up at Marcus who still holds me tightly against him. Making me feel all of him against me as well as making me feel safe. It does somehow confuse me why he suddenly is also my mate, but to be honest, I don't really care for the how, when or why. The feeling alone of being held like that by my very own mate makes me shudder in utter relief of not needing to be the strong one every second of every day, year and so on.
„Go and hold our angels hand for me honey." Marcus instructs while still purring lowly. Not able to answer him vocally, I simply nod my head. Completely in awh at how much taller and stronger he suddenly seems to be. How comes that I never noticed this before today? Was I that blind?
„Carlisle my friend, what can I do for you?" Marcus asks by the door after opening it. It doesn't surprise me that much that it's Carlisle, it after all was time for his next check up on my princess.
„I am here to look at your sweet mate real quick. Pretty sure that nothing changed but just to be certain." he softly reply's. Seemingly surprised why Marcus still stands in the door, not letting him in.
„I see. Just, please try and hurry, I don't want a repeat of last time as I scared my angel because you got too close to one of my mates." he simply states matter of factly as I feel my chest puffing out in pride that my mate announced me as his mate in front of his best friend.
„Don't worry Marcus, I promise to be quick. Just tell me if it takes to long or I need to move." Carlisle without missing a beat answers. As he enters he only smiles widely at me, seemingly truly happy for us to be mates now before he goes to the monitors where my princess is still hooked up to. Marcus in quick strides takes a stand behind me and puts both arms on my shoulders. The small pressure he adds makes me feel butterflies all over again. After all knowing fully well that this is my mates way of showing another male that I belong to him. Alone the thought makes me smile even wider, while I still keep on holding our tiny mates hand.
„She seems to be perfectly fine just like this morning. We still need her to finally wake up, but that is sadly something we can't help her with." Carlisle States only minutes later after entering. He also makes it a point to only look at Marcus and not me, surly knowing that it could trigger Marcus, especially since he only just claimed me as his mate as well. At times like this I am more than happy that I no longer am able to blush, this otherwise would be extremely embarrassing.
„Just keep on talking to her, this usually helps them find their way back to the here and now." he ends and after nodding once more at Marcus, he left the room. However not before reminding us to push the call button if anything should change.
„Good Boy." Marcus deep rumble whispers in my ear. Seemingly more than pleased that I did as I was instructed to do as well as for not looking in Carlisle's eyes.
„Thank you." I nearly inaudible reply as my breath hitches at the utmost pleasure of pleasing Marcus. One of his hands slowly makes his way down my chest as the other one stays on my shoulder to make me stay seated.
„I didn't know how well mannered you are honey. Guess I have to learn a lot more about you even though we know each other for so long." the deep bariton along with the rumbling from his chest makes me completely weak as my senses go into overdrive. I never felt anything like that, I never even allowed myself to think about this being a possibility. Everyone only ever looked at me as the strong tracker and while I am that person, I also often feel the need of someone guiding me. Whenever I need to make decisions I have an incredible hard time doing so. Maybe now, Marcus will be able to take those burdens away from me.
„Tell me my sweet boy, do you like it when I call you honey?" he asks me with a mischievous tone, surely knowing how much I already yearn for that monicker of him. It makes me feel loved and cared for. I start to nod my head but a punishing pinch on my inner tight makes me gasp. Not only from the sudden sting but also by the reminder of how incredibly close Marcus hand currently is by my penIs.
„Yes." I choke out as my head spins from my mates touches, his closeness and his smell. His chuckle only clouds my mind further at the feeling of accomplishment that I made him chuckle. The smell of both my mates so close to me, only makes my mind and body even more sensitive to Marcus touches.
„How about calling you my good boy?" he goes on as if it's a casual conversation while I can't get a straight thought together, even less feel embarrassed at being so submissive to him.
„Yes?" I get out not fully knowing what he wants me to say gets me slightly on edge.
„That sounded more like a question. So why don't we try again honey." he softly purrs as his hand slips under my shirt.
„Be honest. I need to know what my sweet mate wants to be called and what not." he says sternly as he pinches my left nipple, making me whimper at how sensitive I already feel all over. Not wanting to disappoint my mate even more, I quickly try to answer as truthfully as I can. After all he made sure to tell me to be honest.
„Like beeing called yours." I gasp out as his thumb keeps on circling my still extremely sensitive nipple. The happy humm from him makes me nearly float of in joy that my mate likes my answer.
„Gonna always call you mine my silly boy. You want to know why." his breath tickling my ear and making me whimper even more as his hand once more finds its way downward. Now even going as far as slipping into my sweatpants which makes my breath quicken at all the possibilities my mate could do. Thinking about my mate also quickly reminds me that he asked me a question.
„Because." I gasp only to stop to take a shuddering breath as one of his fingers featherlight graces my penIs.
„Because I am yours." i try again and this time get my sentence out even though it sounds more strangled than anything else. My whole body burning with desire and need for my mates.
„That's true. All mine and our angels. Ours to love, to protect, to kiss." he growls as he bites my throat without drawing any blood nor hurting me. Quit the opposite since I can feel myself being so damn close to coming simply by my mates words and all those gentle touches.
„Ours to touch." he goes on and for the first time grabs my penIs in his hand making me moan loudly to which he right away pulls his hand over my mouth that Till now has simply held onto my shoulder with an iron like grip.
„Only ours to listen to." he growls darkly, seemingly not appreciating that I was so loud. The punishing grip on my penIs also lets me know about that. Still it only brings me that much closer to my release. Since I however don't want to disobey or cum without permission I shake my head as tears brim my eyes.
„Is it to much honey. Am I pushing you too far." Marcus softly and caringly asks as he slowly lets go of my penIs as well as takes his hand off my mouth.
„No, please don't." I beg brokenly since he no longer is touching me. Just gripping his hand seconds before he could pull it out of my boxers.
„What is wrong than honey. What did I do?" he softly asks as his free hand softly pats my chest and his lips caress my throat making me whine even more, yet I make sure to stay silent enough so no one outside this room will hear.
„So close, don't want to misbehave. Please." I blabber out, pretty sure that I am making no sense to anyone, but of course my mate knows right away as his hand slowly glides back to my penIs making my breath hitch.
„Was my sweet boy afraid to come without permission?" Marcus voice sounds so confident in that moment that I nearly came just from the dominance in his demeanor and his voice.
„Yes." I simply whimper out trying everything within me to hold of from coming on the spot as Marcus seems to love every second of me willingly giving him all the control to my body.
„Such a good boy." he says with a smirk as he watches me fidgeting around to do everything I can to not come.
„What if I don't want you to come? Maybe I should keep you this fidgety for longer, it after all makes me all hot watching you like this? And don't let me get started on how incredibly sweet you smell." he growls as he presses my butt against his hard and long prick making me whimper yet again.
„Would you let me do that to you my sweet sweet boy?" he asks me darkly. And even thought that is pretty much the last thing I want, I know I would let him. If he wants me to hold it in, I am going to do everything I can to do that. Just as I think that I feel a finger circling my hole making me gasp and wiggle even more, yet every muscle in me is holding tight to not let me come. Not if he doesn't want me to.
„You would let me, wouldn't you?" he say with such love and astonishment my heart jumps that he seems happy about that.
„But I want you to come honey. You definitely earned it." he whispers lovingly just as one digit enters me and his second hand holds on my mouth as I right away cum the second he told me to. My eyes roll to the back as I have the most intense orGasm that I ever experienced. The sensation of him holding my mouth while one finger keeps on pressing hard against my proStata only intensifies the feeling even more and makes me cum a second time as my body shudders and falls against Marcus chest completely drained, yet completely happy as I get held against my mate protectively.
„Such a good boy. My good boy." Marcus keeps on praising me making me keen in joy of pleasing him like that.
„So good for me. I am so proud honey. So very proud for coming only after being told to. Such a good boy you are." he keeps on whispering as I turn around in his lap so I can cuddle into his chest and hold onto his shoulders.
„Why don't we get you in some fresh clothes before we cuddle honey." Marcus lovingly says as he already stands up with me in his arms as he softly lays me next to my princess on the bed. He ignores my wondering eyes as he simply kisses both mine and her temple before he grabs some fresh sweatpants for me. Still pretty out of it, I only can watch as he softly pulls my soiled clothes down, letting me lay there half naked.
„So pretty." he whispers before he carefully puts on my fresh pair of sweatpants. When he turns I can see that he is still hard, but when I try to grab him he only chuckles and shakes his head lovingly.
„Not today honey. Today was just you." he whispers in my ear before he looks me in the eye for a few seconds. As if sensing my want he only smiles once more and kisses my lips in a loving and sweet kiss.
„Cuddle with our darling while I freshen up for a second." he says and winks as my eyes once more wander towards his impressive middle.

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