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Adriana's pov:
I start to become slightly irritated on why I can't seem to wake up. Sometimes I can literally feel that I am just a tiny bit away from the surface of waking up and opening my eyes, but every time I get sucked right back into unconsciousness. The more I hear around me however the more I want to finally be able to wake up. I want to be able to finally see and talk with Marcus and Demetri. Those two have apologized times and times again that they have frightened me that much a few days ago. But even Carlisle has explained to them as well as to me that he knows that it only was a misunderstanding and that the two of them simply wanted to protect me. Especially so after how badly I got hurt from my father. At first I was really panicked that any of them will call him, I mean they found my passport and know that I still am underaged, yet they never did. Which I am more than thankful for. They even growled as they talked about my dad to whom they only ever refer to as father with complete distaste. I feel as if I know those two since forever already with everything they keep on telling me. And as stupid as it may sound, but I finally feel whole with them close by. It was as if some pieces of me were always missing when I lived with my dad and now they suddenly are there. Whenever one of them tries to leave the room I can feel myself start to worry that they might leave me forever since I am not able to wake up. What if they all leave me all alone and broken again only because my stupid body doesn't do as I want it to! I can't go back to being alone! Not after I finally got a taste of how amazing it feels to have someone to care for me. Someone that wants me to be close as well as wants to protect me! I feel as if I am going to die if they leave me behind. My heart breaks at that thought alone and just like always I can feel them tighten their hold on my hands. Their soft whispers of comfort and reassurance that everything is perfectly fine and that there is no reason for me to be afraid or panicky. And just as if there was nothing ever wrong, my whole body relaxes against the soft pillows again, as their caresses and words completely fill me with only warmth and love. It is such a foreign feeling to me, yet I would do absolutely everything to keep feeling like that for the rest of my life. A phone starts to ring close by and only a second later I hear Marcus answering.
„Hello Jane, you want to talk to my angel again?" he asks her knowingly and with a smile in every word. At the moniker my heart swells even more with love as well as the knowledge that sweet Jane, once again called just like Felix and Alec often do. Those three right away welcomed me with open arms and right away announced me to be their sister! I can't believe how amazing that fact alone felt. I after all always wished for siblings, but I never got any. That was however only till a few days ago since I now not only have one sibling, but three and I can't be more happy about that! Even thought I haven't truly met them face to face so to speak, I already love those three so much that I don't even have words for it. Just like Marcus and Demetri became my whole world within seconds of meeting and I know that I won't be able to survive if one of them decides to leave me. It's a feeling that I never thought I would ever feel again after my mother died. Ever since then my heart seems as if it shut itself completely from the outside world. Yet, the second I met those two it sprung back into working mode and through my whole world upside down by doing so!
„Here you go love, your siblings  want to talk to you." Demetri says lovingly as he lays the phone next to my ear so I would be able to hear them.
„Hey there sorellina!" I hear the three of them happily greet over the phone as my heart makes even more room for those incredible people! How could I ever get so lucky to find someone who not only accepts me into their family but also right away treats me like I belong and like I always was part of their life, even more so, three someone's who are willing to do so.
„We do hope that you are doing fine and don't feel any more pain from your wounds." Felix the ever protective guy that he is says. I truly imagine him to be a bear of a man while being a total teddy bear on the inside. He really has that aura around him.
„Demetri and Marcus informed us on the fact that Carlisle thinks your mind tries to protect you from any more pain and that's why you weren't able to wake up just yet." Alec goes on as if they had heard my reply of feeling fine, especially now that they called and with those other two holding my hand lovingly in theirs.
„So please try to tell your mind that we won't ever let anyone ever hurt you again so it's safe for you to wake up. We after all want to really meet and hug you!" he goes on with reassurance and hope. My mind starts to spin at the prospect of what he just said. Am I truly that hurt that my own mind isn't allowing me to reach that very last point to finally fully wake up? If so, how am I going to tell my mind that's it's fine?
„No need to get so worked up over it sorellina! We will wait for the rest of our life's if we have to. And we will do so with a wide smile plastered on our faces because we are absolutely thrilled to have found you little one!" Jane quickly interjects my inner train of thoughts as if knowing exactly what plays out in said mind of mine.
„So don't feel pressured. We will wait till you are ready and comfortable to meet you in person." she goes on to say as my fuzzy mind goes back to normal again. I can feel the joy in myself grow with the knowledge that they are so understanding and supportive with me. Still I would love to finally wake up and talk to them and not have them to sense my reply!
„We know sorellina, but you will see, everything will turn out perfectly fine. There really is no need for you to stress yourself or be sad about it. Whenever you are going to be ready we will be there. And till then, we are there as well. It's just that simple sweetheart." Felix states matter of factly, which comforts me that they truly mean it and that they also do understand that I wish to talk to them yet still not knowing how to get out of this hazy surrounding I am in to do just that.
The three of them keep on talking about their day till now and how they finally got the allowance to return to forks in a few days from now to visit me again. The happy bubble that grows in my stomach seems to make them even happier to visit me in no time.
„We sadly need to go back to our duty's now sorellina, but no worries we will be calling you again in a few hours. Till then stay safe!" Alec sadly says after approximately thirty minutes or so of talking. My heart right away feels heavy at hearing them say that they need to go now, yet happy that they will call again soon.
„We Love you sorellina!" They softly say in the phone seconds before the call ends. My heart jumping in joy at those words. They love me!! I can't even remember when someone lastly said those words to me. It must of been my mom shortly before her death. This feeling of acceptance and warmth of being loved after such a long time nearly overwhelmed me in the absolute best way possible. The low rumbling of purrs suddenly surrounds me as I feel myself slowly slip back into a warm and deep sleep. Yeah, this feels absolutely amazing, now I only need to finally wake up again and than everything should finally work out good for me.

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