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Marcus pov:
After we brought that ugly excuse of a human being into one of our cellars, we leave to debate what we are going to do with it.
„I say we just torture him already!" Demetri states matter of factly and to be fair, I am agreeing with him 100 percent!
„Oh we will do that for sure Demetri, don't worry. The question is if we shouldn't ask Aro to read his memory beforehand. It would be a shame if we wouldn't be able to show him how it feels to be put through what he put your dear mate through." my brother states and further explains. Hearing it like that only makes my anger flare up again.
„I will get our brother right away Marcus." Caius softly says and squeezes my shoulder tightly, showing me his support with just one simple touch. He always seemed to know what he has to do to keep my mind set straight.
„Just give us a few minutes and then I promise you and Demetri can do with this piece of garbage as you please." he adds as he sees the fire still in my eyes. The need to revenge my poor sweetheart so incredibly strong that I can feel myself vibrating.
„Don't worry Master Caius, we will be waiting. It is after all in our interest to make him pay for everything." Demetri states strongly. His hands thought pulled into tight fists. Seemingly only hanging onto a very thin strip before he loses control. Caius only nods once at us before he is gone to fetch our brother.
„Are you ok Demetri?" i ask the younger vampire. Truly worried for him since I know exactly how overwhelming it is to miss your mate as well as to have to wait to punish the cause said mate fleet. When his eyes meet mine I see the pain so clearly in them that it nearly makes me loose my breath. Even more clear is the utter hatred towards the man, still peacefully sleeping only behind this very door we are standing in front of.
„I will be as soon as we are able to hold our cute tiny mate in our arms." he softly whispers as his eyes fill with venom tears. The burning in mine let me know that i have them standing in mine as well.
„How are you Marcus?" he questions worriedly. Guess he has still my first reaction to our mate gone in mind. He after all saw how I started the process of killing myself right at the spot.
„Like you, I will be fine when we get our sweet mate back." I whisper in reply to which he simply nods and squeezes my hand that we still keep holding.
„Just don't give up. We will get her back in no time. Carlisle will call us the second he knows where she plans on going and then We can go to her and explain everything to her." he instructs and reassures me and him alike with what he is saying. But he is right, i can't loose hope. We can't loos hope!
„I was pretty sure you two wouldn't wait out here for our return." Caius mumbles as he along with Aro stop next to us. Not caring for a reply, I simply nod towards the door to make sure we finally get to at least avenge my sweetheart now. We may not be able to hold and cuddle her at the time being, but we definitely can make this man pay. It is beyond me that this thing is the father of my sweetheart. They have absolutely nothing alike. And yes, I might not know my mate that much,  but I have seen enough to know she is so much better than this waste of space in there.
„Alright, Let's do this!" Aro says after clapping his hands to get us all into the here and now. As we walk into the room I am surprised the man is still peacefully asleep. But not for much longer! I will make sure of that! Aro simply walks up towards him and takes his hand in his. The way his face changes from disgust, to sheer panic and than to murder I know that we won't like what he is going to say at all.
„Master? What have you seen?" Demetri wants to know the second Aro let go of the hand.
„This thing really is your mates father. Sperm doner would be a better name thought." he growls lowly. Pissed off at whatever he has seen.
„He has, punched and beat her simply because he can. Her mother died as she was 9 years old. Ever since then he has put her through hell." he goes on with disgust. By his body language I know that he still holds the worst part back for the time being. So I try to brace myself for it the best I can.
„He sold her to his friends. They could do whatever they pleased with her. Punched her, choked her and even raped her." he ends quietly and that's it. I throw myself right at the monster laying there peacefully as if nothing is wrong. Demetri seemingly must of done the same since we both kicked him right away and simultaneously. The loud and painful scream is only music to my ears. How dare this thing to hurt MY mate!? How could he do all of this to his own daughter!?
„Stooooop! Ahhhh! What!" he wails out but I don't care. Instead I kick him even harder. The wheezing getting more but I don't care. He needs to die! I won't rest before he is dead. Strong arms suddenly pull me off of that thing and push me against the wall.
„Don't! Brother! Don't end him like that! It would be to easy! To quick!!!" caius yells at me while I still try to fight him off.
„He is right. Marcus, please!" Demetri suddenly stands in front of me now.
„He will die! But not like that. Not until he truly felt everything he put our angel through!" he goes on with insisting eyes. Slowly I try to breath a few more deep breaths before I nod my agreement. They are right. He is going to feel what our darling had to go through. And he will have to do so over and over again! Simply kicking and punching him to death isn't enough, they are right.
„Ok. I am calm again." I say and nod at them so they will believe me. Aro is looking at the screaming and crying asshole laying in the middle of the room. With one big step I am right in front of him again. The panic in his eyes only makes me smirk widely at him.
„You will pay for what you did to MY mate! You will pay. So you better regain yourself because we only just got started." I growl at him and see his eyes widen in realization and complete terror. The thing even pissed himself, pathetic! A loud ringing disturbs my murderous glare and instead makes me look at my brother who has a worried look on his face. As he hurries out of the dungeon Demetri and I follow him right away. Knowing that this surely has to do with our sweet mate.
„Carlisle my friend. What's the matter?" he answers the phone. He quickly turns towards Demetri and I with wide eyes.
„Yeah, do whatever necessary. We are already on our way." he says and ends the call right away. He simply waves us to follow after him. This isn't going to be good at all. Not if he is already this worried.

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