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Marcus pov:
To say I am relieved is the understatement of my whole existence! Having my boy finally accepting his submissive side and even seeing it as something positive makes me euphoric to say the least. The way he just called me daddy while not being slightly under just confirmed my hope of him finally embracing our connection, our relationship! And the way he now has his head on my shoulder with that sweet smile plastered on his face makes me so incredibly proud. Not because I finally was able to work my way through to him, but of him for letting go of his thick protective walls that had been his security blanket for his whole existence. Hopefully he now fully understands that he no longer needs to hide behind this tuff act since I would do absolutely everything to protect him along with Adriana. And I do mean everything!!! There is nothing that I would not do for them! You name it, I do it!! Both of my mates sadly had to go through hell and back all by themselves, all alone, but that was before me.
Now they won't ever be alone ever again. Not if they don't want to. I will forever be by their side and if I truly need to leave them, I will make sure they are well protected in the mean time. And you best believe I will look through everyone that is allowed close to them. A background check is nothing compared to what I will do!!
Maybe I am slightly excessive, but who can blame me? Those two are my absolute everything and if anything would happen to them, earth will never be the same!
„Daddy?" my sweet boy asks slightly unsure, this along with my thoughts get me right into fighting mode. Needing to protect my mates at all costs!
„Daddy?" he once again says as my eyes clash with his. Slowly he lifts his hand and lays it on my cheek as he bites his lips. A habit he seems to have whenever he feels slightly insecure or unsure.
„You need to calm down daddy." he whispers really quietly. I nearly even missed it, with every possibility of what might be wrong running through my mind at an incredible speed. Slowly however I start to register what he said as I slowly let my eyes glide around the room to see everything is still the way it should be. After a few deep breaths I nod my head to reassure myself even more about the fact that everything is alright.
„You are right Baby Boy. I am sorry for getting so worked up." I say as his face right away lights up. That is what I want for my mates. This is exactly what they should look like at all times.
„No problem daddy." he simply says and kisses my lips a few times as his purrs calm me down even further.
„I would like to ask you something honey, and I need you to be honest with me ok?" I softly ask him. Since my mind is now fully back in the real world I would like to know a few more things from him.
„I am always honest! Promise!" he right away answers as his head leans slightly to the side. I nearly loudly awed at him since he looks like a lost puppy. Such a precious boy he is and he is all mine. Of that I can't get any prouder!
„We both came to the conclusion that I am your daddy right?" I try to softly gauge his reaction since I don't want him to get any wrong ideas. His confused face however thankfully stays pretty neutral as he nods his head once in reply. Not being able to resist his sexy pout any longer, I lean forward and kiss him with some more passion than we did till now. His addicting moan also doesn't help to calm me, but sadly this is too important to not talk out. We will have time enough later on for some more fun things.
„Do you want to call me daddy only when we are alone or also with company? And if so, only when you feel submissive or all the time?" I softly ask, acting as if it is a completely normal conversation, which it kind of is I guess.
„Remember to be honest though! I don't care how you would prefer it. Daddy simply needs to know so he can react properly. I mean until now I only call you my baby boy when you call me daddy. But I can change that if you want me to." I further go on in the hope he will understand why I am asking. The last thing I want is for him to go off in his head again, thinking what we do is wrong, when I love having him call me his daddy.
„I don't know." he mumbles a bit unsure, his eyes now on his lap. Well, that has to change! Can't let him hide, not while I need to make sure how he truly feels about everything!
„Baby look at me please. This is very important because I love you and I don't want to hurt you without even knowing it." I instruct while also further soothing him that whichever he chooses, is perfectly fine with me. The reaction is instantly which i definitely love! His eyes already slightly dilated and that from just a tiny instruction. Gosh how can he get even hotter!?
„Like calling you daddy while I am submissive, cause it makes me feel all fuzzy." he whispers in explanation, his eyes still on me as if searching for any sign of disgust, that he won't ever find. Instead I simply wait for him to go on with an encouraging smile. My hand hasn't stopped to caress his back either since I saw how much it usually calms him. Physical contact is very important for both of my mates, so that's something I will forever provide for them.
„Don't want others to hear though. They might talk badly about me again." he whispers sadly as I once again feel the need to run to Volterra to kill those bastards for doing this to my love. But that can wait, what however can't wait is my mate that still looks devastated.
„I understand baby boy. Daddy however won't allow anyone ever again to be mean to you or to our tiny angel. But I understand that this fear is still there." I softly say while also pulling him flush against me to hopefully comfort him even better. The shuddering breath quickly confirms that as well as he lovingly nuzzles his head unter my chin.
„How about this my sweet boy." I start and wait for any reaction that doesn't seem to come, so I go on instead.
„When we are alone, or with your or my siblings, you call me daddy and when we are around others you call me any other name? Does that sound good to you? And if you ever want to change that, maybe get more comfortable with calling me daddy we can always change this agreement again." I softly ask. Really hoping that he will feel comfortable enough to at least be himself when we are around our families, yet I also would understand if he would need some more time for that. A deep sigh leaves his lips before he lifts his head and looks me straight in the eyes.
„Do you think they will be fine with it?" he questions in a very tiny voice while his face looks saddened in fear that they might won't accept it. But I know my brothers and his siblings well enough to know they won't care at all. Aro has way to many kinks himself to even bat an eye on this and his siblings tried to help his submissive side so no way are they going to judge us!
„I am sure they won't care at all. They only want us happy. And we are happy right?" I explain and ask all at once even though I know the answer already.
„very happy!" he right away agrees with wide and shining eyes as I smile right back at him. Completely smitten with this sweet boy, MY sweet boy!
„Does it make you happy when you call me daddy?" I further ask only to make him understand my point even better.
„Love calling you daddy!" he wholeheartedly replies.
„That's good baby boy, because I love it too when you call me daddy!" I whisper into his ear as if it was a secret. His happy laugh warms my heart even more for him. Now we only need to explain everything to our sweet angel and than we hopefully can live a happy life all together!

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