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Adriana's pov:
The next time I can feel myself slowly get back to half consciousness I can feel someone laying close next to me. My first reaction was to go stiff but than even quicker i relax and even turn towards the body and cuddle myself into him. The body just like me gets stiff before it relaxes and pulls me closer into him.
„Good morning Princess. I hope you slept well?" Demetri's soft tone makes me smile and try to get even closer towards him to which he only chuckles before two strong arms pull me on top of his body so I can cuddle as closely to him as I want to. The next thing I hear are some deep chuckles before something that sounded like someone taking a photo but I am not that sure.
„Looks as if the two of you got quit cozy." Marcus deep voice States while still chuckling at us.
„Would be even better if you would join us." Demetri simply states yet it is clear that he sounds slightly nervous which i find slightly odd. But since the both of them seem calm I decide to ask them later on what had happened.
„Of course I join you two! Thought you guys would never ask." Marcus says sounding more than happy to cuddle alongside with us. The bed dips some more before Demetri simply gets pulled up, minding you that he still holds me tightly against him!! Before the both of us get put in the middle of the bed where not long after two arms wrap around the both of us making me sigh happily. This feeling is absolut bliss to say the least.
„Wait a second!" Demetri suddenly exclaims pretty frantic.
„You turned around on your own! Oh my god! Marcus! She turned around on her own!!" he whisper shouts in absolute joy. Slowly his words start to make sense in my mind as I do get the why he sounds so damn excited out of no where. Careful and honestly slightly afraid that I won't be able to do so, I open first one and then the second eye. My eyes right away stare right into two wide and red eyes that look at me as if I hung the moon and the stars. When I turn my head a tiny bit I now can also see Marcus who looks at me just as Demetri does. Bother their eyes brimmed with tears of joy as Marcus quickly pulls us into a tight hug while muttering the whole time how much he missed those green eyes and how I am never allowed to scare them like that ever again or he is going to ground me for life. The threat however fell on deaf ears as I can see how happy and relieved those two are that I finally am awake.
„We really want to apologize." Demetri starts to say but I quickly lay my hands on his mouth and I see his eyes getting brighter at that as I can feel his lips forming a wide smile under both my hands as Marcus softly laughs against my ear.
„I know that you guys are very sorry for scaring me. But I think you apologized more than often enough throughout the last few days." I simply say before my cheeks get pink with the realization that I still have my hands pressed against Demetri's mouth. They both only smile lovingly at me as they watch my blush deepen even more at all the attention they are giving me. While I don't like myself blushing like some small schoolgirl, my heart makes flips at how happy I am that they look at me with love in their eyes just like I hoped they would while listening to everything they told me as well as hold my hand and so on.
„Does that mean that you heard us talk to you all this time?" Marcus asks me softly as Demetri slowly gets a look of dread in his eyes, which however right away vanished as Marcus softly takes his hand in his.
„I am not sure i heard everything, but I promise I did try to stay awake and conscious as long as I could before I fell back asleep." I whisper slightly ashamed as well as afraid they are going to be mad for not listening more closely to what they were telling me. Instead of jolting me thought, they simply start to purr like they did pretty often after realizing that this always calmed me down extremely fast. And this time is no exception either as I can feel myself calm down nearly immediately as I hold on tightly to the both of them as they once more pulled together so we all can hug and cuddle.
„There you go angel, no need to get so worked up. I simply asked since we hoped that you would feel that we were there with you and not leaving you alone while you were unconscious." Marcus deep and calm voice explains as Demetri softly pulls my head against his chest as he keeps on caressing through my long hair. Now being even closer to one of their chests, the purrs are even louder and more alluring to say the least.
„So you are not mad that I don't know everything you said?" I whisper still a bit afraid that they might be, but their soft smiles quickly helped me get rid of that thought.
„Why don't I call Carlisles, he after all always told us to inform him right away if something should change with our princess?" Demetri asks in the room yet clearly waits for Marcus allowance to do so. Which definitely is interesting to watch.
„You are right honey, we did promise him to inform him right away." Marcus reply's with the same amount of love he has shown me till now. Which does confuse me a bit, but then also not enough to question them. After all, they both are there and happy to hold and cuddle me. What else could I possibly ask for?
„Don't leave!" I suddenly shout in panic as I see Demetri trying to grab something to the side. The fright in me right back that I might loose them now that I finally woke up. Did I do something wrong? I knew they were mad for not listening! They surely are also more than mad for leaving them in Volterra instead of talking to them.
„Hey, hey, hey! Angel, everything is fine! Please calm down!" Marcus slight panicked tone only triggers me slightly more. They both are leaving me! How could I ever be so stupid and think that the three of us could be happy together when I woke up! I am so stupid for even dreaming about that.
„That's quit enough princess." Demetri suddenly States sternly and holds my head in between his hand so I have no other option as to look him right in his eyes. They seem conflicted, a part looks worried for me while there also is a huge part of determination that swims within them.
„I am going to tell you something and I want you to listen to me! You hear me princess?" he questions me sternly, yet still not mean. So I try to nod my head only to realize that I can't do that since he is holding my head so tightly.
„I am listening." i softly say, completely transfixed on what he might tell me now. His eyes search mine for a minute or two more before he nods in satisfaction that I finally ended with my wandering mind and instead truly focus completely on him and what he might tell me.
„Neither Marcus nor I am going to leave you! There is no way we would ever do that! You understand that?" he matter of factly states and alone by the way how he says it, there is no way I would not believe him. Slowly I can feel the hope start to flare up again inside of me that they maybe truly would stay by my side.
„Do you understand princess?" he repeats his question once more since I haven't answered for some time.
„I understand." I quickly reply not wanting him to get mad for taking to long. His soft smile makes my heart beat like crazy in complete awh of how pretty he is and how he looks at me.
„Good. Then we can also talk about the fact that no matter what that over active brain of yours is telling you, we are NOT mad at you. Not for falling asleep on us, not for being afraid of us, not for running away from us back in Italy nor for anything else you might think." he counts of pretty much all my thoughts without even batting an eye. How is that even possible?!?
„Since this is now cleared up, let me push this button so Carlisle can come and look you over to make sure you are fine." he says with a eyebrow raised at me in question if I am ready for him to do so.
„You are not mad?" I timidly ask again, not sure if me asking that will make them mad? I mean, he after all just told me that they aren't mad. So maybe I just should of stayed quiet?
„Angel? You with us again?" Marcus softly asks me as I suddenly am facing the both of them. Confused but still wanting to reply I slowly nod my head.
„Good, then let me repeat what Demetri just told you ok?" he asks me and slowly makes a hand movement to Demetri who looks at me encouragingly.
„Ok." I whisper softly to which they both smile lovingly to me.
„Good. Because we both want you to feel comfortable around us which also means that you can ask us whatever, whenever and we will willingly answer your question times and times again if you need to hear the answer over and over to believe it. With that being said Love, NO we are not mad and we surely won't get mad at you." Marcus slowly explains to make sure I am following along with what he says.
„we know that your upbringing till now was horrid, which we understand. So we will try our best to take everything as slow as you need us to and we also understand that you need time to fully trust us. And again that is nothing to worry your cute little head about angel, we are here for you. So if there is anything you need or want or want to talk about, we are always going to be here for you." he goes on to say as Demetri keeps on nodding along warming my heart into oblivious!
„Thank you!" I whimper out as I throw my hands around the two of them as I start to cry all my pain of the last years out of me. The only thing they do is hold me and be there for me as I keep on crying my eyes out until said eyes fall shut out of exhaustion.
„It's ok princess, rest some more, we will be here when you wake up again." Demetri softly says, lulling me even deeper into my dreamland as Marcus kisses Demetri's head before repeating the same with me as a soft sigh of utter comfort leaves my lips.

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