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Demetri's pov:
We thankfully only had to wait for five more minutes before Carlisle brought the bed our little angel was sleeping in into the room. She looks so incredibly tiny in it that my heart breaks even more.
„I know it doesn't look good, but believe me we did everything we possibly could to make sure she survived." Carlisle tells us after he hooks up some monitors to my sleeping princess. Without any word, Marcus pulls him into a tight hug. I can hear him crying brokenly I To his chest while Carlisle whispers reading words to him.
„Thank you so much Carlisle! I don't know what we would of done if we." Marcus whispers and breaks off in the end. Shaking his head vehemently.
„I know Marcus. But your guys mate is a fighter! You will see, she is going to make a full recovery in no time." Carlisle reassuringly tells him but also me since he keeps on looking towards me every few seconds too.
„Charles, the other doctor said that you worked a miracle on her. That he never thought that you, or anyone, would be able to keep her alive and save her kidney and liver as well." I say as I very softly caress my princess cheek. It truly hurts to see her lip cut open and her right eye swollen shut. But I am just so thankful that she is going to live.
„It might of been a long shot, but I needed to try it." he answers me with determination in his eyes.
„Your mate truly is a cutie that didn't deserve anything she got put through. So I am happy that she now has the two of you. I know that you will protect her from now on and make sure she knows that she is loved every day for the rest of her life and existence." Carlisle states matter of factly. And I do have to say, I never really cared for the Cullens. Simply because I find the way they eat gross, but now they do have my respect. Especially Carlisle. Being this close to a human without losing control must be though. Still he does it every time to keep them alive. And this time, he even was able to save my cute little mate from dying. I will never forget that and will be grateful for the rest of my existence and even after that!
„I should go and inform the others now too. The two of you can stay as long as you want with her. I already spoke with the head of the hospital and explained the situation to him. Since this is a special case he was ok with it, only if you wouldn't be intruding to the other patients." he says as he takes the door handle in his hand.
„Before I forget it. In my office is a small refrigerator with blood bags, you guys are free to go there and drink whenever. Just please don't hunt around the hospital." he adds and leaves quietly. Leaving Marcus and I speechless at his generosity.
„You really have a great friend within him." I say to Marcus who only smiles slightly my way and nods slowly.
„You are right, i am lucky to have him as my friend." he says after he pulls a chair next to our mates bed to hold her hand lovingly. Since there was another chair across the room, I pull it on her other side and take her tiny warm hand in mine as well.
„She looks so peaceful right now." I softly whisper as I look at her calm expression on her face.
„I mean apart from all her injuries and all." I add not wanting Marcus to think I lost my mind for saying that.
„You are right. She does look peaceful." Marcus agrees just as softly.
„She looks like an angel don't you think? Which her blond wavy hair surrounding her cute face." he goes on with a soft smile on his lips.
„The only thing missing now are her incredibly green eyes." I add and see him nodding along in agreement. A soft squeeze on my hand makes me gasp at the same time as Marcus did. His wide eyes finding mine right away.
„She, she just squeezed my hand." he mumbles in astonishment.
„Mine too." I softly say with tears already standing in my eyes. Could she really be already waking up? Carlisle said that she will be asleep for at least two to three more days since her body needs time to heal. Which only was understandable!
„Can you hear us princess?" I softly ask. Not really expecting that I would get a reply but I still hoped for one. Another soft squeeze makes me smile brightly. Hear heart beat suddenly gets more erratic.
„It's alright sweetheart. You are perfectly fine. Demetri and i will make sure that no one is going to hurt you or come near you again. Try to rest so your body can heal." Marcus softly tells her which seems to help her since her heart slowly gets better, yet it still is far away from normal.
„Marcus is right Princess. The only thing you should be worrying about is how to get better. We can't wait to see your beautiful eyes again, hear your cute giggles again. We will wait forever for you princess. I know it's a lot to take in at once, but just know that we will always be there for you. Hero hold and cuddle you, keep you safe and to love on you just the way you should of been from the day you were born." I further explain. Knowing that I might confuse and worry her even more, but I do hope she will understand that I am simply stating the truth. At first her heartbeat got erratic before it stopped for a few seconds only to go back to normal. The tight squeeze from her feels as if she tells us that that's exactly what she wants us to do. It's like she try's to say that she is sorry for running away. But who would be able to hold that against her. My eyes yet again are filled with tears. Not believing how lucky Marcus and I got with this wonderful little angel as our mate.
„That's right Sweetheart, we understand why you had to leave. No one is mad, we understand." Marcus assuring life tells her. Her heartbeat nearly jumps as he said that, making me smile softly. How can she get any more perfect!?
„And now try to sleep some more. You need to get stronger so you will be able to wake up again. We can't wait to finally meet you." he goes on. My hand once more get a squeeze before it slightly loosens. Guess she did as Marcus asked her to do and went back to sleep.
„She is so perfect." he mumbles and kisses her hand softly. The biggest smile I have ever seen on him plastered on his face.

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