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Marcus pov:
Hearing our angel say that she loves us, is a feeling of winning the lottery. You know what, forget the lottery! There is NOTHING that could ever even slightly get to feeling as amazing as hearing that sweet girl tell Demetri and me how she loves us. Of course we were shocked into silence, which sadly got her right back into that way to over active mind of hers. It's clear to see that she is bad mouthing herself again as well as thinking we would leave her. Oh, this sweet girl is going to learn in no time that none of us would ever even think of leaving her. What a crazy thought. But sadly with her upbringing it comes to not much surprise that her self esteem is rather low. Demetri and I however will make it our priority  to change that in no time. So we simply try to get her back to us before starting to explain to her how we love her and how incredibly happy we are that she loves us as well.
Her happy giggles brighten up my whole life and I need to remember to make her giggle like that way more often from now on. Alone seeing her simply be herself as she talks with us and how she seems to get more and more outgoing and confident around us is heart warming. Demetri also smiles lovingly at his princess
„Do you think people will accept the three of us together?" she naively asks with a small frown on her face, seemingly already sure that she knows the answer to that question already. Demetri only looks at me in question. Also not sure how to answer her without revealing ourselves. I also am kind of unsure if she herself will be fine with being together with two males instead of one.
„I mean I don't care much about others opinions, but are the two of you going to be fine with the hate we might receive?" she adds to her prior question. Clearly worried about our opinion. Her eyes moving back and forth between us, slowly getting antsy I am afraid.
„I can't care any less about others opinions. The only thing I care for is being able to be with the both of you and as long as you two are fine with that, I am more than happy!" Demetri simply states with honesty and a bright smile plastered on his soft lips.
„I see it just like Demetri, the only ones I truly need and care for are the two of you, so as long as we are happy, who cares what others may say." I add to Demetri's statement and see my angels eyes fill with relief that we are more than fine with being outcasts for as long we are together. What she however doesn't know till now is that we certainly won't be outcasts at all. We are vampires and she will become queen, that is if she doesn't reject us when we tell her our secret. Which she hopefully won't do because I can't think of my further existence without the both of them within it!
„That's Good, cause I don't think I could live without either of you." she softly says after a heavy sigh. Yeah, she truly is the absolute cutest little angel that ever graced this planet! And she is all mine and Demetri's!
„Good, cause we won't ever allow you to leave us! We love you waaaay to much to let you go ever." Demetri tells her funnily yet the tone he said it in, along with his determined eyes make sure to tell us that he means it literally.
„Don't worry Demi, Marcus and I will forever stay with you! Right Marcus?" our darling quickly and enthusiastically answers before she pouts at me with her question.
„Pff as if I would let you guys long enough out of my eye sight to give you the chance to leave me." I reply with a roll of my eyes. The loud giggles from our little love fill the room yet again while Demi and I make eye contact with love shining in them at how utterly perfect our darling is as well how incredibly lucky we got that said darling gifted us with each other as well. Just then there were some hectic knocks coming from the door, making me pretty anxious since it definitely isn't Carlisle, he would never knock like that. Not wanting to risk anything, I pick both my mates up much to their surprise I might add, and put them in the bathroom before looking at Demetri with a pointed look to which he quickly follows by pulling our completely confused Love behind himself as well. After a nod of appreciation I close the bathroom door behind me and go to open the other one, where to my surprise Jane, Alec and Felix were standing like overexcited children and hopeful eyes as they see me.
„Where is my sorellina?" Jane wants to know as she simply looks around me with a small pout on her lips. Said pout however leaves as they hear the most perfect giggles come from the bathroom. Knowing that those three would never hurt either of my mates I let them in, seeing as they still wait for me to do so. Jane quickly went to go to the bathroom however right away alternates her way after a not so subtle cough from me. She however isn't easy to give up, so she turns towards me with a look as if I just kicked a cute little puppy in front of her, the other two right away follow her lead while I simply shake my head at them.
„Sit down over there!" I simply tell them pointing to the couch before I walk towards the bathroom which gets them back to hyped up kids in utter joy of finally meeting their sister while she is conscious.
„Hey there." I softly say as I see the two of them make funny faces at each other while chuckling and giggling with one another.
„There seem to be some very hyper teens out there wanting to meet you angel." I say and hear the three sounding rather appalled that I called them teenagers, but lets be honest, what else should I call them?
„Me? They want to meet me? Really?" my darling questions seemingly completely confused on why anyone ever would like to meet her.
„I assume they want to finally meet their baby sister while she isn't sleeping princess." Demetri says as her eyes right away find mine in hope that I truly meant her chosen siblings.
„If you don't want to meet them I can send them." I start to say even though I knew that this was never going to happen, yet it's pretty funny to see my love hold my mouth while jumping in excitement. Demetri quickly puts a hold to that though.
„No jumping sweetheart, remember you just woke up after a very hard surgery." I softly explain as she looks at Demi in confusion on why he would stop her.
„Lets go and get you introduced to those three before they storm in here as well." Demetri says with a chuckle knowing to not put it past them I softly take her hand and pull her between Demetri and I before we walk outside to see the three already standing right in front of the bathroom. Which is certainly not that extrem for them....

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