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Carlisle pov:
Right after touchdown the sweet girl has collapsed while wheezing heavily. Thankfully I was able to catch her just a second before she would of face planted right on the floor. I can already see two stewards running our way so I quickly tell them that i am a doctor and that i will take care of her. At first they were reliant but than they thankfully went along with it. I simply asked one of them to grab her and my bag as I softly lifted her fragil body into my arms to hurry to my family that are already waiting with worried faces as they see me walking towards them with wide strides. The steward right behind me.
„We need to get her to the hospital as fast as possible. Emmet that means you will drive." I instruct and simply take a seat in the back with Adriana still held protective in my arms. Esme my sweet mate quickly takes our bags and thanks the man before she jumps into the front seat. The drive was made in a strained quietness, that got broken by Edwards reminder that I better should call Aro. I take a deep breath, knowing that this call won't be going well at all. Not with the knowledge that their mate might not even make it, her status really isn't good at all.
„Carlisle my friend. What's the matter?" he answers the phone already sounding on edge as it is. Still not knowing how to put in words what has happened to his brothers and guards mate I sigh heavily. A sure indicator that I won't have good news at all for him.
„Aro, you guys need to come to Forks. I am driving Adriana to the hospital as we speak. She suddenly collapsed after the touchdown. As far as I can see and feel she has a few broken ribs and is heavily underweight. I will try my best but please hurry." I rattle of the sad information as well as nearly begging them to hurry.
„Yeah, do whatever necessary. We are already on our way." he says and ends the call right away. Hearing his confirmation makes me breath a bit easier, still the condition this young girl is in is extremely life threatening. Especially since those ribs can also easily punctuate her lung. That is if they haven't done that already!
„Just park at the entry Emmet!" I say as he pulls into the hospital ground. The second the car stops I jump out and run as fast as a human can go towards the x-ray room. I need to know if her lungs truly are punctuated or not and if so how bad to figure out the best way to treat her.
„Carlisle? I thought you needed the day off?" one of my colleagues questions shocked at my sudden entrance. His eyes immediately go to Adriana though which also gets him into work modus. Thankfully!
„Lay here down here." he says and quickly start the machine. We look at the pictures with worry at how badly she is hurt. No wonder she collapsed like that.
„I need to see if she has any other wounds real quick." I mumble and cut her clothes off the best I can. Feeling horrible while doing it the whole time. When I however see even more bruises coming into my vision I feel rage burning up within me. Who would do something like that!? Adriana is such a sweet little thing, how could anyone even think of hurting her like that!?
„The MRI is ready for her." Charles, the other doctor shouts from the door to which I thankfully nod after lifting the tiny body back into my arms to carry her to the other more efficient and more detailed machine. The both of us keep on waiting for the picture to get clearer but it doesn't look good at all. One of her kidneys seems to be crushed, just like her liver, both of them bleeding, which never is a good sign. Six ribs are broken in total and her left arm and ankle also are broken. How could she even get from Italy to Forks like that? Hell I have seen people with way less crying out in pain whenever they even turned around in bed.
„The collarbone also seems to be broken, see." Charles says with pity. No wonder thought, there is evidence enough that she has even more healed fractures than she currently has, a clear sign that she has gotten abused for a very long time. Badly as well!
„I should call and book one of the operation rooms. Maybe that way we will be able to keep the kidney and the liver. I would hate if she would lose even more." I start already reaching for the phone next to the computer.
„Sounds like a Plan. Might as well put a breathing tube in her just to make sure her lungs aren't going to collapse either." he adds to which I simply nod in agreement.
„Call the plasterer when you are nearly done. If they do their thing while she still is sleeping it wouldn't hurt her as much." he further on says.
„Will do. Thank you Charles. For your help and you know, squeezing us in here. I know that those machines never are empty." I softly thank him. At first he looks utter shocked that I would Thank him, but then he simply nods. It's not that I never thank people, it just is uncommon that someone would get out of their way to help me. So the least I could do was thank him whole heartedly.
„Of Course." he says and leaves the room to pull Adrianna out of the MRI and instead lays her on one of the hospital beds. It also is obvious that he tries to not rustle her at all, which I definitely appreciate.
„Hey, could you please inform my family? They are waiting outside for any news." I ask him as I remember that they surely won't leave. I also know that the second the Volturi's are going to arrive that they will want answers and they would want them right away and seeing as I will most certainly still be in surgery then, they would demand them from my family.
„Of Course, I will go out there straight after cleaning the machine real quick, don't worry." he says with understanding eyes. Something I am not used to seeing at all around here, but I guess he could see how much I care for this tiny woman currently fighting for her life.
„Thanks!" I once more thank him before I rush towards the surgery that will change my life for sure.

Lost mateजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें