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Marcus pov:
After I watch those two a few seconds longer with absolute adoration pouring out of every fiber of me, I walk up to them and softly kiss their foreheads. I also make sure to tell my sweet boy once again that I love him to which he seems to preen in joy. Quietly since I don't want to wake up our little angel, I close the bathroom door behind me however only after smiling back reassuringly at a still unsure looking Demetri. My phone is already pressed to my ear as all the anger seeps back into me now that I finally can show it without worrying my wonderful mates.
The second Aro answers he knows that something is very wrong by my erratic breathing alone.
„Are you alone?" I simply ask not wanting any of those useless vampires close by, they might run if they heard what my plan for them is, and that sure as hell won't do, not for me and certainly not for my sweet honey!
I can hear Caius in the back asking our brother what might had happened that I call them this furious.
„Caius is with me in our privat library but other than that I am alone. Marcus my brother, do tell me what happened, you are worrying us." Aro try's to get anything out of me without making me explode with all the furry that runs through every fiber in my body like a lifeline.
„Did you know that Casper and his stupid deadbeats of followers degraded MY MATE?!" I seeth out as my whole body is shaking completely by now. Thinking about it, if no one will do as I order I am going to destroy this whole damn universe, and my brothers sure as hell know that I am more than capable to do that. That's also why they always try to keep me calm which normally isn't that hard but not if my mates are at risk! Not when one of my own coven members did the absolute unthinkable as well as even more of them joining in on that.
„What do you mean Marcus? There was nothing about any vampires in her fathers mind." Aro asks me carefully while still being utterly confused of what I might be talking about.
„Demetri! I am talking about MY Demetri!" I seeth out and nearly hear as both of their minds seem to slowly register the fact that I found myself another mate that also happened to be a part in our coven for centuries! Fucking century's those beings have hurt my mate and I read enough in between the lines to understand how much they got him to hate himself and maybe even made him think of ending his existence because of it. Another even stronger electricity shoots through me at that possibility alone! Oh I am going to end them right this fucking second or so help me god there won't be anything left on this so called planet.
„Marcus, who exactly did what to our Demetri?" Aro asks as immediate a loud and threatening growl shakes the whole building.
„MINE!" I roar out at his audacity to call MY mate our! He is my mate! Only mine and Adriana's! How dare him!
„We know Marcus! We know he is your mate! Aro meant our in the way of our coven. No one will dare come between you and your mates. We would never let that happen to you!" Caius strongly states as well as makes me believe that it only was a mishap, it however was a mishap that won't ever happen again. So instead of replying I simply growl again. After all neither of them did as I asked them to! Neither of my brothers went to get those disgraces and locked them up which means they still are free and that's just unacceptable!
„Is it ok if we get Felix, Jane and Alec to fetch them and throw them in the cellar?" Caius questions me already knowing that I am only half a second away from going there myself and slaughter each and everyone of them. He might be seen as the most ruthless king of our kind but he is nowhere near my rage or even close to my distraughting thoughts on punishment options. Still not able to say a word without screaming bloody murder which is not possible with my loves close by, I simply growl, as I hear Caius tell our brother that he will quickly help them while he should talk with me.
„You knew about it." I only growl at him. How dare him let this happen? How dare he let it go on for so long!?
„I didn't know." he simply sighs in self loathe while i still can't believe him. There is no way he wouldn't of seen it in my boys mind. Sure, he doesn't read the others mind often since they are so low they aren't even considered guards, but he reads my boys mind every time he came back from a mission!
„Marcus I swear! I had no idea that this was going on! Yes, I knew that Casper belittled some of our coven members, but no one ever told me whom! And whenever I read any of their minds there was one that was always foggy. I can't describe it any better to you than this. But you need to believe me that I would of never let anyone ever do this to Demetri!" he explains and nearly begs me to believe him but I can't. For my mates sake I can't believe him like this! He might be my brother, but those are my mates! And if my brother truly nearly cost me my sweet boy, he better be ready to die! On top of that, even if he knew only from it happening he should of gotten rid of Casper the second he heard about it! Like I said, he is nothing special, not valuable nor important, so why did he let it go unpunished?
„You know how much Jane, Alex, Felix and Demetri mean to me! You know I see and feel for them as if they are my own children!" Aro says and for the very first time he is saying it out loud even thought I knew of this since forever, yet I never pressured him into saying it out loud.
„Yet you let those scum bags belittle and degrade MY mate so much so that he himself started to hate himself because they told him that no one will ever love him and that even his mate will reject him!" I seeth out in hatred before I crush my phone into nothingness. A small timid knock lets me open it with complete certainty that it's my mates since there is no other smell around. Which is good, because right now I won't ask questions before attacking!
„Is everything ok Marcus?" my little Angel asks me with her big trustful eyes while looking so innocent as she holds onto my completely distraught Demetri as he is choking on his own sobs. Not knowing what to answer her without revealing our secret to her, I simply pick the both of them up and walk towards the bed where I quickly pull them tightly against my chest and start to purr to help the both of them calm down even though I can still feel my body be on high alert as well as still running electricity through my body that could wipe out everyone on our side of the earth.
When another knock comes from the hallway I only growl in warning, right now I won't be able to hold myself off from killing whoever enters this room where I along with my mates are cuddling.
„I wont enter Marcus, I should only inform you that they are now in the dungeons and that your brothers are waiting for further instructions. Till then they are going to stay locked up like that, with no one allowed to enter." Carlisle softly says so only Demetri and I can hear him before he walks away from the door again. Demetri seems to be at least a bit calmer at the news of them being now locked up, but that still isn't good enough for me and he knows that as well. Still he softly pecks my lips in a quit thanks and hides his head under my chin which our angel quickly copies by hiding her head under Demi's chin. Having those two now so close to me, as well as knowing that they both are safe and sound makes me slowly allow myself to calm down some more.

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