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Demetris pov:
Not beeing able to do anything else as to watch Carlisle and the other doctor push the love of my life away from me is simply devastating. Even more so, since I know that Marcus and I myself Are the reason that she needs another surgery. The second the door falls shut behind them, i fall on my knees as all my strength leaves me. My eyes burn with the venom that should be tears running down my Face. Instead, the only givaway of me crying are the heartfelt chokes that leave my mouth every few seconds. A heavy and familiar hand grabs my shoulders in a comforting way, while the same choked up sobs leave Marcus mouth.

„She will hate us now." i whimper after a few silent minutes. At hearing that the Arm on my shoulder tightens Even more.
„Did you See the pure terror in her eyes as she looked at us?" i asked in an even smaller voice as before. Instead of a vocal reply Marcus simply pulls me into an extremely tight hug. Seemingly trying to provide some comfort for me even thought he himself fears for our mate just as much as me. Normally i wouldn't even allow anyone seeing me like this, but Marcus is Family. We share our perfect tiny mate.
A mate i already love more than anything!
A mate i would do absolutely everything for!
A mate that went through hell already!
So how could this happen? Why wasn't I able to controll my damn jealousy? Why didn't I listen to Edward as he warned us that my sweet angel was seconds away from a panic attack?
And the most important question out of all, is the most absolute perfect beeing in this whole univers going to pull through yet another surgery? And if so, will she ever be able to forgive us for acting like we did? Or is she going to panic now whenever she sees or hears us?
Did I really find and loose my mate within a couple of days?

I dont know for how long i was in my head like that, as the door gets pulled open by Edward. His expression makes me think the worst.
„Please tell us that she is alright?!" Marcus rasps out pleadingly. His face along with his whole body language screams pain and sorrow. Yet I am not one to mention it, After all I surely look pretty much the same. Maybe even worse.
The heavy sigh from Edward makes me focus back on him completely.
„Adriana has ripped open her stitches on her liver, which caused her to bleed pretty heavy." Edward slowly starts to say making me flinch in realisation that my princess condition yet again was life threatening.
„Thankfully Carlisle was able to once more sew her up before she could bleed out. It however was a very close call." Edward goes on with his explanation all the while i don't know if i should feel more reliefed or guilty for getting the love of my life, my existenc even, in this situation. If Marcus along with me stayed more Level headed she wouldn't of had to fight for her life again. No, instead we would have gotten to know each other. She might even be trusting us already. But of course my damn jealousy ruined that for all of us.
„They had to revive her for quit some time but now she seems to be stabilized enough to get brought back to her room within the next few minutes." Edward went on, completely ignoring Marcus and mine panic at hearing that they had to revive her. My breath taken away at hearing this fact alone. My wonderful mate was more dead than alive and only becaus of me. It was my fault! How could I? It's my job to keep my princess safe and sound. Instead i nearly killed her.
„Listen, i know we have our differences, but i am not watching you guys take all that guilt and get yourselfs killed by it." his stern, nearly aggressiv tone shocks me enough to look at him.
„Yes What you did was stupid and uncalled for. Neither Carlisle nor I or anyone else in our family would ever take away or hurt your mate. So try to keep your cool in the future and for gods sake listen when I warn you about the fact your mate is seconds away from a panic attack." he scolds us with a disapproving look on his face. While his Tone sounds as if he is scolding a little kid instead of two powerful vampires. He keeps on looking at me with an unreadable expression that slowly makes me grow agitated. As if sensing my uneasiness he clears his throat and nods as if he was waiting for that reaction.
„You two are Adrianas mates. She needs you! She went through enough already, so take some deep breaths and keep a clear head." he softly tells us.
„After all the trauma she went through with her father, she deserves to be happy! To be Loved and cared for. That's why she got the both of you as mates! So stop get jealous over nothing and be there for her. You guys May be scared that she wont accept you now After frightening her, but other then you, i can read her mind! And i can guarante you that she will Not only forgive you but also will fall in Love with you. You guys complete her and Make her feel Safe, which sadly is a complete foreign feeling for her. So be you, like when she was unconcious and i swear everything will work out. After all, she  soaked every Second with you guys Holding her hand and talking to her up like a dry sponge." he ends. My Heart swelling with Hope that what he said was indeed True. That we still have a Chance to win our princess heart over.
„Just give her some time and Act like you did before getting all jealous. That will allow her to slowly Start to trust you guys as well as lets her see that you would never hurt her." he adds as an afterthougt and winks at us with a smile at the Word jealous.
Marcus Just like me listens closely and I do have to say that it does make sense and also lets me hope that in the end everything will work out just like he said. It also makes me apprecciat him quit a bit. Of course talking like that to Marcus, one of our Kings, is pretty much begging to get killed, yet he did it because he knew we needed to hear it. Even if some of those things were pretty impolite and assholy, but he had his reasons.
„Thank you Edward. We will try our very best." Marcus states with an appreciate nod.

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