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Demetri's pov:
I just went out to hunt with Master Marcus as I kept on hearing slight rustling sounds which indeed perked my interest. It after all is already 3 am, so normally there aren't any animals still moving around in trees.
„Am I boring you already Demetri?" Master Marcus questions slightly offended yet confused since we often went out together. It's hard to explain but it lessons the pain of not having a mate, that's why Master Aro thinks that we might end up sharing one. At first we both were appalled at that! Every vampire would of been, we after all are very possessive creatures, especially if it comes to our mates! But the more time passes by, we learned that it also could have its benefits to share our love. We both have heard that people that have more mates than one are often those that have gotten badly hurt or betrayed. So we came to the conclusion that with us together our mate would be even more protected and we also can give her even more love as only one of us could.
„Of course not master. I just heard something that irritated me a bit, but nothing to worry about." I reply respectfully. Not wanting to anger or hurt Master Marcus at all, we have become really close friends, so I wouldn't want to endanger that. The scowl that builds on his face only makes me shake my head, already knowing what he is going to say next.
„How often do I have to remind you to only call me marcus!? If we are truly sharing one mate we are becoming family! Even more so than we already are. So stop with the master nonsense." he yet again explains me. And of course I understand what he means and it is logical too, still it's hard to break the habit.
„I promise I am trying my best." I sigh out in apology. Marcus after all only means well, so I hate to constantly hurt him by still calling him master.
„I know you do Demetri." he says with a small smile my way. Which is extreme for him! No one ever has seen him even close to smiling ever since he lost his first mate, so this alone shows me how tight our bond has truly become. And that's when it hits me! The smell that I have hoped to find ever since I got told about mates right after I got turned. A smell so sweet an alluring that it can only be my mate. So without even thinking about it nor without a word to Marcus I run off. Driven by the utter need to finally meet my mate! My nose quickly leads me to my left and I can right away see a small figure walking, more like limping, towards an unknown destination. At least to me unknown, but that will change since I am going to take her to our home!
„ what is such a Young Woman doing out here all alone at such a late hour?" I ask her softly. Still she seems to be startled from my sudden closeness. What however is strange though, is that she won't lift her head. If it's so I can't see her face or so she won't have to look at me, I don't know. But I am going to make it a point to figure it out for sure!
„Cat stole your tongue?" I ask her with a low chuckle, finding it kind of cute that she is biting her lips in uncertainty if she should or shouldn't answer me. I mean of course I want her to feel comfortable around me and want to talk with me, yet it suits her tiny frame to act like that! Her heartbeat has been calming down slowly and even stoped for a tiny second as I chuckled. That usually is a good sign! It shows that someone is attracted to someone which I absolutely hope is the case!
„No, it didn't. And to answer your earlier question, I am all grown up, so you don't have to worry about the time I am wandering around." The sweetest voice I ever had the joy of hearing reply's me timidly as if she still is scared to talk to a stranger. Thinking about it, makes me realize that my cute little princess must of went through a ruff time to be out at such a late or nearly early time. That also isn't sitting well with me. The fact that I could also smell some blood makes me nearly loose control in furry that someone actually dared touch my mate! Well I am going to make sure to find that piece of shit and show them exactly how unbelievable wrong it was to do that. Marcus and I will love to repay every little thing that happened to my sweet tinny princess. The fact that she still keeps her head lowered worry's me. Her whole demeanor screams uncertainty and defeat.
„If you say so princess." I softly say, obviously not wanting her to feel threatened or made fun of at all. She soon will learn that she can depend on Marcus and I for the rest of our life's and existence. We are going to make sure she never has to feel like that again. A delicate being  like her should of never been faced with any cruelty! The monicker also slipped my mouth without even thinking about it, the slight heat that radiated off of her however lets me know that she is blushing. And I do have to say I would do pretty much everything to be able to see her sweet face brighten up like that. But I know that I can't command her to look at me, nor do I want to. If she does need some more time I am more than willing to give her that time to adjust. Hopefully not too much time though!
„Why don't I accompany you?" I ask her softly, maybe that way I will be able to figure out who has hurt her. Or at least find out some more about her.
„Demetri, there you are! I thought you meant to go hunting with me?" Marcus asks me slightly disappointed that I would leave him like that. That however was as his eyes fell onto our sweet mate and a predator like look overshadows his face. Guess he hasn't figured out who is standing there in front of us.
„Ah! You already found...." he starts to say and suddenly stops. His eyes widen as he looks to me with a whispered mate to which I simply nod with a wide smile on my own lips. Marcus right away inhales her addicting smell deeply, just like I have been doing. Not only for our enjoyment, but also to further proof that she indeed is our mate and that we will be able to find her everywhere on this planet if we have to search for her.
„Why don't you introduce me to your friend Demetri?" he asks me extremely happy that our existences finally will be filled with joy and love now that we found our other half.
„I sadly wasn't given any name till now." I simply say, yet whine slightly with a wink towards an observing Marcus. The giggles that come from our wonderful mates make us fall in love with her even more than we already are.
„Such a pretty sound." Marcus softly say in complete awh at how utterly perfect she is.
„It sure is! I think I already am addicted to it!" I softly state with love clear to hear in my voice. The sudden flinch makes me look shocked at Marcus before we both look back at our tiny mate in pain. Someone must of really hurt her, there is no other explanation on why she would react like that.
„Maybe we should introduce ourselves to our sweetheart." Marcus says and takes a small step closer towards her.
„That sounds fair!" I enthusiastically state, maybe than we finally get told what our perfect mates name is.
„My name is Demetri Volturi and to my left is Marcus Volturi. May we know your name now princess?" I happily introduce the both of us. The quietness that followed makes my heart clench in pain, that only intensifies even more as she starts to shudder and shake in obvious panic. Her heart suddenly beating so fast that I worry that it might jump out of her chest.
„Princess? Are you alright? You are shaking terribly." I question worriedly for her health.
„I need to go now." She stutters out. And that simple sentence nearly makes me break down right there in front of her. How can she say that? Doesn't she understand that she is our whole world? Our only reason we are still on this planet?
„You can't leave us sweetheart! Not after we finally found you after all those years of longing and grief!" Marcus nearly shouts out, the panic clear to hear. Still, the shouting only seems to trigger her even more. She balls her fingers into tight fists and starts to mumble something about the airport and that he can't find her and how we are of course his friends. And then she is just gone! Gone in thin air and no where to be seen. The panic of losing our mate nearly shatters me, but I can't break down. Not now! Finding her is way more important!
„Call your Brothers, we will meet them at the airport!" I instruct Marcus who has tears in his eyes, mirroring my own for sure.
„Come, we need to hurry!" I state and shake him slightly to get him to follow me and not just stay there looking off into the distance.

Don't worry little mate, we are going to find you and then we aren't letting you leave ever again! But no worry's, we aren't mad, we understand that you were only overwhelmed and frightened.
I think as I run as fast as I possibly can.

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