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Demetri's pov:
I couldn't bear to see my sweet princess look at me in slight fright, especially not if our protectiveness is getting her this worried. So I pretty quickly decided to pull some faces at her, childish I know but it was the first thing i could think of and thankfully quickly got her to relax and giggle again. My chest puffing out in utter pride that I not only calmed her back down but also was able to get her to giggle all over again. That sound alone was the reason I even by our first meeting she got me wrapped around her tiny little fingers. It also is incredibly rewarding that she now has no longer any problem with giggling in front of me or Marcus. Not like the very first time where she right away panicked since that asshole that is her supposed father punished her for that precious sound. She try's to pull an even funnier face at me when I slowly relax completely as I recognize Jane, Alec and Felix as the new comers. Those three would never dare hurt my love, they adore her way to much themselves as to do so. When the door slowly opens to reveal a widely amused Marcus she along with me chuckle and giggled once again.
It was really cute as my princess looked utterly confused on why anyone would like to meet her, that however changes right away in glee of finally meeting her new siblings. She has been telling us all about the things they told her and how she really can't wait to finally see them as well as talk to them face to face. When Marcus slowly opens the door for us, I try to hide my laugh as all three of them stand right outside the door, looking exactly like toddlers on a massive sugar rush. There is no other way I could possibly describe it!
Jane is nearly vibrating in joy to see Adriana standing right in front of her very eyes just like the boys who only are a tiny bit calmer. But really just a midget!!
Jane always told us that while she definitely is very thankful that she found two more brothers with Felix and myself, she still wished for a little sister that she could do all the fun girl stuff with. So I think the second she got a climbs of my princess, her biggest wish came true. She even pulled me aside along with our brothers and made sure to tell me to not mess this up. At first I was kind of hurt for their lack of trust, but then I understood that they needed to do it in fear they might otherwise loose two siblings. So I understood.
The grip on my hand slightly tightens and therefore gets my focus right back to my princess who still looks excited yet pretty uncertain how she should act and what she should say.
„Why don't you guys give us a bit more space so our angel can get back on the bed. She still needs to take it easy." Marcus simply says as he leads us to said bed as my family follows close behind. They however pretty much sprint to get on the other side of the bed so they can be closer to Adriana, since they must of realized that neither Marcus nor I am going to make them any space.
„You feeling all comfy princess?" I ask her and caress her cheek lovingly as I search her eyes for any sign of discomfort. Her bright smile however makes me smile even wider. It really feels amazing to see her coming out of her shell more and more. What also is rather good to know is that she also seems to get used to meet other people now as well.
„You are staying right?" she asks in uncertainty as soon as I thought she was getting used to have someone else, other than her mates around her. The fright that starts to fill her eyes only hurts even more since it shows us how afraid off unknown people she truly is. That's just another thing to add to the ongoing list I need to punish her asshat father for!
„Hey, take some deep breaths Love! Demi and I of course stay by your side. No one is going to leave you." Marcus soothing voice makes me nod along with his statement as he takes my hand as well as he must of noticed me getting slightly antsy as well. For a split second I felt uncomfortable since the other three could see it as well, but then I decided that I can't care less about it. Those three are my family and I am rather certain that they have no problem with this. I mean, they after all already knew that Marcus and I share a mate, the only difference now is that the two of us became mates as well. The thought of Marcus being my mate makes me rather happy, at first I was worried that he might treat me different then our little love but thankfully that's not true. Alone how careful he treated the subject of me being submissive at times gives me butterflies all over again and how protective he got when he heard what Casper put me through makes me slightly teary eyed all over again.
I slowly peek at my siblings to gauge what they might think of it and right away relax completely as they smile even brighter at us. That is how family really should be like! No matter what either of us does, the others are always there to encourage us to follow our dreams and to catch each other if something should go wrong.
„Demi? Are you ok? You spaced out again?" my sweet princess questions me with open worry along with Marcus. Not being able to contain myself any longer from the sheer joy of having three amazing siblings along with two absolutely perfect mates, I hug myself into the both of them.
„More than ok princess! I am just so incredibly happy at how everything seems to work out." I softly tell her as Marcus simply starts to purr again as my love and I quickly cuddle even further into him. Both of us soaking all the love and affection he willingly giving us up like dry sponges.
A happy squeal breaks the happy fog around me a little only to see my siblings squealing in joy and adoration as they watch our cuddle session.
„Why don't you guys introduce yourselves to this sweet angel? Obviously she knows your voices but that's pretty much it." Marcus softly says with a smile on his face. His eyes shining even brighter in the knowledge that those three are truly over the moon happy for our connection. So while they start to introduce themselves I softly peck Marcus chest as my eyes find his in thankfulness that he accepted me as his mate, as well as loves on me like I never thought anyone would ever do. Instead of a vocal reply, he simply pulls me closer towards him so he can peck my lips while still smiling that lovely smile of his that never fails to make butterflies erupt in my stomach. Yeah, life really got that much better now with both my mates around.

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