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Demetri's pov:
It now has been four days since my princesses second surgery, yet she doesn't seem to want to wake up. Even Carlisle seems pretty confused on why she hasn't fully woken up yet. Of course she gets conscious pretty often, yet she never completely wakes up. Still I treasure every second I have been spending with her. One of the best times is when Edward also is around. I know it sounds crazy, but with him around we can fully communicate with her. Surely we always kind of felt her reply even while she's unconscious, yet it's amazing to fully get her opinion on things. Edward has also explained to us how funny she found some of the stories Marcus and I keep on telling her about our life's. Don't get me wrong, we completely left out this tiny fact that we are vampires, yet we tell her about us and our day to day business without revealing to her. She also seems to feel to most secure and calm when Marcus along with me are close by her or even hold her hand or touch any other part of her body. When I once needed to leave to quickly drink some of Carlisle's generously offered blood in her office, her heart began to race so fast that I didn't came farther then out of the door before I rushed back in complete panic that something is wrong with my princess. It came with quit a shock for all of us, especially we were the reason she even needed her second surgery. Yet she wants and even needs us close by. My dead heart jumped it utter joy at that finding! I still can't stop myself from smiling like a mad man whenever I think of that important fact.
After that, Carlisle simply brought us some blood bags into the room without anyone noticing.
„How is my favorite patient doing today?" Carlisle questions with shining yet slightly worried eyes that our sweet Adriana is still unconscious. Still he carefully keeps on inspecting her stitches on her flat stomach. Thankfully the bruises from her so called father have started to heal, so it is at least slightly easier to look at her still malnourished body.
„Why do you think she isn't waking up?" Marcus softly asks his friend with an unsure tone that is completely foreign for him. The small sigh that leaves Carlisle makes my worry grow even more.
„Honestly, I think it's her mind trying to safe her from any more pain." he states. My mind obviously starts to race why her brain would do that, but I relative quickly realize that she has more than enough reason to be afraid of waking up. I mean, pretty much her whole life was filled with pain and hurt. And everything only because of that scum bag that is her father! Oh I am going to show this thing no mercy as I am going to avenge my sweet little mate!
Jane, along with her brother and Felix are already doing just that since they had to go back to Italy along with Aro and Caius. We don't know how it's possible, but all three of them have an extremely tight sibling bond with my princess. The second they saw her they were fawning over her as well as mumbling threats towards that asshole who hurt their baby sister. I do have to say that at first I was furious at their closeness, but after Marcus told me about their bond I only felt thankful that my darling got even more protection from my best friends that became my family long ago. So I truly am happy about that. What was quit endearing to watch, was Jane, as she made my loves nails with the brightest smiles I ever saw on her face as she kept on talking to her about how she is her sister now and that she can't wait to really meet her. She even went on to tell her that they from now on are going to have sister bonding time, where they can do their hair und nails as well as talk about absolutely everything. It really was sweet to watch as Adriana seems to brighten up immensely as she heard Jane declare that they are sisters now. She also seems fine when Marcus and I leave her alone as long as she has her new found siblings around her. To say that those three were proud of that fact was the understatement of the year if not centuries! It however was rather hard as they had to leave to go back to Volterra. The three of them were devasted, even thought the prospect of hurting her father was quit alluring to them, they still felt insecure of leaving their baby sister back here, especially since she still hasn't woken up after her surgery. That's also why they make it their priority to call three times a day to talk via phone with my love as well as talking to us on how she is doing. Marcus seems to be even more happy after they figured out that our mate was already so connected to our family. And I do have to agree that it feels awesome that my princess is already part of our crazy family even though she still hasn't personally met them. Well, at least not while being completely awake.
„Demi? Is everything alright?" Marcus suddenly stands in front of me, looking completely worried. Why thought? Is something wrong with my princess? Was i that spaced out so I didn't realize that she needed me!?
„What happened? Is something wrong with our mate?" I ask him pretty frantic at the possibility alone that my princess need me and I once more let her down.
„Hey, hey, hey! Take some deep breaths Demetri!!!" Carlisle says with both arms on each of my shoulders to hold me upright, as my panic seems to skyrock even more.
„Adriana is perfectly fine! You are the one Marcus and I are worried about. You suddenly completely spaced out. Do you feel ok? Maybe you should drink some blood." Carlisle softly exclaims as his worried eyes bore into mine. At that I simply shake my head quickly.
„I am fine guys. Thanks for the concern but I only spaced out thinking of the last few days. So no need for you to worry at all." I simply answer them and see as they slowly relax, yet they keep on watching me closely as I make my way to my loves side to caress her sweet face lovingly. I can hear the door close as Carlisle left the room and only a millisecond later I am pulled into Marcus hard, yet comforting chest.
„Don't worry me like that Demetri!" he accusingly says but the worry overshadows it quit a bit. Instead of right away answering him, I lay my head on his shoulder and sigh deeply, feeling allowed to show my more vulnerable side now that it's simply Marcus and our darling mate close by. He quickly tightens his hold on me even more as he shushes me softly.
„I know its hard Demetri, but see how far we already got. We finally found our little angel and she also allows us to be this close to her." he whispers in my ear while still keeping the tight hold on me which seemingly helps with my anxiety that has built up in me for a week now.
„You will see, our sweety will wake up in no time and then we can all live together happily for the rest of our existence." he goes on as a heavy sigh leaves my lips and I feel way calmer than before.
„Thank you Marcus, I really need this." I whisper feeling slightly embarrassed for letting him in like that, but I know that with sharing a mate together, we are way closer than any other vampires usually are.
„Of course Demetri. We might not be mates, but by sharing one, we are near close to that." he simply states as he kisses my forehead in a show of affection. This alone truly warms my heart at how thankful I am that I not only have found my mate, but also such a tight bond with Marcus.

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