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Adriana's pov:
When I wake up it was to my two boyfriends cuddled near me, while watching me lovingly.
„Good morning Princess." Demetri says. His whole demeanor way calmer then till now. Marcus also seems calmer, more open in some way. Guess I need to ask them a bit later about that!
„Good morning Angel." Marcus also says with a wide smile on his lips.
„do you want to join us?" Demetri asks as he outstretches his arms in a welcoming manner. And of course I right away join the cuddle with a happy giggle. Who in their right mind wouldn't!?
„Love you!" I whisper shyly and get hugged even tighter into the both of them. The purring yet again starts as it washes away every worry I have as a feeling of comfort and love is the only thing left in my body. Thinking about the purring though, I yet again wonder what they are. I mean, there is no way that a human can purr. The most strange thing is though that this doesn't worry me at all. Normally I am so careful and very cautious, but there is not an ounce in me that is even the slightest bit afraid of them. I mean, let's face it, if they would of liked to kill me, they had already more than enough chances to do so. Instead they always are extremely worried for my well being and always protected me, even if it wasn't necessary, they always put my safety before anything else.
„What Are you guys?" I simply ask them. Still not afraid at all, only wanting to know out of curiosity. I after all already made up my mind that I won't be able to live my life without either of them. My whole body yearning to be close to them since I love them with everything within me. There is no way back now.
They both got stiff at my question, seemingly thinking the worst as their eyes got glassy with unshed tears. Well, that certainly can't happen, so I simply go on.
„You don't need to be worried, I love you and I won't ever leave you, at least for as long as you don't make me." I was not able to hide the hurt at the end, since my heart squeezes painfully at the thought alone that they might not want me for as long as I want them. Their strong arms only pull me closer into their chests as the purring also gets even louder.
„We won't ever make you leave! You are our world! Our sweet little soulmate! How could you even think we wouldn't want you for the rest of our life's?" Marcus asks with complete honesty, yet slightly hurt that I would doubt them like that. But to be honest, the only thing I can feel right now is utter relief. The biggest worry I had was that I won't be enough for them, so to hear that they are in this for the long haul makes me nearly explode in happiness!
„I am your soulmate?" I ask softly as my eyes still are filled with tears of joy. Alone their looks of love and adoration makes me beam even wider as my mind finally allows me to see that they truly love me just as much as I love them.
„That you are princess! And we will do absolutely everything to make you feel loved for the rest of our existence." Demi explains as my heart opens up even more for them as they claim even the last little corner as theirs.
„I love you guys so damn much!" I tearily say as I pull my face in between theirs as I cry into both of their shoulders in complete relief. Finally allowing myself to completely accept that they do want and love me and that I won't have to be alone ever again.
„It's ok princess, we will forever be here for you." Demi promises as the dam breaks and I can't stop myself from crying while mumbling over and over again how much I love them and how thankful I am that we found each other as they not once stopped caressing my back while telling me how much they love me too.
When I finally cried myself out, I slowly pull back with my face still blotchy as they only smile lovingly at me. The feeling of being at home overcomes me as they still hold me tightly against themselves.
„Do you really want to know what we are angel?" Marcus asks as he softly caresses my cheek. His eyes shine with so much love and adoration, that it nearly takes my breath away. Yet I can easily see that they still are worried about my reaction.
„Only if you want me to know." I whisper in reply. Really wanting to know, but I also will accept it if they don't want me to know. It after all is something very personal for them. I mean, I myself  still need to tell them about the full story of my father. But I am pretty sure that they already know everything about him alone by what they were saying and how hateful they look whenever they talk about him.
„Just please remember that we would never ever hurt you princess!" Demetri begs in seemingly utter fear that I would leave them or even be afraid of them. Well, that's not at all what will happen, I mean I already have my assumption, so nothing will shock or surprise me. At least I hope!
„I know." I simply say and kiss the both of them lovingly again to encourage them to tell me. Their worry sadly wasn't gone completely, but at least they seem a bit more positive about the outcome.
„We are vampires." Marcus says matter of factly and waits for my reaction. Guess they weren't expecting me to stay seated on their laps with a happy smile on my face. What? I am proud to say that my assumption was indeed correct!
„Are you ok princess?" Demi asks worried while I simply keep on smiling. Instead of vocally answering them I only kiss the both of them yet again.
„I love you guys! Thank you for telling me, this means a lot to me." I say honestly and cuddle myself back into their necks, leaving them still rather confused on how I can stay this calm about them being vampires.
„Sweetheart? Please don't get this wrong, because we are ecstatic that you are completely fine with us being vampires, but how can you stay this calm with that knowledge?" Marcus carefully asks me as if not sure if it was wise of him to even further question their luck.
„I already had my assumption about it and I got it right!" I tell them quit giddily as well as still proud of myself. Their shocked faces only make me giggle happily. At that both their shocked faces transform into widely smiling ones as well.
„So I am guessing you have no problem with us being vampires then?" Marcus questions with a smile plastered on his face. Demetri also looks utterly relieved that I just accept it and didn't ran away screaming from them.
„Absolutely no problem at all." I reply honestly as the both of them quickly pull me tightly against them while peppering kisses all over my face in complete joy while I am in utter bliss! Yep, that is exactly like my life should be from now on. With the both of them close by me as we happily live our happy ever after together!
„Can't wait to bring you back to our castle and spend the rest of our life's together angel." Marcus whispers with such honesty my heart nearly explodes in utter joy. The thought alone that those two already planned on taking me back to their home makes me smile lovingly. It assures my nervous system that they truly love me and plan on staying with me for as long as I hope to stay with them.
„Love you two so much." I softly say as their eyes brighten even more in love and excitement.
„And we love you princess." Demetri reply's just as earnestly as I myself. A happy sigh leaves my lips as I cuddle even tighter into the both of them, still not fully knowing what I ever did to deserve those two. Yet I am way to grateful for it as to further question it any longer. Instead I decide on simply soaking up every bit and enjoy it to the fullest.

I decided to end the story like this, at least for the time being and maybe write a second book about those three in the future since I truly love the pairing. Hope you guys enjoyed the story!

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