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Demetri's pov:
Seeing Carlisle touching my beautiful mate for that long is honestly torture in itself. The way he is talking to her also makes me furious. How dare him act like that. But than I also know that he is her doctor, so I kind of understand why he cares so much for her.
„Carlisle please." I say with a strained voice. Not wanting to hurt him after he has been helping my princess, but I also feel myself slowly start to loose control.
„My apology." Carlisle apologetically says and takes a few steps away from our still unconscious mate. A sigh escapes me, relieved that finally no one is still too close to my sweet angel for my liking. The jealousy however is running like fire through my body still. My whole body on edge ever since we found out what our mate had to go through.
„Hey, everything is ok Adriana. You are perfectly safe." Carlisle soothingly says and lets me look up at him right away. His face pulled in a worried frown as his eyes stay on one of the machines my princess is hung up to.
Just as I meant to ask him what's going on, the door gets thrown open by a panicked looking Edward.
„Carlisle you need to touch her." He urgently says. Making Marcus and I growl threateningly at him. How dare him say that!? No one is allowed to touch our mate except us! The monitor starts to scream in alarm since my princess heart his racing erratically.
„Your mate is this close to having a panic attack. Try to calm down!" Edward instructs us with desperate eyes. It's obvious that he worries for sweet Adriana's health, but right now I don't care! No one is coming anywhere close to MY princess!
„Why would she be!? She knows that we will protect her with everything within us!" Marcus wants to know. His voice full of hatred and anger. To be fair he looks pretty furious and if I wouldn't know him for that long already, I definitely wouldn't stay so close next to him.
„You guys are scaring your mate!" Carlisle sounds worried. He now is back right next to my love which doesn't sit well with me at all. What however does irritate me somehow is the way he keeps on eyeing the loudly beeping machines in worry.
„Back off!" Marcus nearly roars out as he throws himself on top of Carlisle. Pushing him down on the ground and holding his throat tightly. Not tight enough to kill him or even hurt him, but enough to show him how furious he truly is. Seeing Edward trying to pull Marcus off of Carlisle makes me act on instinct. No one is attacking my family! The next thing I know is that I am pushing Edward against the wall with my eyes burning with hatred into his.
„Ca ca Carlisle." We all hear the broken and delicate voice from my princess. She looks absolutely petrified of what she is seeing. And I can't hold that against her. Marcus is still on top of Carlisle and I am holding a to her foreign person against a wall. I Vampire speed towards my angel with a soft smile on my lips. Utterly relieved that she has finally woken up again! Marcus standing right next to me with the same expression as me. The shocked gasp should of been expected. She after all doesn't know that we are vampires, at least not until now! When her beautiful green eyes fill with tears my heart arches.
„Princess, hey what are those tears for?" I ask her softly. Slowly I reach my hand out to wipe the few tears that have fallen out of her eyes off of her soft cheeks. What I wasn't expecting though was for her heartbeat to quicken even more before she curls herself in on herself. Her whole body shaking vehemently in sheer panic.
„Love? What's wrong?" Marcus worriedly asks. The second his hand touches her trembling body she shouts out in complete terror.
„I told you that you are driving her into a panic attack!" Edward seethes our towards me and Marcus. It's surprising that he doesn't care that he will get punished for his disrespect towards his king. Yet it kind of is nice to see that they seem to care that much for my princess health and safety. Both men look extremely worried towards my still curled up mate.
„Is that true sweetheart? Are you that frightened of us?" Marcus asks pained. Slowly realizing just like I myself that we must of frightened her immensely with how we reacted to Carlisle who simply tried to help our tiny mate. Instead of any reply she simply curls in on herself even more. With her injuries this position must hurt her immensely, yet she seems as if she doesn't care about that. only confirming even more how terribly frightened she must be from us.
„You remind her of her father. You Act just like he had all the time." Edward states matter of factly. His eyes however show his worry about my still shaking and curled up darling. The whines that leave Marcus and I were the only thing heard in the now silent room. How could we not realize how much we frightened our angel? Maybe now she never will give us a chance ever again. The thought makes me whine yet again in panic that I might lose my sweet mate over my damn jealousy.
„Princess please, we would never ever hurt you! We are so sorry that we frightened you like that!" I softly say, hoping that she will be able to forgive us.
„Demetri is right Sweetheart. We would never hurt you. And we are so terribly sorry that we brought back such bad memories for you." Marcus sorrowful voice adds to my statement. Sadly our mate still doesn't react at all.
„Adriana? Darling you need to lay back down on the bed again or your stitches might rip." Carlisle carefully yet worriedly says.
„Let's give her some space Marcus." I quietly say with a broken voice. Not wanting to frighten her again, nor would I be able to forgive myself if her stitches truly rip because of Marcus or I. The moment we take a few steps away from our love, Carlisle and Edward take one closer towards her. Carlisle softly touches her back to which my princess flinches right away. The knowledge alone that we are the reason for her to act like that is heartbreaking to say the least.
„It's ok, it's just me. Please turn over." Carlisle's soothingly says and slowly gets her to lay back down on her back. Her wonderful green eyes brimmed with tears in utter fright.
„Those two never meant to frighten you, they were only jealous since I touched you for that long." he softly explains, seemingly confusing her more than she already is anyway. When her eyes suddenly fall back shut, Carlisle curses loudly. He carefully lifts her hospital gown that has started to get soaked with blood. Making me choke up in sheer panic.
„I need to get her back in an or." Carlisle says and Edward right away runs out of the room.
„Carlisle." Marcus asks brokenly.
„I will do what I can. But I don't know which nor how many stitches ripped so I also don't know how serious it is." he reply's as the doctor from a few days prior comes running into the room.
„OR 3 is all ready for us. Let's go." he says and helps Carlisle pack up a few machines on my princess bed before they hurry out of the room in a frenzy.
Please be ok princess! Please!

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