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Adriana's pov:
I don't know for how long I have come to my senses only to drift back into nothingness again. What I however know for sure is that whenever I came to, Demetri and Marcus where there. Holding my hand, caressing my cheeks and simply talking to me softly. I can't explain how special and how taken care I felt. A complete foreign feeling for me, so I soaked it up like a dry sponge. It also is funny how they seem to understand exactly what I am trying to tell them with my squeezes.
„You with us again sweetheart?" Marcus deep voice asks. And even though I can't see him since I sadly still wasn't able to open my eyes, I am sure that he has a smile on his lips. I squeeze both of their hands as tightly as I can. At least I can kind of communicate with them like that.
„That's Good Princess. There is someone that wants to look at you if that's alright?" Demetri says. His question makes me panic straight away. Of course they informed my father. They had to since they surly figured out that I am still only sixteen years old. How could I even think for one second that I will be able to leave him behind. I should of known that this was way too good to be true.
„Hey! No need to panic love! Carlisle only wants to look at your wounds." Marcus worried yet soothing voice says. Something wet on my face confuses me even more. But the fact that they simply meant Carlisle is at least slightly calming.
„Princess, we promised you That we wont allow anyone to ever hurt you again. And we keep our promises! So take some deep breaths for us angel and trust us to look after you. No need for tears at all." Demetri further explains and somehow I do trust him and Marcus. Which is extrem for me since I usually don't trust anyone. They both keep on whispering sweet nothings to me, which thankfully helps me calm down again.
„There you go Love. That's way better, isn't it?" Marcus says. The proudness in his tone makes the butterflies erupt in my stomach even more than they do anyway ever since those two have been holding my hands. A soft knock on the door once more frightens me, but those two wonderful man are quick to sush me again with all their calming words.
„How is my favorite patient doing today?" I hear Carlisle asks softly. It's good to hear him again, especially since he surely was the one that helped me after I collapsed on the plane. He also has been so sweet on the flight to Forks.
„She is doing fine. Just came back out of her sleep again." Demetri explains and kisses my forehead lovingly, making my heart beat a bit faster before it goes back to normal again.
„She panicked a bit as we told her that someone wants to see her, but we were able to help her calm down again." Marcus explains further with such sadness in his voice that it hurts to hear him like that while I can't do anything to brighten his mood again. Sadly.
„That sadly isn't much of a surprise with what this cutie had to go through already." Carlisle says after a deep sigh. Does that mean they know? Do they know that i was treated as a Slave by my own father? That he has been beating me and sold me off to his friends to do as they pleased? But if they know, how comes that they still are treating me so nicely?
„It's alright Adriana. There is no need to get so worked up. The only thing you should think and concentrate on right now is to get healthy once again." Carlisle simply says and softly touches my good shoulder, still very lightly to not hurt me at all.
„I will slowly stop with the narcotics, that way you should be able to start to fully wake up soon." he goes on, his hand still laying comfortingly on my shoulder.
„Till now I am very pleased with your healing process, but I still don't want to take any risks. That's why we will keep you on all those machines for the time being." he explains as a low growl suddenly echoes through the room.
„Carlisle please." Demetri's strained voice says and the hand on my shoulder right away leaves. Confusing me even more on what's going on.
„My apology." Carlisle apologetically says. But why is he apologizing? He didn't do anything wrong! He only was nice to me.
„Hey, everything is ok Adriana. You are perfectly safe." Carlisle's soothing voice gets through my cloudy mind. Still I am kind of worried for him. Why isn't he still touching me? Is he hurt? Who would hurt him? And why?
„Carlisle you need to touch her." a foreign voice suddenly says. The growls from before start again, this time even louder and more threatening than earlier. My heart racing. Not knowing what's going on so close around me frightens me.
„Your mate is this close to having a panic attack. Try to calm down!" the foreign voice instructs lowly. From where does he even know what I am thinking?
„Why would she be!? She knows that we will protect her with everything within us!" Marcus wants to know. His voice full of hatred and anger. Right now he sounds so much like my father. Did I really misjudge him like that? Demetri too? Are they maybe not at all as they have been acting the last few days?
„You guys are scaring your mate!" Carlisle sounds worried. His voice coming from right next to my head.
„Back off!" Marcus nearly roars out making me jump up with my eyes wide open in a wide eyed panic.
„Ca ca Carlisle." I stammer out petrified of what I am seeing right now. Marcus, my supposedly sweet Marcus, on top of Carlisle who seems to be struggling to breath. Another young male is pushed against the wall by a frightening looking Demetri. All their eyes quickly land on me in astonishment. Demetri and Marcus are standing so fast next to me that I gasp in shock. How did they get here so fast? Are they going to hurt me now too? Just like they did to Carlisle? And why? Simply because he tried to help me?
„Princess, hey what are those tears for?" Demetri asks softly. His hand reaching out to me, but I hurriedly curl in on myself the best I can. My stomach and chest still hurting immensely, but I don't care.
„Love? What's wrong?" Marcus worriedly asks. The second his hand touches me I shout out in fright.
„I told you that you are driving her to a panic attack!" the foreign young male standing next to Carlisle seethes towards them. The worry in his eyes though is kind of soothing me that he wouldn't hurt me. Something I am not that sure about Demetri and Marcus right about now.
„Is that true sweetheart? Are you that frightened of us?" Marcus asks pained. Yet I stay in my huddled form, that way I can protect myself better, that's something I have learned in all those years I spend with my father.
„You remind her of her father. You Act just like he had all the time." the new one answers them instead of me. It still irritates me how he would know that. The whines that followed his statement nearly make me turn over to see from whom those sounds came from, but I still am to afraid to do so.
„Princess please, we would never ever hurt you! We are so sorry that we frightened you like that!" Demetri says.
„Demetri is right Sweetheart. We would never hurt you. And we are so terribly sorry that we brought back such bad memories for you." Marcus sorrowful voice stings but I can't risk leaving my hiding spot.
„Adriana? Darling you need to lay back down on the bed again or your stitches might rip." Carlisle carefully says. I can hear some shuffling before a hand touches my back, making me flinch involuntarily.
„It's ok, it's just me. Please turn over." Carlisle's soothingly says and slowly gets me to lay back down on my back. My eyes still brimmed with tears in worry what might be happening now.
„Those two never meant to frighten you, they were only jealous since I touched you for that long." he softly explains, confusing me more than I am anyway already. A sudden dizziness however saves me from any reply as my eyes simply fall shut again.

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