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Hinata's POV

Today is Christmas! I'm excited but also super nervous. Why am I nervous? Well today is... well its a pretty big day.

Me and Tobio have been together since our first year of highschool. It's been two years since we graduated so that makes us five years into our relationship, crazy right? At first I thought he was rude, arrogant and selfish. A real asshole to be blunt. But not too long after, he grew on me and my feelings of hate turned into feelings of love. I don't exactly know why or when my opinions on him changed. We got closer and became best friends, I guess I got used to the yelling and the name calling after a while. I mean, when he wouldn't call me names I would panic so I guess that's saying something. I started to notice his features more. His bright blue eyes, his silky black hair, his slim yet toned body. I admired it all. I kept my feelings for him a secret, I thought he was straight to be honest with you. Then again I thought I was straight too before this idiot came into my life. That's besides the point. One day we were arguing after we lost a match and well, I slipped. I got so mad and just blurted out the fact that I loved him. I felt like the biggest idiot ever. I was sure the feelings wouldn't be mutual, I was sure he would be weirded out. But it turned out he had been having the same feelings for me... We started dating a few months into our first year at karasuno. I really didn't know how long we were going to last. I was really insecure at the time. I mean why would he want to be with a small, annoying, hyper, guy like me? None the less he chose me and I grew out of that quickly. Thanks to him. He always told me how much he loved me, how amazing and perfect I was. God, I love him so much. I don't want to leave his side, not now, not ever. I want to be with him for the rest of my life. Which is why, tonight is the night that I will be asking Tobio to marry me.

Yes you heard me right. But I know what you all are thinking. Me, Hinata Shoyo is going to propose... To Tobio Kageyama? Yep, yes I am. Trust me I thought it would be him too but for one, I'm tired of waiting for his ass. And two, yolo swag am I right? If he rejects me he rejects me. Actually I take that back, I'd prefer if he didn't. That would be ideal of course. Anyways... I'm sure you'd all prefer it if I stop rambling, huh? Well fine then. Haters. Let me walk you through what's gonna go down. Basically I told him I was having a family reunion and that I wouldn't be home on Christmas day. Ofcourse, that's a lie. So instead I'm going to surprise him at the house. From there I'll be bringing him to my studio telling him I need his opinion on a new song I've been writing. Little does he know the song IS the proposal. Huh, huh? Cute right?! I'm just hoping everything goes smoothly.

- Timeskip, 8:00 pm at his and Tobio's house -

As I pull into the driveway all of the nerves finally hit me. What if he says no? He wouldn't, would he? I mean we've been together for five years. Right? Gosh I'm a nervous wreck. Calm down, calm down, breathe in and then breathe out. Simple. You can do this, there ain't nothing to it. You are the amazing, the brilliant, the devilishly handsome, irresistible, breathtaking, heartstopping, Hinata Shoyo. After I hype myself up for a second because confidence is key, I decide I'm finally ready to go in. I grab the bouquet of sunflowers I got for him, his favorite, and head over to the front door. I unlock the door being as quiet as possible not to make our dog eclipse bark. Mission accomplished because I'm great. I tiptoed around the first floor checking all the rooms. The living room, the dining room and the kitchen were all clear. I found that a bit odd since it was only eight and Tobio doesn't usually go to bed until ten. I was getting a little worried, maybe he had made plans since he thought I wouldn't be around. Understandable. None the less I stealthily make my way up the stairs trying to avoid making any of them creak. Which once again I successfully accomplish because I'm what? Great. I check all the rooms upstairs, the bathroom, the second living room and the music room. All that's left is our room. As I start getting closer to the door of our room I began to hear faint... moans? No. No that's definitely not it. How could it be? I inch closer my heart racing a hundred miles a minute in fear. I grabbed the door knob and turned it slowly as I pushed open the door. I stared at the scene infront of me in complete shock.  I was met with my boyfriend on top of another man whom I have no idea the identity of, both shirtless and passionately making out in our bed. 

A/N: Small cliffhanger! Sorry, not sorry. Don't worry though, I'm already working on the next chapter so it should be out soon! I'm pretty excited about this story and I hope you guys are too.  I've got a few chapters past this one already planned out, so hopefully my brain can keep the story going lol. 

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