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It's the day of the concert. I haven't talked to Kei since our argument. I feel bad for not answering him, but I just couldn't bring myself to talk to him. What he said that night really hurt me, I don't know why, but coming from him... it just hurt a hundred times more. We had been spending so much time together, we opened up to each other. He comforted me, and I did the same for him. I- I thought... Ugh. I don't even know why I thought. I just thought that maybe, maybe, he would be the one that would have wanted to stay. I say that every time, but I really thought that he would. He made me feel safe and wanted. He made me happy and now... now he's gone.


I enter the stadium in which I will be preforming tonight and am met with Tadashi.

"Hey Sho..." He says timidly. I didn't say anything. "Sho I'm sorry about-" Why the hell is he apologizing to me? "It's not me you need to apologize to!" I shout. He stares at me, surprised. "Sorry... I'm sorry." I say softly, averting my gaze to the floor. "It's ok. Are you okay?" I tense at his question. And he notices right away because grabs my hand and takes me to sit down. "No huh" I shake my head. "What happ-" He began, but before he could finish, I laid my head on his lap and tightly gripped his shirt as I cried slightly. He ran his fingers through my hair, trying to comfort me. "H-he never.... never." I attempted to say in between sobs. Tadashi said nothing and simply waited for me to speak. "He said that he never wa- wanted to be around me" I finally got out. Tadashi instantly stopped patting my head. "He- I thought we were getting close." I was breathing heavily now. "I opened up to him. I told him so much. Things I never told anyone" I admitted. "He made me happy. And I thought- I thought he enjoyed being around me. But h-he t-told me that he only stayed b-because he knew... he knew..." I stopped. "Knew what?" Yams asked. I sat up and wiped my tears. "He knew what I should've understood a long time ago." I paused and looked up at him, "That no one stays." Tears began trickling down my cheeks once more. Tadashi's eyes softened, and he pulled me in for a hug. "I'm still here. And I'm not going anywhere." "For now." I said. I stayed in his arms as he rubbed circles in my back for a few minutes as I calmed down. "Anyway, we should probably rehearse." I quickly stood up and looked away from Yams. "Sho..." I shook my head. "It's fine." I paused.

"I'm fine."

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