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Hinata's POV


"I like you!" Tsukishima said to me.

"Don't say stupid shit like that." I spat out.

"How am I supposed to know that though? That's what every other person in my life has said. And yet, every single one without fail, has turned their backs on me. How can I be sure you won't be any different? There is nothing you can say that can take my worries away." I said firmly in a low tone.

"Let me show you." Tsukishima said in a pleading tone.

"what, like you showed me the other day?" I said in sarcastic tone.

"Hm? You lashing out at me when I had done nothing but try and be there for you?" I spoke, my tone getting louder. 

"You're no different from the rest. You're a place holder, Tsukishima, just like everyone else. You go just as quick as you came. You move on to the next and you forget all about me" I smiled faintly.

"So I'm sorry..." I said my voice breaking. 

"But I'm not taking ay chances." 


Hinata's POV

-The present time-

I walked and I walked. Each step getting me further and further away from him. The boy I fell in love with, the one that fixed a broken heart... And the same one that broke it again. I feel like I'm trapped in a never ending cycle of love and heartbreak, and I can't escape it.

I finally reach my house. I search my jean pockets for my keys and begin to unlock the door, but I quickly realize that it's already unlocked, which is odd because I always lock my door. I turned the handle, entering my house as quietly as possible, fearful for what I might find. I look to my right, into my kitchen. Nothing. I looked to my left and peered into my living room. My eyes widen as I see someone sitting on the couch, his arms draped across the top of the couch. It looks like a man. My heart is racing as I took as step forward, but he must have heard me because he looked back at me, and we made eye contact. My eyes widen, but my look of fear quickly turned into a look of shock as I was staring back at a familiar face.


He got up and walked towards me, a look of shock and confusion still plastered on my face.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I said annoyed. I didn't want him here. I didn't want to see him.

"You know, just thought I'd swing by." He said slyly with a smirk on his face, but with a hint of... well, I couldn't really tell. He just seemed off. I scoffed and shook my head.

"How'd you even get in here?" I said blankly. He dug in his pockets and pulled out keys. He lifted them up and shook them slightly.

"I still have the keys, I forgot to give them back." He said as he tossed them back to me. I caught them, I put them on the hooks near the front door where all my keys go.

"Is that all?" I asked him. "No." He simply said. I sighed, I didn't want to do this. "Ok, well, I don't want to deal with your bullshit right now, so just go." I said firmly.

"It's not about me, Hinata." He said. "I don't really care what it is about, honestly, I don't want to hear it. So go." I said, pointing to the door and turning around to walk to the kitchen.

"Hinata-" "No" I cut him off. "Please just-" I cut him off again. "I don't want to hear it! And I certainly don't want to see you!" I yelled.

"Please just look at me for one last time!" He yelled back, pleading to me. I turned around and faced him, much to my displeasure.

"He isn't me.". "What?" I said quickly, confused as to what he was talking about. "I heard the whole thing, you know... earlier when you turned down Tsukishima." My eyebrows furrowed. What the fuck. I thought to myself. "Who the fuck are you to be sticking your nose where it doesn't belong, huh?" I spat.

"I know, I know, but please. Just. Listen." He said to me calmly. I looked back at him in disbelief. I shook my head, but considering it. "Fine." He nodded sort of thanking me in a way.

He took a deep breath and then spoke.

"I may have fucked up... but he didn't." "He. didn't." He repeated looking me directly in the eyes, and I looked back. He paused, and soon I noticed tears forming in his eyes. That took me back a little. But he continued talking, and I just stood there and listened.

"Hinata he is a good person"

"Please, don't make the fucking mistake of turning him away and walking out of his life because of me." He said, his voice breaking.

"Because he doesn't deserve that. And neither do you because I know you love him. I know you do, I can see that by the way you look at him. And I would know because it's the way you used to look at me. And I ruined that. Me. And it is my fault, but it isn't his." He said, saying the last line almost in a whisper as tears began trickling down his cheeks.

"And I can see that he loves you too. So much. And he'll be able to treat so much better than I did... then I ever could."

"So please... Please just do me one last favour and go after him and never let him go because that..." He paused.

"That will be the biggest regret of your life." He says, his voice shaking as tears continuously spilled from his eyes. My gaze had softened by now, listening to every word he was saying, but I didn't know how to answer. I couldn't believe he came here to tell me this.

"Please..." He said once more as he looked at me with pleading eyes.

I nodded. I couldn't do anything else. He nodded back once before wiping his tears and opening the front door. He turned back to me before walking and said:

"Goodbye Hinata."

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