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Tsukishima's POV

-After Hinata rejects Tsuki, from Tsukishima's POV-

All I saw was his back turned to me, each step he took getting him further and further away from me until finally he was gone in the distance. I just stared into the distance hoping he'd come into view again, but as my eyes became dry I realized he wasn't coming back. Tears began to spill from my eyes uncontrollably. All I could o was cry, I didn't want to. I felt weak doing so, but my body just wouldn't stop. All I felt was emptiness, I couldn't escape the feeling. I soon noticed people walking by and staring, I quickly wiped my tears and turned around to walk away.

As I did, I saw Kageyama. Leaned up against a wall.

"Did you hear all of that?" I asked, slightly embarrassed. All he did was nod slowly. I expected him to say something snarky, but he never did. He looked back at me with sympathy in his eyes, he was almost sad. I was confused by that. Nonetheless the look in his eyes never changed, and we just stared at each other for a second. Soon his sympathetic look changed as he spoke.

"You really love him, huh" He said to me. Tears gathered yet again in my eyes as I nodded.

"Yea... I do." I said in a whisper.

Kageyama did nothing but smile and nod back. He then looked at me and said.

"Good. Keep loving him." He paused. "Please." He said finally before giving me one last smile and walking away, his hands in his pockets. 

I was just left there confused. 

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