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Hinatas POV

I run backstage and I'm greeted by my anager and all the stage workers. They hand me a towel and some water along with my favorite food... Meat buns! "Thanks you guys!" I say greatfully as I ate the first meatbun. "You were amazing our there Shoyo!" My manager said enthusiastically. "Thank you I appreiciate that" I said with a smile. He nods and smiles back at me, but his smiles fades quickly as he looks at something behind me. I look at him confused before looking back and seeing Kageyama. My eyes become thin slit as I clentch my jaw. 

"What the fuck do you want?" I sneered. "I want to talk to you." I looked at hi annoyed. "Oh yea" I said softly acting as if i cared. "Well i dont." I said i picked up my stuff to leave. Kageyama furrowed his eyesbrows. "Oh cmon, 5 mins its the least you could give me." He said. Is this guys serious right now? i thought to myself. I looked at hi dead in the eyes laughed slightly and said "I dont need to give you shit." my lip quivered in a anger. "I just need to-" He began before i cut him off. "No! You made your godddamn choice, so get the fuck out of my life." I spat at him. "But..-" he began.

"He told you to leave." Someone spoke in a raspy tone. Kageyama turns to see who it was. All you can see is anger on his face as he spots Tsukishima but he says nothing. "And i suggest you do exactly that." Kei steps closer to Kageyama. "Before I make you..." He said looking down on him. My eyes slightly widen at the tone of his voice. So much anger. Kageyama starred back up at him as if he was challenging him but to my surprise he stod down and walked away without another word. 

"kei what are you doing here?" I asked. "i needed to talk to you." kei replied neveoulsy. Complete opposte of what he souned like two seconds ago. Hinata looked away from him not wanting to meet his eyes. "I dont thin thats a good idea." I pause. "Ro be honest... i dont eve wanna see you right now." I said as i walked away. 

Tsukishimas POV (oh? whats this? something new?)

"Well are you just going to stand there or are you going to go fix your fuck up?" Yamaguchi asked me angrily. I would tell him off any other time but in this moment I knew he was right. I nodded and ran to catch up with Hinata. 

"Hinata wait!"I yelled. But he ignored e and kept walking "Please!" I pleaded as I got closer to him. I could see him shake his head in annoyance. "Shoyo!" I yelled once more, heturned around frustrteed. "WHAT?! What do you want?" he yelled. "I want you to listen" I said in a soft tone. my eyes brows furrowed  i looked at him practically begging him to give me a chance.. he sighed as he rolls his eyes. he brings his hand to his face and rubs his eyes before pinching his nose looking very frustrated by me. He took a deep breath "Fine. Talk" he said. My eyes lit up. I took a deep breathe before saying anything, i ddint want to mess this up. 

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean what I said, I was just angry and frustrated. I really did want to come to your rehearsal. And i'm not sticking around just because... " I couldn't say it, i felt terrible for saying such a thing to hinata. i  knew what i had said wasnt true, multiple people would be around him if i left. none the less i knew i had to continue before hinata walked out of my life forever.

"The truth is that I would be the lonely one not you but, saying that was easier than admitting my need for you in my life." I said embarrassed, it was hard for me to talk about my feelings and i hatted getting attached to people most of all. I avoided eye contact with him as much as possible. I know that might make it see like i dont care but its only because i feel like if i make eye contact ill not be able to say what i need to. "What I'm saying is that I'm not just sticking around because youll have no one else, because you would. i-im staying by your side because i enjoy being around you. Because you make me happy" I said the last line quickly. I looke up to see him looking at me although i cant quite determine what he was thinking. I look at him as much as possible as i keep speaking. 

"You don't need me. but... but I sure as hell need you." I said my voice cracing slightly. "It was never about you. you... you were just the person that was around and so I let it out onto you and I'm sorry. And i know that thats the shittiest excuse ever but its the truth and i know that makes me abad person and im so sorry." I said my eyes getting teary but i tried to showing it. I starred at hinata hoping for a response. A forgiveness. I want to go back to being friends atleast. I miss him s much. I dont know what i would do if i lose him. 

"I'm so sorry Shoyo." I said one final time. 

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