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hinatas POV

"I like you!" Tsukishima said to me. 

I stopped dead in my tracks, a blank stare plastered on my face. I felt nothing though I knew I liked him too. I was confused by my emotions, or lack of because this is what I wanted to hear so why was I reacting this way?

"Don't say stupid shit like that." I spat out. 

"I mean it Hinata." Tsukishima replied. "I care about you." He added. 

I lowered and shook my head slightly before turning around to face Tsukishima once more. The look on his face was soft and reassuring, his bright yellow eyes longing for me to believe him. But... I didn't know if I could. All I could think of what Kageyama and every other person who has hurt me in the past. I don't want to go through that again. 

"How am I supposed to know that though? That's what every other person in my life has said. And yet, every single one without fail, has turned their backs on me. How can I be sure you won't be any different? There is nothing you can say that can take my worries away." I said firmly in a low tone. 

"Let me show you." Tsukishima said in a pleading tone. 

"what, like you showed me the other day?" I said in  sarcastic tone. 

"Hm? You lashing out at me when I had done nothing but try and be there for you?" I spoke, my tone getting louder. 

"Is that what you'll be showing me?" I said my eyes wide, my head tilted as I waited for an answer. 

Tsukishima starred back at me, eyebrows furrowed sadness clouding his eyes. He opened his mout appearing like he was going to say something but, didn't. He shook he head at a loss and veered his gaze away from mine focusing on the ground below him. 

"I'm sorry... I made a mistake." He whispered just loud enough for me to hear. 

I shook my head in frustration. "Right but how do I know you won't do it again? How can I be sure?!" I yelled.

He opened his mout appearing like he was going to say something but, didn't. He shook he head at a loss and veered his gaze away from mine focusing on the ground below him. 

I scoffed. "exactly." I said softly. 

"You're no different from the rest. You're a place holder, Tsukishima, just like everyone else. You go just as quick as you came. You move on to the next and you forget all about me" I smiled faintly. 

"So I'm sorry..." I said my voice breaking. "

"But I'm not taking ay chances." I said tears gathering in my eyes, my vision becoming couldy. 

I turned around and began walking away as tears trickled down my cheeks. No matter what I say I can't deny that I like him too. But, I refuse to go through another heartbreak. I refuse to get hurt again. 

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