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I woke up the next morning with Keis arms still laced to my sides. I didn't mind at all, it was actually kind of comforting. I felt okay with him, like I could tell him anything. I mean, he might make fun of me, but in the end he would listen to me. Really I should have been the one thanking him last night, not the other way around. "Shrimp?" I looked down and say Kei awake. "How long have you been awake?" He asked. His eyes were half open, half closed. His voice was low and raspy. "Oh not that long really" He nodded and smiled, while rubbing his eyes trying to wake up. It was rather... cute. He slowly untangled his arms from around me and got up. For some reason I didn't want him too. I would have rathered he stayed in my arms. I pushed it all aside.

No we're not doing this.

"Hey Shrimp you have a rehearsal today right?" He questioned as he walked to the bathroom. Shit... I forgot the concert is literally in three days. "Yea! Did you want to come and help?" He stopped. He turned around, I could see the uncertainty. "But... Tadashi will be there." Forgot about that too. "Well if you want to come you can, and if you feel uncomfortable you could always leave." Please say you'll come. Why did I want him there, I couldn't say, I just did. He stood there and thought for a second before saying "Do you want me to be there Hinata?" I looked up sharply. "Well, I mean it's- it's really up to you I" "That's not what I asked." I sighed. "Yes." I mumbled. "Then it's done." He said softly and gave a small smile. Why did he agree just because I wanted him to come? I kept thinking. Of course, I wasn't complaining, but I couldn't help but wonder if it was just because he didn't want to upset me, especially with everything going on. I mean once were both over this will he just not come over anymore, stop talking to me as much. I knew I shouldn't think like that and jump to conclusions, but... It happens every time, and I can't get the idea that it will keep happening out of my head. I walked into the bathroom to find him brushing his teeth. I tried to push my worries aside, but my thoughts wouldn't leave me alone. "H-hey, Kei you know I don't want you to come just because I want you there you know. If you don't want to, just say so, please." He put his hand up, silencing me. "I told you I'm going." I just nodded despite any doubts I had and brushed my teeth alongside him.

We had finally got to the stadium where we were rehearsing and started right away. I consulted my manager for the song list and order and practised me and Tadashis song. Everything was going great, our voices fit perfectly together, the band played great, the lights from the ceiling were stunning. I just know it's going to a great show. Every once in a while I would glance at Kei and find him smiling, which I loved. Only because he doesn't smile often, that is. Once Tadashi and I finished the song, we both stepped on stage and cooled off. "That was good." Kei said. I smiled and thanked him. "You too Yams..." "Tha-" Just as Tadashi was going to speak, a tall, slender man walked in. He had dark silky hair and chocolatey brown eyes. He sort of looked familiar. He walked over to us holding beautiful red roses. I looked over to Tadashi but soon realized he had started running towards the stranger. "Kuragari!" He yelled as he jumped into his arms hugging him tightly. Great. It clicked. That's his new boyfriend. "Hey baby." He said in a deep, loving voice. I looked over to Kei worried about him. I didn't think he would be here. Tadashi came running back to us hand in hand with- "Guys I would like you to meet my boyfriend" Kei tensed at his words. Shit. "Hey, I'm Mori. Mori Kuragari." He said, putting his hand out. I shook it. He then turned to Kei and stretched out his hand. Kei Tsked "Yea no. I'm good." "Tsukki be nice. Please." Kei laughed in response. "Be nice? Be nice, huh? I don't need to do anything Yamaguchi." Tadashi looked surprised, I mean it had been awhile since Kei had used his last name rather ten his first. "Tsukki what the hell is wrong with you? Why are you mad? Because you couldn't have me?" I covered my mouth with my hands and let out a soft gasp. "Yes! That's exactly it and the fact that you know that and still-" He was cut off.

"Oh my God, get over it! You have to understand that I don't love you any more Kei and let me move on and be happy!"

A/N: I'm sorry in advance for the next chapter... That's all. 

Also I'm probably going to be posting back to back chapters alot just because I really want to finsish this story as soon as possible because I really want to start other ones.  

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