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"I liked Tadashi"

"Well liked is quite the understatement, actually I loved him"

I didn't even know what to say. I had no idea, how could I have not seen it sooner?

"I plucked up the courage and confessed to him, and he said he liked me back. He made me the happiest I had ever been. I loved him so, so much. But soon enough... he began distancing himself little by little, day by day. I pushed it aside, hoping whatever was going on would just fix itself. Well it didn't. One day he came up to me and told me he had fallen out of love with me and was in love with someone else. When he spoke those words, it- It was like someone stabbed me in the heart over and over again. His words kept replaying in my head over and over again. I couldn't escape them. I felt like I was drowning. When I asked him who it was, he told me it was someone I didn't know. Of course, I know now that that was a lie and-"

He stopped himself from saying anymore. "There I go again making it all about me. I'm sorry I-" "Stop" I spoke. I stood up from the bench and crouched down in front of him, so I was now looking at him in his eyes. "Don't apologize... Don't. Your feelings are valid, Kei. You have the right to feel angry, sad, betrayed, whatever. It's ok to feel like that." He began blinking quickly, trying to stop from crying. "You can talk to me about anything. You don't need to keep your emotions bottled up. If you need a shoulder to cry on, if you need to yell and scream, or if you just need a hug. I'll be there. Always." He couldn't stop from crying any more, he completely lost control and broke down. I took his shoulders and he slid off of the bench and into my arms grasping my shirt tightly as I wrapped my arms around him hugging him tightly.

"It's ok. Let it out."


After Kei cried in my arms for what felt like hours. Of course, I didn't mind. I wiped the tears off of his cheeks and stood up, helping him up as well. "Do you think you're ready to go back?" I could tell he was unsure. I knew he was nervous about facing Tadashi. "Hey, don't worry, I'll be right here with you, you'll be ok." I said to him reassuringly. He nodded slowly, and we started walking back to the café. We walked in silence for a while, so I thought I would try and lighten the mood a little and up his spirits. "Hey, if it makes you feel any better, Tadashi broke up with Kageyama meaning he's still single~" I said sort of singing the last part. He giggled slightly, rolling his eyes playfully. "Meh... I don't know, I think it would be best to just move on, you know?" I knew exactly what he meant. When Kageyama came back after Yams broke up with him, I could have easily taken him back in a second but letting him go and moving on was the better option.

"Yea, I definitely get that. Well, one day, you'll find someone who will love and cherish you for you. That someone will stay by your side forever and treat you like you're their everything. They will treat you like you're the most important thing in their life, will go to the lengths of the earth for you! Someday you'll find a guy who will give you anything you need, be anything you need them too. They will be there for you through and through. Through sickness and in health, as they say! Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that one day, whether that day is in a week a month a year or even ten years from now, you'll find someone who is perfect for you. Your soulmate, if you will."

As I told him those things, I realized everything I was telling him was what I wanted in someone. I wanted so badly to feel like I was the most important thing to another person. I wanted someone to cherish me, to love me forever. I wanted to be the first option in someone's life. But I wasn't. I have never been. Maybe I was for a short amount of time, but eventually they got tired of me and left. They always do, and they always will. That much I know.

"That's the most lovey-dovey sappy shit I've ever heard. I might puke."

I laughed, not being surprised at his response. I sort of expected it that kei for you-

"But... as cliché as that speech was it- well it meant a lot. So thanks Shrimp." He smirked.

I looked at him shocked but gave him a warm smile in return. Good job me! That was the first time he had ever smiled at something I had said. Usually he just calls me an idiot. I laugh internally.

"And Hinata?" He spoke. "Yea?"

"You, too, will find that person some day," He said with certainty as he smiled. A beautiful, warm smile. One that could light up a whole room. I had never, ever seen him smile like that before.

But I liked it. 

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