Chapter 4: Little Miss Spalitte.

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Police sirens rang through the empty road, speeding down to the way into the Spalitte manor, someone had made a report, that Vittorio Spalitte was responsible for the murder of a man working in his company while Serafina sat silently her back rested against the tombstone, head resting over it. Serafina breathed in the familiar night air, eyes closed.

God, she loved the night.

She was in the middle of nowhere, a graveyard she found amidst the trees in the forest she ran into when she was a kid.

Today was good, she finally got Xavier to not be so possessive and let her go but she had to admit the guy was very sweet, Serafina opened her eyes feeling kisses placed all over her face, and smiled, noticing she was awake, Xavier finally pecked her lips and stood up straight, dressed in a very expensive suit, collar open, holding a tray which had waffles, fruit and both Hot chocolate and Coffee.

Hot. She had thought and still did as she looked at him reaching over after successfully balancing the tray on one hand and pulled her up to sit, making sure to pull up a pillow behind her and that she was comfortable before putting it on her lap.

"Hey" A guy interrupted the silence and her replaying the scene in her head again, taking a seat in front of the tombstone next to the one she was sitting in front of.

"Hi" Serafina answered, that day with the graveyard she ran into a boy and this was the most they'd ever said to each other....ever.

When Serafina's phone dinged, she let out a soft groan before opening the device.

'Get home sis, asap'

'Why?' She texted Raven back on the group chat

'Police are blaming Tori for a murder'

'Which he committed?'


Great. Just fucking great.


"Stanly? I haven't seen him since he what? helped clear you of your charges for DUI?" Phoenix asked walking down, with Raven a step behind.

"No that was Vesper she was high on heroin, a week after he got you off for in-decent exposure and both you and Vesper for beating someone, almost to death"

"When have I ever looked in-decent? as for the man..."

"He deserved it" Vesper caught up to them, putting her glass of bourbon down among glasses of wine on a tray a waiter was of the 28 waiters spread out, holding the same thing in their huge...entrance hall or room.

"Where is he?"

"In with his lawyers" Raven answered walking away to see a policeman interviewing the staff.

"And how many members are there?"


"I have only noticed about 6 by now"

"The youngest ma'am would be on her way here"

"Ma'am? Isn't she sixteen?"

"I know people are obsessed with me, I mean I just answered about 300 paps outside...more like walk through them but this case isn't filed against me but Vittorio so take it up with him and Thanks for the wine, Garcy" She picked up a glass.

"It's Gracy" She said timidly

"Oh Po-tato, - Poh-tato, Potato"

"You are underage" He looked at Serafina

"And you are a moron" She smiled speaking in an overly sweet tone ignoring Vittorio who asked them to come into his office

"Well I didn't write the laws yet they state you are"

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