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Tears began to form in your eyes. Bakugo looked at your shocked face, seeing a tear fall down your cheek. 

'I've never seen her cry before.'

You took a few steps forward as the UA members darted their eyes towards you, noticing your fast running pace shoot through the air. You had tears escaping your eyes, but no sobbing sounds or any sound for that matter. 

"Wait, (y/n)!" Izuku shouted, but everyone witnessed as you leaped into the sketchy guest. Your arms wrapped around them as you silently cried in the nook of their neck. The person wrapped their arms around you as well. 

"What?" Kirishima questioned, looking towards Bakugo who was now standing beside the UA members. His eyes were wide in shock, but his body was calm and rested. 

"I've missed you, dad," you mumbled into the man's neck. He tightened his grip around you, embracing your longing presence.

"I missed you, too." That was when you heard his voice for the first time in years. Your tears continued to flow, soaking his shirt, but he didn't mind. Then something entered your thoughts.

'If he's my dad, and my dad is dead, then who is he? Did the League of Villians steal his body and...THEY FOUND A WAY TO CREATE MY QUIRK, maybe. Just maybe. MAYBE HE'S A SPY!'

Your thoughts continued to go on about how this could be your real father or someone impersonating him. 

"(y/n)! MOVE!" Bakugo shouted, appearing out of nowhere. His body flew in slow motion beside you as everyone else followed suit. They dashed towards someone behind your father. 

Then the grip around you tightened even more. You started to have a hard time breathing. Explosions and large sparks of light flew into the little vision you had of the fight behind your father, but then your breathing became harsher. 

"Aren't you clever?" The man holding you began to chuckle. You scoffed, shooting your soul towards his body, but it wouldn't work. 

'Is it because of using too much before?'

"No, it's because I know what you're about to do since I can read your mind, (y/n)." You had a pit feeling in your stomach, hearing those dark words escape from your father's mouth. 

"WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!" you shouted, coughing as the breathing became harder. You tried pushing yourself off of him, but it was as if he grew stronger. It was as if someone implanted something into him to turn against you and to become stronger. 

"Help," you called out, losing breath. 

"HERE!" someone called, sounding like Kirishima. His red hair flashed towards you, him looking exhausted, but he rushed towards you anyway. He nodded and reached out his hand, meaning he must know what you can do. His fingers grazed your hand, making you possess him quickly, using your full soul. 

Your real body slumped into your father's arms, making him scoffed and roar and frustrated "GAH!" 

As Kirishima, you dashed forward towards the large fight happening. You then noticed Izuku and practically everyone fighting Dabi and Shigaraki. You made your skin stiffen as it sharpened around your knuckles and elbows. Using Kirishima's quick, you ran quickly towards Shigaraki's side, bashing yourself into him. This caught him off-guard, making him collapse to the side. Bakugo then dashed forward, blowing an explosion in Shigaraki's face.

You tackled the decaying man, spinning him over onto his stomach. You straddled his body, widening your feet from his so he wouldn't flip you over. You grabbed a rope that was in Kirishima's suit and wrapped each hand separately on each end of the rope. You kept his hands apart so he wouldn't decay anything. 

"Damn you," he mumbled under his breath as you lifted his body and forced him to walk towards a metal bench. 

"You can decay anything when all five of your fingers touch something," you mumbled back, tieing the middle of the top to one of the legs of the bench. He could easily decay the rope, so you decided to break his shoulders. 

You lifted both arms, making sure they wouldn't decay anything. You continued to lift when his body leaned forward from pain. Hastily, you jerked his arms forward, making his shoulders break and dislocate as they dangled in front of him. He couldn't move his fingers or arms, so you dashed towards the other fight. 

You saw Aizawa capture Dabi, somehow, while Izuku and All Might continued to fight your father. You rushed towards the battle, noticing Aizawa grab both villains and walking them inside. 

"I'm sure you guys can handle this!" Aizawa shouted, rushing both villains into confinement. 

All Might swung a powerful punch, but your father dodged as Izuku attempted a roundhouse kick, but failed to h=even graze the target. You leaped forward, opening your arms in acts of a hug. Surprisingly, this made him drop his guard and his eyes softened to my sight. A small smile plastered on his face as if he was truly glad to see me. 

'What if he was brainwashed and my real father is in there somewhere.' 

Suddenly, All Might swung a punch, landing it on the side of his head. Your father's body ent flying towards a brick wall that is marked off the campus to the rest of the world. 

"MY REAL FATHER MIGHT STILL BE IN THERE!" you shouted, pointing towards the now, unconscious man. All Might turned to look at you, giving you a sigh as he nodded. 

"He may be in there, ut it's highly unlikely to find him since he didn't open up when you hugged him." Then you shook your head vigorously in rejection. 

"I just saw it in his eyes."

"BAKUGO!" Izuku shouted, making you spin your head. When Izuku began to run forward, you did too, but his speed was much faster than yours. 

It was as if everything was in slow motion. You watched as Izuku's sparks electrified the air around him as your father held a knife. You shifted your eyes to your right and noticed Bakugo leaping towards him with an explosion protruding out of his palm. Your breathing intensified as you noticed that Bakugo didn't see the knife in your father's hand. 

"BAKUGO!" you shouted, everything moving faster once again, but too fast. 

Bakugo and your father came in close contact as an explosion burst in the area. Grey smoke filled the air around the two males as Izuku entered the fog. 

"NO!" Izuku cried, making you enter the fog. All Might trailed you but lost you as you were too focused on finding that voice in the fog. "No." Izuku's voice mumbled, meaning that he was much closer. 

You took a few steps forward, seeing Izuku in his knees besides two bodies lying on the ashy ground. The dried tears from a few moments ago came back fresh. Tears flowed as, this time, you began to sob. 

"BAKUGO!" you paused to breath, kneeling beside him. You leaned forward, hugging his limp body. "H-he must've been knocked out." you stuttered, sniffling your runny nose a you felt the blood in your hands. He was stabbed in the middle of his abdomen from your father. 

"I know it hurts." Izuku looked towards you then your father. They all knew you possessed Kirishima, seeing how he was acting slightly different during the fights. 

"And father." You stood, lifting Bakugo in your arms. "RECOVERY GIRL!" You shouyted as Izuku lifted your father. 

All Might followed your voices, leaving the fog towards the UA building. That's also when police forces entered the campus as more pro hero and students began to question the whole event. 

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