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*My apologies for updating later than usual, school has been fucking hectic. Alright, enjoy peeps!*

"(y/n)," Dabi mumbled as you took a seat in front of him in the empty room. Placing your arms down on the metal table felt cold. You leaned forward with a stern look, glaring into Dabi's blue eyes. 

"Dabi." He smirked, giving you soft eyes. 

All Might never be told you what questions to ask, but rather said that you could ask whatever you wanted. 

"You came to see me, doll face." You scrunched your face to the old name he continues to call you. 

"I have a few questions. First, why was I experimented on the back when I was younger?" you asked, keeping your eyes on his the whole time to see if there is any flicker of lies and such. It was silent for a few moments, making you speak. "I know you're a member of that League of Shit, so you-"

"Because of Shigaraki," Dabi spoke, sounding almost disgusted with his words. You cocked your head sideways in confusion. "He's the boss. I have to follow his orders and my least favourite was doing experiments on you." You were confused, never thinking he'd say words like this. 

'I thought him caring for me was just a flat-out lie, but could it be true?'

"Why was I being experimented on?" you repeated, interlocking your fingers together.

"Shigaraki wanted to be able to control and use you as our weapon." Your eyes widened to the news. 

All Might and Aizawa placed their hands on the table in front of them, listening deeper into the conversation. 

"Oh. Why was my father alive?" you questioned, leaning back in your seat, crossing your arms.

"After Kurogiri 'supposedly' killed your father, they took him in a worked on keeping him alive. They used the information from your experiments towards your father, the experiments working more effectively." You nodded to the information, hoping the others on the other side of the two-way mirror heard. 

"Also, why do you care for me so much?" Your eyes fell back on his, seeing his grin drop as his eyes grew softer. He leaned back, sitting in the same position as you. 

"I was the one who stayed with you and raised you. You know, I'm only eight years older, and I just felt like an older brother." He sighed as your eyes searched for something within him. You searched for any lies or any wrong movements, but you could only see the truth. 

"I see." You stood, scooting your chair into the table. Dabi watched every movement. "That's it for me." You nodded as you spoke, leaving the room to see All Might and Aizawa watching as you continued to exit through the second door. They didn't bother catching you, but let you go. 

'I hope dad is alright.'

Once you entered Recover Girl's room, you saw Bakugo speaking to the old lady, getting an examination. Your father was still sleeping, making your heart sink deeper.

"Are you ok?" Bakugo asked as you shut the door behind you, quietly.

"Yea," you mumbled, seeing Recovery Girl sway her chair towards her desk, noticing you walk beside Bakugo.

"(y/n), your father is improving." the old woman said, typing something into her computer. You nodded in response, shuffling onto Bakugo's bed,  sitting beside him.

You dropped your head on his shoulder, hearing his slow breaths as he stared at the ceiling.

"Dabi said that my father was brainwashed using the experiments they used on me," you mumbled to Bakugo, him lowering his head.

"So they were more effective on your dad?" he asked, glancing at the unconscious man.

"Yea." You lifted your head as well, taking another look at your father.

Suddenly, he began to move, making your eyes widen. The man's eyelids fluttered open as his body shuffled in the bed. Moving slowly, you pushed yourself off the bed, taking cautious steps towards your dad.

"Dad?" you called out. Recovery Girl and Bakugo continued to watch as your hand reached for him.

The man noticed your hand, then looked at your face. A smile plastered on his lips as he sat up in pain, wincing to his quick action. He raised his arm, gripping your hand. This touch was as soft as you remember from your younger years.

Your vision blurred while hearing yourself sniffle to the running nose. A few tears escaped the edges of your eyelids as you leaned forward to hug your real father for the first time in years.

"(y/n)," he spoke in his monotone and raspy voice. As your arms wrapped around his neck, his arms connected around your waist.

You coughed as sobs escaped your eyes and mouth. His white shirt began to soak in your salty tears, you hugging tighter to make sure it was him.

"Is it you?" you asked while sniffling more.

"It's me. I've missed you so much." You wish you could smile from his voice, but you could only cry tears of joy. Bakugo and the old woman grinned at the reunion.

"Dad." You pulled away, wiping the tears from your stained face. "This is Bakugo." you pointed towards the man you like, grinning at him as a tear escaped.

"Bakugo." Your father repeated, moving slowly to sit on the edge of the bed, feeling a sharp pain in his head and side.

"Hi, sir." Bakugo waved, making the man notice his wrapped wound on his torso.

"Who did that?" he asked, showing great concern for the blonde boy.

"Dad, you were brainwashed by the League of Villains and attacked this place. You got into a fight with Bakugo and..." you dragged out "and" while explaining the news. Your father took it well, apologizing to the boy and everyone in the room, including you.

"I'm glad to see you're doing well." Your father lifted the corners of his lips as his soft gaze fell onto yours, causing you to grin.

"It's all because of you and mom." He placed his hand on your shoulder, rubbing it gently and lightly pushing you towards Bakugo.

"Now, you can lay beside your boyfriend while I speak to someone." You both chuckled as your body fell onto the edge of Bakugo's bed.

Recovery Girl reached your dad and started doing the normal examination. She stood, bringing your father along with her, leaving the room in silence.

You shriveled up beside Bakugo, letting your legs touch his as your head lent against his shoulder. You slithered your fingers with him, gripping each other's hands as they would never come apart.

"You're amazing," Bakugo mumbled out of the blue.

"Why say that?"

"Because you got your father out of a brainwashing event." You raised your eyes, seeing his look down on you.

"But you blew the explosion into his side!" Both of you began to laugh as you scooted your body closer to him, feeling as warmth as possible.

Her Solitude - Katsuki Bakugo X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now