Chapter One: Invisible Girl

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When I look back on my childhood it makes me a little sad. I lost my parents when I was still a baby and was taken in by my uncle. He was a very scared man, he taught me how to be invisible. If people don't notice you then people can't hurt you. But what he didn't tell me was when people don't notice you, you'll never be loved. Life has been lonely but I've survived on my own this long.

I lost my uncle when someone released a dead pool in Beacon Hills. Somehow, I wasn't on it but he was. People broke into our house and he made me hide. They wrapped some kind of wire around his neck until he was gone. They took away the only family I had left for 5 million.

The things people will do for money, disgusts me.

People may not notice me but I make sure I notice as much as I can.

Watch your back, be aware of your surroundings, listen, and learn.

These are the lessons he left me with.

I left Beacon Hills as soon as I graduated. I've moved from city to city, never settling down anywhere. Whenever I'd try, Monroe's followers would start making their way through, terrorizing families, searching for anyone who could possibly be a supernatural being.

One good thing about going unnoticed is they never seemed to see me. I'd disappear into the crowd or stay hidden until I could move on to the next place.

Two of her followers, a man named Davis and another named Dominic, seem to be the most dangerous. I've seen them kill people without proof of them being supernatural. Often times they were wrong. They killed for the sake of killing. I have slipped through their grasp many times.

One thing that has been a constant, that has given people hope, is the McCall pack.

I haven't seen most of them since high school but they have been fighting.

I hear rumors of the great true alpha everywhere I go.

The only people I have seen since Beacon Hills was Stiles Stilinski and Derek Hale. Stiles had the potential to be an amazing hunter, yet he was a kind human, even after his mishap with that Void thing he still kept fighting. Especially when it came to Lydia Martin, the Banshee. The love he showed for her was unlike anything I had ever seen before.

Now Derek Hale, that man was never given enough credit. He did many things for the sake of Scott McCall. Derek became a much better man over time.

Was never a fan of how he treated Lahey though! My house was next door to Lahey's and I would cry at night listening to the sounds that came from that house. My uncle never let me help him. That is something I'll always regret. My heart broke for him. That guy deserved so much better then what life threw at him.

But now I'm just getting off topic.

Anyways, when I saw Stiles and Derek, there was a lot of FBI nearby and Derek was carrying Stiles out of a building. I thought for sure Derek had seen me, he looked right in my direction then turned to leave.

My uncle used to joke that I was more monkey than werewolf. I would always climb and hide in trees. Easier to hide this way, to see without being seen.

I recently made it into a new town, so far there are a few of her followers here, but the supernatural's have begun to scatter. So many would rather run then fight.

I've helped some escape without them knowing, tripping the hunter's traps before anyone can step into them, using myself as bait to lead them away as people ran, and yet still they can't figure out who or what I am. They only ever catch glimpses of me. Never really seeing me. At most, I heard a couple of them say I looked like a girl. Those are the ones who lie about really happened.

I have heard their claims to the other hunter's.

"There were five big werewolves out of nowhere, we were outnumbered!"

"We were surrounded! We barely made it out alive."

"Took on a whole pack we did!"

No one wanted to admit that one small girl out smarted them. Especially when they couldn't tell if I was human or not. Big bad men can't possibly be out smarted, right? Idiots.

It's getting dark and the safest place to stay tonight seems to be a warehouse on the edge of town. It's a creepy looking warehouse I must admit. It reminds me of buildings you'd see in horror movies.

There were two floors, a basement, and many rooms. If you go to the basement, there is a room filled with electric fences propped up around the room, handcuffs were attached to these fences. There was blood on the floor down there. Fresh blood. While this is the safest place for me tonight because it's empty, it looks like this is where they have been torturing and killing.

I studied this room as thoroughly as I could. Making my way around the room, seeing where you can be seen, where you could easily hide, and it looks like if you stick to the dark sides of the rooms, they wouldn't be able to see you from their torture contraptions.

I'd prefer to stay hidden from the world. Especially when our world is falling apart. I don't think there is anything that would make me come out of the comfort of the shadows.

I made my way through the building and found a room full of showers on the first floor, people must have worked here long hours, or worked with dangerous things where they needed these showers. I somehow lucked out and the water was turned on for this building still. I was able to shower before finding a dark room to curl up in and sleep.

I don't think I have slept much in years. Always too afraid to fall asleep, every noise, every shadow, I was afraid someone was sneaking up on me.

This isn't a good life for anyone to live, I know this. I didn't have a choice, if I wanted to survive. It was just me, I had no one, and no one needed me.

Laying here in the dark I just stared at the ceiling, imagining what life would have been like if my parents had survived.

Would I have had friends? Would I have been loved? Would I still be alone?

Why would anyone love me? I'm practically feral at this point. I'm not someone anyone could love.

I sighed as tears poured down my cheeks.

Someday, someone will find Monroe, they'll find her and end all of this. Then maybe, just maybe, life would find some kind of normalcy.

I curled up in a ball and listened to the silence until I finally fell asleep.

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