Chapter Five: If Only You Knew

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                         ~ Theo's POV ~

As I woke up, it took me a moment to remember where I was. I slept on the couch last night, I'll never admit it, but I did it so she wouldn't have to. I wasn't actually asleep when she finished with the dishes. I just wanted to give her a break from taking care of me. She's a lot like me, we aren't use to taking care of others, and we aren't use to others caring for us.

I laid here watching her sleep, she fell asleep reading to me last night, I like when she reads to me, I'm afraid if she had known I was awake then she would stop. This is a new feeling for me. I mean I felt a pull to Malia but that was a werecoyote thing. This is something different. I'm comfortable with her. I like having her near, and no matter how much the loner side of me kicks in, I have to admit if someone's going to take care of me, I'm happy it's her.

I just hope I'm not a burden on her, she risked her life to save me, she fought against all the instincts we have to survive just for me. That isn't something to take lightly. Will we go our separate ways when I'm healed?

I remember watching her back at school. Always keeping her head down, even the teachers acted like she wasn't there, if only I wasn't stuck in my own vendettas back then. Maybe we'd both be somewhere different. Maybe I wouldn't be on my own.

I'd like to think I am a better man after that hell of a prison. After fighting for people other than myself.

But am I really good enough for her?

Would she even want me?

Of course, she wouldn't, I'm Theo, the psychotic killer from Beacon Hills.

"Theo" she whispered in her sleep.

I couldn't help but smile.

Could I become someone worthy of love? Of her love?

I reached my hand over carefully and gently moved the hair from her face. She leaned into my touch and it was like I had the wind knocked out of me.

What is this feeling?

                           ~ Becca's POV ~

I opened my eyes and felt his hand on my cheek, I couldn't help but lean into his touch. I didn't dare move; I didn't want him to move away. Very slowly moved my hand and placed it over his. Neither of us moved. We just stayed this way for a while.

"Good morning." I whispered.

"Good morning, Becca." He said softly.

"Would you like me to make you breakfast?" I asked.

"Thank you." Is all he said.

I reluctantly let go of his hand and stood up. I gave him a smile before going to the kitchen. As I was cooking, I heard a loud thudding noise and whipped around to see him on the floor.

"THEO!" I gasped.

He put up his hand asking me to wait.

He pushed himself up and on wobbly legs, he walked very slowly to me. He had a big proud of himself smile when he made it.

"Oh Theo!" I said excitedly and without thinking I wrapped my arms around him.

He froze in place, then slowly wrapped his arms around my waist, resting his chin on the top of my head.

I was so excited for him but part of me couldn't help but be sad. Will he leave once he was better? I didn't want him to leave.

I wish I was someone he could love. I wish that we didn't have to be alone anymore. I'll never be able to explain this feeling I have when I am with him.

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