Chapter Seventeen: Karma and Commands

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~ Becca's POV ~

I woke up before Theo when the phone went off. Thankfully I got to it first because it was Stiles.

Stiles: "Good morning, we're trying to figure out a good place to meet that's safe to talk about everything. Any ideas?"

"Let me talk to Theo, I'll get back to you in a bit."

I set the phone down on the table and laid back down next to Theo.

He was sleeping on his side facing me, I moved the hair out of his face, and kissed his lips very softly.

His eyes opened slowly.

"There's my guy."

He smiled at me and pulled me close.

"I'm sorry to wake you up but Stiles...."

He groaned.

"Yes, I know he isn't your favorite person but this is important."

He nodded and laid his head against my chest.

"They are trying to figure out a safe place for us all to talk. Stiles asked if we had any ideas. Which I'm assuming he is hinting about them coming here."

I felt my chest vibrate from the small growl that escaped him.

"This is our home; we don't have to let anyone here if we don't want to." I reminded him.

"I don't want them coming here, it's bad enough Stiles knows where we are. Liam, I don't mind but not the rest of them."

"Then we don't let them."

"Thank you." He said quietly.

I will never force him to let that pack into his life any more than they already are. They don't deserve him.

I reached over and picked up the phone.

"We'd prefer to keep our home private. Let us know where to meet you. Please."

Stiles: "I understand, the town is still mostly clear, Derek said to meet them at the bridge in town. As soon as you can."

"We'll head out soon."

"Did you fall back to sleep?" I asked Theo.

"Maybe." He mumbled.

"We have to get up baby."

He said nothing.

I stood up and walked towards the bedroom, I heard him whine when I left.

"If you get up now you can join me in the shower." I teased.

His eyes shot open and he looked over to me.

"I'm up, I'm up."

He stood up and chased me into the other room.

After we showered, we got dressed, and ate breakfast together.

"I can't wait until all this is over and it's just us again." I admitted.

He placed his hand on mine.

"Me too, Bec, me too."

We had washed and dried his jacket so before we left, he grabbed it off the hook by the door.

Before we got in the truck, he stopped me.

"Wait, jacket." He said with a smile.

I smiled back and let him help me put it on.

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