Chapter Twenty-Eight: You Want Me to What?

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~ Becca's POV ~

Over the next few days Scott and Derek planned out every possible situation they could throw at us that they could think of. Theo and Liam ran perimeter keeping watch, Stiles had random jobs around town setting traps, and Peter wanted to train me to fight better so I was with him.

Theo wasn't thrilled with the pairing but he couldn't argue against me being able to defend myself even better.

"Right, fix your stance and try again."

I adjusted my footing and lunged forward.

He easily pushed me aside.

"This isn't working, I know what you are doing."

"Then what do you want me to do?" I asked.

He thought for a moment then walked over to me whispering as quietly as possible.

"You are going to try and attack Theo."

"WHAT?" I yelled shocked.

We both heard Theo skid to a stop and growl.

"I'm fine Theo." I said calmly knowing he was listening.

We both waited until we heard his feet running again.

"Stupid Hale." Theo growled to himself.

"Why though?" I asked.

"No one would see it coming."

I sighed and nodded.

I really didn't like this, but he was right no one would ever see it coming.

While Liam and Theo were the furthest away, I ran into the woods. I went wolf and climbed the tallest tree I could find.

Staying as quiet as I could I didn't move. Watching and listening for them to come back around.

"I don't hear them anymore, do you?" Theo asked Liam.

"I don't and I don't see her over there with him."

"Where'd she go?"

"How am I supposed to know, I've been with you." Liam laughed.

They were getting closer.

"Should we go find her?"

"I'm sure she's fine." Liam reassured him.

Almost under the tree now.

I held my breath and slowly made my way further out onto the branch.

Under the tree now.

I let out the loudest growl I could muster and launched myself from the tree tackling Theo to the ground.

Neither of them realized what was happening and while I had the upper hand on Theo, Liam slashed at me, tackling me to the ground.

I coughed up blood, my hand covering my torn skin, trying to stop the bleeding, and couldn't catch my breath.

"No No No" Liam said frantically.

"Bec?" Theo in shock made his way to my side.

"She'll be fine." Peter said in a bored tone.

My wounds started to heal slowly but I was still struggling to breathe.

Theo helped me into a sitting position and had me leaning against him.

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?" Liam shouted at Peter.

"She needed to prove she could be stealth and get the upper hand in a fight." He shrugged.

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