Chapter Thirty-Six: What Was Plan A?

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~ Theo's POV ~

When I saw the pain that took over her when she heard the torture, they were putting Derek through, there was no hesitation, I had to help him.

I ran towards the crowd of people, claws out. I didn't care who I hurt I slashed my way through them making my way to the middle doing my best to protect Derek as he pulled the arrows out of his body.

A gun went off close by and everyone stopped fighting. It was so loud. Derek collapsed and his eyes closed.

I scanned the crowd for Becca, getting terrified when I couldn't find her.

Peter was on his knees a bit to my right, they were holding a gun to his head, his hands in the air. A section of the circle parted as Davis walked forward holding a pistol to Scott's head. Scott scanned the entire crowd as if looking for something specific.

Something hit me behind the knees hard knocking me to the ground. They grabbed ahold of my hair hard and pulled my head back holding a knife to my throat.

"Bring them forward!" Davis yelled.

The crowd parted again as someone shoved Stiles to the ground near Derek. He ignored the bullets that hit the ground near him as he checked on Derek to make sure he was breathing.

Then it happened. Slowly the people moved out of the way close to me and two tall teenage boys came walking forward. The knife was forced against my skin harder as I tried to get to her

"Becca..." I whispered.

The boys had ahold of her elbows as they lead her forward. Her hands cuffed behind her back. What terrified me most was the electrified metal collar around her neck.

"This is her? This pathetic girl is the reason for all these deaths?" Davis spat.

I was able to turn my head towards her, she was emotionless. She wouldn't look at me.

"Monroe, your brother, and you, those are the reasons for so many deaths. Your paranoia about things you don't understand, that is what brought on this war. Not me, not anyone else here, you chose to follow a leader who knew nothing of what she wanted to eliminate. We left you alone until you started killing off our friends and family. Even then we only fought to protect our loved ones."

I looked from her face down to her hands. As she was giving this anger felt speech her claws were working on the cuffs.

I could feel as my eyes went wide. She was going to get herself killed to try and protect all of us.

As the cuffs unlocked and fell to the ground she shifted and her hands shot out and grabbed both teens by the throat. As her hands gripped them tight everyone gasped as a shot rang out.

A bullet hitting her arm going clean through. She didn't even flinch but I could see the tears in her eyes.

She gripped tighter, her nails slightly digging into their skin.

Two arrows shot from across the crowd and hit her in the stomach. She gasped as the wind was knocked out of her.

I looked at her confused as no blood appeared but the arrows stayed in place.

"Let all of them go or your children will die." She demanded.

"We could kill them all." Davis spat at her.

"And I will take away the only family you have left, is a vendetta really worth it? Is a war that continues to rip families apart worth it?" She questioned everyone.

People all around started whispering to each other. Questioning everything that has happened and if she was right.

"SHUT UP!" he yelled.

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