Chapter Twenty-Four: Give it a Rest Already

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~ Becca's POV ~

The day went by entirely too fast, we spent most of our day talking, sharing stories, and just hanging out really. It was weird to spend time with so many people this way. It was new to me still, I didn't talk much about myself, but they understood why. I sat curled on Theo's lap with his arm around me as they told me all about the stuff, they went through back at Beacon Hills.

I mean I knew some of the things but no one could have ever guessed that a group of teenagers could survive the number of things they had survived. My Theo being one of the things they survived.

Theo looked so sad and held onto me tighter as they told me everything that happened.

The things I didn't know.

"That is why we sent him away." Stiles explained.

I looked at them all not saying a word.

"You probably didn't need to tell her every detail Stiles." Scott sighed.

"No, it's fine." I finally spoke.

Theo put his head down and I could sense fear from him.

"Everything you've said just proves what I have been saying. He isn't the same person he was."

"I know but..."

I held up my hand cutting Stiles off.

"You saw Theo and instantly judged him Stiles. Theo came back for a pack; did he go about it the wrong way? Yes. But did you ever question if the outcome would have been different if he had actually had people who cared about him? Scott tried but you made sure Scott could never fully trust him. Things may have been different If you had given him a chance instead of hating him from the get go. Theo went through life feeling unloved and unwanted. All you did was add to that, so of course he acted out. You hated him just by looking at him, so he was going to give you a reason to hate him."

"But his sister..."

"No, you don't get to judge him for something you weren't there for. You can't judge him without knowing the real reasons behind them. Unless you were there you don't get to have an opinion on why he did what he did."

Stiles looked around at everyone like he was looking for help.

Scott held his hands up as if to say dude you stepped in it, this is on you.

"I'm not trying to be a bitch Stiles and I don't hate you, I'm just tired of you holding the past against him."

Theo still wouldn't look up, his grip around me never lessened.

He was afraid I was going to walk away.

"You're right, I'm sorry." He stated.

"It's not me you need to apologize to."

Stiles looked at Scott, his jaw slightly dropped, but Scott nodded in agreement with me.

"She makes a good point man." Scott told him.

Stiles sighed and walked over to Theo and me.

"Theo?" Stiles questioned.

Theo wouldn't look up. I turned my body so I was facing him more.

"Theo baby, look at me please." I said as I moved the hair from his face.

He looked up at me with pain filled eyes.

"I love you, nothing anyone could ever say will make me stop loving you."

He smiled weakly and looked at Stiles.

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