Chapter Nineteen: Interrogation

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~ Theo's POV ~

It took a bit but Stiles and I managed to take both the men from the bridge into one of the abandoned buildings in town. Peter took over watching the bridge and we were supposed to try and get some answers about Dominic from these morons.

As much as I argued against it, Becca was left to get the bullet out of Liam's chest. He is a brave guy but you could tell he was scared. He needed her. If it had been anyone else, I would have fought harder against it. It hurts her to cause people she cares about pain.

When we made it over there, he was laying on the ground bleeding, he was having a hard time breathing, he held on to her hand like he was afraid he was slipping away. When I argued about putting her through that she looked at me and all she could say was please.

So, I left the two most important people in my life in a puddle of blood and scared to death. I didn't want to, but we had to talk to those idiots we captured.

So, I was sent to carry out Derek's orders.

I needed to be with them. To be with her. I was worried about Liam, worried about her, but I knew she would do everything she could for him.

"You alright?" Stiles asked.

"I will be when this is over."

"They'll be okay." He reassured me.

I must have looked pretty bad off if Stiles was being nice to me.

As we made our way back into the building, Stiles grabbed his bat, I took a deep breath, channeled all the hurt and anger I was feeling, and shifted.

They were currently hand cuffed and tied to two chairs in the middle of the room.

When we entered, they started mumbling as loudly as they could.

"You know you really shouldn't talk with your mouth full. It's rude" Stiles said.

He removed the gag from one of them.

"You're going to tell us everything we need to know." Stiles demanded.

The guy just spit at him.

"I figured as much, the hard way it is."

He got closer to the guy's face.

"See that wolf there? Your little friends not only hurt his girl but they shot his friend. If you don't tell us what we need to know then I'm going to let him talk to you instead."

They both looked over at me, I let out a snarl and flashed my teeth.

"I'm not afraid of you." He spat.

The other man started freaking out making noises.

Stiles ungagged him.

"I'll talk, I'm not dying for this. I'm only in this mess because you talked me into it." He hissed.

"Don't you dare."

Stiles put the gag back on the first man.

"When is Dominic coming?"

"He is supposed to show up tonight."

"How many people is he bringing with him?" Stiles demanded.

"I... I don't know."


I walked out of the shadows and got closer to him. Growling.

"Okay! Okay! He's supposed to have at least 20 more people with him."

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