Chapter Thirty-Two: Two Lies Don't Make It Right

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~ Becca's POV ~

The next morning, I woke up before Theo and Liam. As quietly as I could I got out of the truck and made my way over to the main house.

He must have heard me because Derek met me at the door.

"Good morning." He greeted me.

I looked up to him then back at the truck.

"Come with me." He stated.

He knew I wanted to talk but that I didn't want to be over heard. We made our way down to the bridge; it was far enough away that the water would drown out our voices.

"Everything okay?"

"I still haven't been able to talk to Liam, Theo is always with me or with Liam. I don't know how to get Liam alone without Theo being suspicious. I hate lying to him."

"You don't have to do this alone; I'll help separate you three without having to lie to Theo."


"Really." He confirmed with a smile.

I hugged him tight and he hugged me back. It was moments like these that made me realize what Theo and I missed out on growing up. We didn't have to do everything on our own anymore. For that I was thankful.

~ Theo's POV ~

I woke up in a weird position in the driver's seat and stretched out my body. I can't wait until we can sleep together in our bed again. I yawned and looked over to see Liam still asleep, face smushed against the glass. I looked in the back seat and Becca was gone. I immediately scanned around the town looking for her, trying to hear her.

My eyes finally landed on her at the bridge with Derek but I couldn't hear them. They embraced in a hug and I couldn't help but feel a bit jealous. They started to head back towards the middle of town, I got out of the truck and walked their direction.

"Thanks again Derek." Becca said.

"Not a problem."

Derek looked over my direction and before I could even speak, he called out to me.

"Becca will run with Liam today; you'll be helping Scott and I with some of the plans we have come up with."

I nodded and Becca ran over to me.

I opened my arms for her and she wrapped hers around my waist.

I watched as Derek made his way back up to the main house.


"Yes, baby girl?"

"You don't need to feel jealous; I see Derek the way I see Liam."

"I... how...?

"I can hear your heart silly."

"Oh, right sorry."

"You don't ever need to apologize for needing reassurance. Your feelings are always valid no matter what they are. I promise you, you're the only one for me. No one will ever remotely compare to you."

I couldn't help but smile, I kissed her forehead, and we both turned towards the truck.

"Ow! Shit!" Liam yelled.

We looked at each other confused, then made our way over to Liam.

"Liam? You alright?"

He sat back in the seat rubbing his forehead.

I couldn't help it, I started laughing.

"Oh, shut up." Liam said laughing.

"Can someone let me in on the joke?"

"It looks like Liam smacked his head into the dashboard when sleeping."

He had a big red mark on his forehead.

"Are you okay?" She asked concerned.

"I'm good." He answered as he got out of the truck.

"Let's go get some food." I suggested.

We all then made our way over to the main house. When we got up there, we could hear everyone was awake inside.

Everyone was sitting in the kitchen eating and drinking coffee.

"Hey!" Stiles said with a smile.

"Morning you three." Scott greeted us.

Derek flashed a smile at Becca before turning away.

Couldn't help but feel like something was going on. I chose not to question it though, if Becca wasn't telling me something it's because they told her she can't. She would tell me if I needed to know. I trust her, them not so much.

We spent the next hour and a half just eating and hanging out.

Then it was time to spilt up again.

"Liam I'm with you today." Becca informed him.

Liam looked at me just as confused as I was.

I shrugged.

"She's safe with me." He promised.

~ Becca's POV ~

I wrapped my arms around Theo's waist tight. I really didn't want to let go. I hate that they want me to keep stuff from him. He could sense something was upsetting me and he held me close.

"Whatever it is, it's okay." He reassured me barely above a whisper.

I looked into his eyes and he gave me a small smile.

"I promise." He stated.

I smiled and he handed me off to Liam.

"Let's get started." I said softly.

"Be safe." Theo called after us.

"Always." I said gently, knowing he could hear me.

Liam took my hand and we ran off into the woods.

I skidded to a stop once we were so far in that they couldn't hear us anymore.

"Okay so tell me what's going on." Liam demanded as he looked at me crossing his arms.

"That obvious?"

"Derek and Theo let you run off into the woods, yes it's obvious." He laughed.

"So, Scott and Derek as you know have many plans in motion for different situations that may happen with this battle."

"They have kept some a secret, is this about those?"

I nodded.

"Alright, hit me with it."

"You can't tell Theo, Stiles, or Peter."

"Like I'd tell Peter anything." He scoffed.

"Promise me, otherwise they won't let me tell you."

"Okay, I promise. What is it?"

"Here goes nothing..."

~ Theo's POV ~

I made my way over to the warehouse with Scott and Derek. Before we could go inside, we all jumped and turned towards the direction Becca and Liam went.

"WHAT?!" Liam yelled so loud that all the birds flew out of the trees.

I opened my mouth to speak but decided against it. Whatever was going on at least she had Liam in on it so I knew she'd be safe.

Derek rolled his eyes and went inside.

There had to be a reason I couldn't know but I swear if their plan involves her getting hurt then they will deal with me.

I made my way into the warehouse and downstairs.

"So, here's the thing Theo..." Scott began.

I walked over to the table looking at the diagram he had out.

"We're going to need you to keep something from Becca and Liam."

"Just in case." Derek added.

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