Chapter Six: Fight for Your Life

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I was half way to the store when I began to feel uncomfortable. Something didn't feel right. I felt like I needed to turn around and head back. I turned off and hid the truck. Making my way to town on foot. I went wolf and ran the rest of the way there in the woods. Before I could make it out into a clearing I was hit in the shoulder, knocking me to the ground, the pain was sharp, and it burned.

I pulled the arrow out of my shoulder and ran. Two arrows flew past my head, barely missing me. I let out a loud growl and I skidded to a stop turning to face the direction of the arrows. A tall man walked out into the open. He aimed an arrow at me and I lunged forward, he missed, I tackled him to the ground, and he pulled out a knife.

I rolled off of him as his knife dug deep into my side. I laid there not moving, not blinking, and holding my breath. He moved closer to see if I was alive. I tripped him and swiped at him with my claws cutting into his arm. I jumped on top of him and just kept swiping.

I let out a howl and before I brought my claws down again, I realized he wasn't moving. He was breathing but out cold. I was covered in blood, mine and his. He managed to cut me many times on my arms and across my stomach.

They weren't healing.

I stumbled my way through the woods and the back way to the store. The owner was a werewolf too. They would understand, as long as I had money for what I was buying she didn't care. I knocked on the back door, leaning against the frame.

She opened the door, looked me up and down, then sighed.

"Did he see you come here?"

I shook my head no.

"Hurry inside, get what you need."

I bought a lot of food, including the pizza, and some more clothes. I wanted Theo to be more comfortable so I bought him some pajama pants. On my way to the counter, I saw a black beanie and grabbed it for him.

"I know you don't like to socialize, but please let me drive you somewhere."

I nodded.

"Thank you."

She helped me into her car, I was having trouble walking on my own, and loaded the things I bought into the back.

She drove me back to where I hid the truck and helped me load everything inside and she wished me luck. Then ran back to her car, making sure not to be seen.

I did my best not to get blood on his truck seats, this truck was important to him, I don't know why that was even important in my mind right now but it was.

I just want to get back to him.

I finally made it home and I felt really dizzy.

I started crying.

"Theo... Theo..." I cried out softly before things went dark.

~ Theo's POV ~

After I woke up, I made sure to shower and change. I found that I wanted to look nice for her, for our time together tonight.

I was sitting in the living room when I heard the truck pull up outside.

Why wasn't she coming in?

I didn't hear the truck door.

I felt like something was wrong and then I heard it.

Was she crying?

"Theo... Theo..."

She was calling out my name but it sounded so faint. I could barely hear her.

I ran outside as fast as I could, ignoring the pain, and I opened the truck door.

"Bec..." I stammered.

She was covered in blood. Cuts everywhere that weren't healing.

"Damn it" I growled in anger.

I unbuckled her and carried her inside to the couch. I ripped off her torn shirt and saw the damage that was done. This was done by a hunter. Without a doubt in my mind this was one of those stupid followers.

I got a wash cloth, the antiseptic, and the bandages that she had for me. I cleaned her up the best I could. I grabbed one of my shirts and put it on her.

I ran outside to bring the things in and put them away so she wouldn't stress about that when she woke up. Then I went back to the couch and I held her close to me.

She had kept her promise. She came back to me, she could have died, but she made sure she made it home.

"You're safe now, please wake up Bec. Please" I begged.

She let out a whimper from pain, I closed my eyes, thought about her, and took away as much of her pain as I could.

She started to move, her eyes fluttered, and she looked up at me.

"Theo" she whispered with a weak smile.

"I've got you."

"Don't let go." She said before her eyes closed.

So, I didn't, I held her close to me for hours until finally she woke up again. More aware this time.

"You didn't let go." She smiled and pulled my hand to her lips and kissed it.

This made me truly happy.

"You scared me." I admitted.

"Told you I'll always come back to you." Her breathing was still staggered.

"Yes, yes you did."

"I'm sorry I ruined our movie night."

"Nothing is ruined, we'll have our movie night tomorrow."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure, for now, how about we stay right here, and I'll read to you."

It always makes me feel better when she reads to me, I'm hoping this will make her happy.

She started smiling up at me.


"You knew I was reading to you, didn't you?"

"Honestly? Yes, I knew. I was afraid if you knew I was listening you'd stop." I confessed.

She smiled bigger and kissed my hand again.

"I'd love to lay here while you read to me. Thank you, Theo."

"Anytime Bec."

"Bec? Hmm, I like that." She said as she cuddled against me more.

All of this is new to me but I knew it was new to her too. At least we were going through it together.

I picked up the book she had been reading to me and started reading. As I read, she played with my free hand until she intertwined our fingers.

I wish it was easier to speak about how I feel, I wish I knew how to explain it. But right now, this was my happy place. I didn't want to be anywhere else.

It didn't take long before she fell asleep in my arms. I set the book down, moved her hair out of her face, and kissed the top of her head.

"Never scare me like that again." I whispered.

I will make tomorrow special for her somehow. I held her tight and fell asleep with her in my arms.

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