Chapter Twenty: Man of Her Nightmares

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~ Theo's POV ~

It felt like hours before Stiles came in to check on everything.

"Hey! Shit, sorry." He lowered his voice when he saw that they were asleep.

I turned my head to look at him.

"She needed me."

"I get it man, I'd leave you three alone, but Derek thinks we need to prepare ourselves for the worst."

I looked down at the angel of a woman in my arms.

"We better make it through this okay." I whispered.

I looked back over to Stiles.

"I'll wake them up, no promises that Liam will be able to fight though."

"I'll let Derek know, see you out there."

I kissed the top of her head and tilted her head up.

"Bec, baby, you need to wake up now."

She shifted slightly in my arms then opened her eyes to look at me.

It was obvious in her eyes that she had been crying.

"We have to fight now?" She asked quietly.

"Sadly, we do." I answered.

She looked over to Liam.

"Do we have to wake him?"

"He'll want to fight if he is able."

She nodded and stood up to stretch.

"I'm going to use the bathroom I'll be back in a moment." She stated.

"I'll talk to him and see what he wants to do."

She nodded and kissed me before walking out to the bathroom.

I placed my hand on Liam's shoulder shaking him slightly.

"Liam? Liam, I need you to wake up man."


"Derek wants us to prepare to fight, are you feeling up to it?"

He pushed himself up and stretched.

"It doesn't hurt to bad; I'll fight."

"Just don't push yourself too hard."

He stood up and we headed out to the living room and waited for Becca.

"Ready boys?" She questioned.

"Let's go." Liam responded.

We all headed outside, I put my arm around Bec, and we headed over to Stiles and Derek.

"Liam, you sure you're up for this?" Derek asked.

Liam nodded then looked over to Bec and I.

"Let's do this." Liam said.

We all took our places, we spread out, and hid.

It took about an hour for Dominic's people to start arriving.

They slowly made their way through town, kicking open doors, and searching for any of us.

Sometimes when they'd enter a house, they wouldn't come out again. That's when you knew they came across Peter or Derek.

I made my way through the woods heading towards Becca.

She was currently between two buildings. She couldn't see behind the buildings near her but she started backing up.

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