Chapter Eight: Grudges and Heartache

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Over the next week Theo and I spent our days watching movies and getting to know each other better. Our nights were spent laying together in the bedroom as I read to him until he fell asleep.

This has been the happiest I have ever been. I haven't told him yet but I decided that tonight would be the night I open up to him about my feelings.

My wounds finally healed as whatever the hunter had coated on his weapons wore off.

"It looks like I need to make another run to the store." I said sadly.

"We need to." He corrected me.

He didn't like the thought of me leaving alone anymore. He was afraid that the hunters would find me again.

"Yes, we." I smiled.

We both got dressed and headed out to the truck. Theo helped me into the passenger side, then he took his spot in the driver's side. He turned on the radio and I rolled down my window feeling the wind on my face. I started singing and he just looked at me smiling.

When we made it to town we walked around for a little while before heading to the store.


"Yes, Bec?"

"Do you feel like we're being watched?"

He looked around and listened.

He put his arm around me and we headed towards the store.

We got another week's worth of food. Money wasn't a problem for me, my parent's and uncle were very rich people and left everything they owned to me. We grabbed some movies and a few books as well.

I couldn't get rid of the uneasy feeling we were being watched.

When we went up to pay, the owner eyed Theo, then looked back at me.

"Be careful out there, Dominic's son Nick has come to town. He has a real creepy obsession with female werewolves. You don't want him to get ahold of her." She told Theo.

"Thank you." I said to her.

We made our way back to the truck and headed back home. Neither of us wanted to stay gone any longer. I could see some kind of a car way behind us. I didn't think anything of it because it was so far back.

He held my hand all the way home. He was worried about what she said. I could smell the fear coming off of him.

"Hey, look at me."

He looked over to me.

"We'll be okay."

He nodded and smiled weakly.

He pulled off the road and we made it home. He parked around the back of the cabin and started to take things inside. I was getting one of the bags out of the truck when suddenly I was blocked in between the truck, the house, and a jeep.

A man got out of the jeep looking at me. My survival instincts were kicking in I wanted to run. I was blocked in so I ran into the house.

"Bec? What's wrong?" He demanded.

I ran into his arms as the door opened behind me.

He moved me behind him and started to growl.

Then seeing who it was he stopped. He stood up straight, but still kept me behind him, protecting me.

"Stiles." He said annoyed.

"Theo." He replied.

I knew Stiles wasn't a bad guy but something felt wrong, I didn't really know him, I didn't trust him.

"What are you doing here?" Theo demanded.

"I was passing through the town and I saw you with her. Does she know the type of person you are?" he spat at him.

"You don't know anything about who I am anymore." Theo growled.

Stiles made his way closer and Theo moved us both. I ended up with my back towards the door.

"Just leave us alone." Theo demanded.

"Why? So, you could use this poor girl and toss her aside?" Stiles shouted.

Theo got closer to Stiles and I stepped back towards the door.

"He'll use you until he gets what he wants and then throw you under the bus the moment he no longer needs you. If it comes down to you or him, he'll choose him every time." Stiles said to me.

"You can't keep making me the villain Stiles. I saved Liam, I protected him, not you, ME!" Theo yelled.

I could feel the anger, it was taking all his strength to not go wolf.

"I could have run but I stayed and fought by Scott's side. I risked my life for your precious little pack and still you treat me like the person I use to be."

"You'll never change Theo; you have no heart. You care for no one but yourself."


Stiles looked at me and he looked pained. Theo saw this and turned to face me.

As tears filled my eyes, I turned away from him.

"I needed you..." I whispered.

"Becca" he said with pain in his voice.

Before he could continue, I walked to the door.

"Becca, please." He pleaded.

I stopped in the doorway as tears poured down my face.

Then I walked out the door and did what I do best, I disappeared.

~ Theo's POV ~

"You'll never change Theo; you have no heart. You care for no one but yourself." Stiles shouted.


His face changed, he was looking past me and he looked sad.

I turned to Becca.

"I needed you..." she whispered.

She was crying.

I had just hurt the person I cared about most in this world.

"Becca" I said softly, the pain obvious in my voice.

She walked over to the door, placing her hand on the door frame.

"Becca, please" I begged.

She stopped in the doorway and I wished so badly that she'd turn to face me. She looked down then walked out of the door.

I went to run to the door after her but Stiles grabbed my arm pulling me back.

"She's better off without you."

"GET OFF." I growled shifting.

Stiles fell to the ground and I stood over him.

"Go ahead, do it." He spat at me.

I turned away and ran after Becca.

She wasn't anywhere to be seen.

So, I did the only thing I could do, I followed her scent. Praying that she'll forgive me. I didn't mean what I said, I was just angry.

I need her.

If anything happens to her, I'll never forgive myself, and I'll never forgive Stiles.

This is my fault. All my fault.

"Bec, where are you?" I whispered as a tear escaped my eye.

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