Chapter Three: Be Still My Heart

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I woke up early the next morning, I sat there battling with myself. The survival side of me is telling me to get out of here while I can but my heart is telling me I need to be here.

I'm letting my heart win this time.

I made my way through the building quietly; incase I didn't hear them enter. I snuck down into the basement; the smell had died down a lot since yesterday thankfully. I found the darkest corner I could and I waited. I would wait all day if I had to. This felt like the right thing to do.

Thankfully I didn't have to wait all day, just a couple hours. I could hear cars pull up outside and heard the same men as last night talking.

"Careful, you don't want this one to get loose."

"I don't know what they gave him but he is too weak to run."

This is it, this had to be him.

"Davis and Dominic will be here later to interrogate him."

"Let's hurry and get him to the basement."

I backed up as much as I could making sure they couldn't see me. I could see the light flood into the middle of the room as they opened the door. They drug his limp body down the stairs and over to the fences. I couldn't see his face but his scent was familiar. Why was I being drawn to this man?

They chained him to the fence in the middle of the room, his head hanging down, and he wasn't moving.

"Hey Jack? What did they do to him?"

"They injected him with some mixture that has slowed his healing abilities. So far he hasn't even come to." Jack replied.

"Shall we have some fun?" the other man asked.

Jack shrugged, clearly not as keen on inflicting pain as the other guy.

The man walks over to a table, running his fingers along the items there, he stops and smiles. He opens a case on the table and presses down. The lights flicker on and off as the fences light up. He didn't wake up, but I could hear his heart, he wasn't dead.

"This is boring, he isn't going to wake up anytime soon. Let's just leave him here and head to the bar until Dominic calls."

"Sure, sounds good." Jack mumbled.

I slowly made my way around to the back of the room so I can watch them walk out the door. Staying in the dark. They finally slammed the door and I walked as quietly as I could around the fences and up to the man. I slowly reached out to move the hair out of his face and it felt as if my heart stopped. I couldn't breathe. I stumbled back against the table.

"Theo..." I whispered.

I found the keys to the chains on the table and unlocked them. All of his weight falling against me. I heard him groan in pain.

"It's okay, I've got you." I whispered.

I waited until I heard one of their cars pull away. I managed to get him up the stairs and onto the first-floor landing.

"I have to get you out of here."

I left my stuff behind and slowly made my way outside with him. They left a truck outside; the doors were unlocked so I got him into the passenger side then went to the driver's side. The idiots left the keys in the ignition. As I started the truck Theo slid from a sitting position to now laying with his head on my lap.

I started the truck and placed one hand on his shoulder holding him there. As I began driving away memories started flooding back.

Theo was not always a good guy, but I could see things from a different perspective. Where people saw a boy who wanted power, I saw a boy who was so lonely he'd do anything to have a family. A pack. He disappeared for a while; McCall's pack had something to do with it. Then when the Ghost Rider's took over, he returned. He was different. He did what he could to redeem himself in McCall's packs eyes. He learned to care, to truly care.

Theo always had my attention, my heart hurt for him. I mean yes, he is a beautiful man but he was the one person I was going to give up my secluded life to know. I was going to actually talk to him, to tell him he wasn't alone, but then he was gone. I haven't let myself feel that pull since.

Is this why my heart told me to stay?

I shook my head trying to not think that way. Right now, I need to focus on getting him far from those people and into hiding. I knew where to go, my parents have a cabin I can take him too. It's off the grid and near impossible to find unless you know where to look. I've avoided it since their deaths. Too much pain there, but this was important. Helping him was worth that pain.

He groaned out in pain and turned, his eyes fluttered open and he looked at me for a moment.

"" he stammered

"No one knows me" I said softly.

He held his gaze until his eyes closed again. We had a few hours to drive before I could get him out of this truck.

I kept my hand on his shoulder and kept driving. I turned the radio on and sang with it quietly.

I gently moved the hair out of his face and it gave me some weird fluttery feeling in my stomach. I placed my hand back on his shoulder and continued singing.

When we finally made it to the cabin, I parked the truck in the back so it can't be seen and I helped him into the house. I took him into the bedroom, I took off his bloody jacket and shirt. I was not about to take off his pants, the man could do that himself. I set his stuff on the chair then covered him up with a blanket.

"I'll be back soon" I said quietly.

I made my way back to the truck and drove to the nearest town, I bought a lot of food, things to drink, bandages, antiseptic, and I bought him a new shirt and jacket. I was back within the hour. He was still asleep, so I set the clean clothes on the table by the bed. My mom still had clothes here so I could wear those.

I sat next to him on the bed and moved the blanket back, looking over his wounds. I ran my hand over his chest.

"What have they done to you" I said as tears began forming in my eyes.

The men were right, his wounds were healing very slowly. At least they are healing.

I cleaned his wounds and bandaged them. I pulled the blanket back up and when I went to stand up his hand found mine. I looked from our hands up to his face but he was asleep. Was this a conscious movement or unconscious?

So, I sat there, his hand on mine, I stayed by his side.

"You aren't alone anymore" I promised.

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