Chapter Thirteen: A Hale of a Save

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~ Becca's POV ~

When I made it back over to the boys, Theo had a smug look on his face and he pulled me in for a hug.

"Jacket please" I said with a smile.

He helped me put it on and put his arm around me.

This man was super proud.

"Now what?" I asked.

"Let's make our way over to the warehouse. It seems to be where they flock to" Stiles said.

We made our way over there without being seen and more people started coming outside. There were a lot of new faces here.

"We need to have some kind of plan." Stiles stated.

"Peter and I will take care of the warehouse." Derek ordered.

"Stiles, you and Liam are less likely to be recognized, walk the perimeter and get an idea of what we are dealing with." Peter demanded.

"Theo, you two head over to the bridge and keep people from coming or going." Derek finished.

We all separated and Theo and I headed to the bridge.

"This would be a romantic setting if we weren't going to be fighting for our lives. The river below is beautiful."

There was a river beneath us, while beautiful it was quite dangerous, the water ran fast, with bad undercurrents.

"I'd much rather be back at the cabin, where it's just us." Theo admitted.

Before I could reply, we both turned towards the town, there were gun shots going off down at the warehouse. Lots of people were yelling.

We had our back facing the road into town, we had stopped paying attention.

Suddenly there was a hand covering my mouth and I was being pulled backwards.

I screamed into the persons hand and Theo whipped around eyes flashing yellow.

"Well now, looks like once again I've got the upper hand." Nick spat at Theo.

"Let her go." Theo said with a deep snarl.

He was livid.

"We're going to play a little game."

"I'll kill you." Theo threatened.

Nick pulled a revolver out and stuck it against my temple. He moved his other hand to my throat.

"Hurt her, or I'll kill her." Nick demanded.

Theo's face turned terrified.

"It's okay, hurt me. It's okay." I reassured him.

"I.. I can't"

"Then she dies!" Nick laughed.

"I... I never loved you." Theo said to me with pain in his voice.

He knew what he had to say to hurt me. I knew he was lying but it still hurt to hear.

"I could never love someone like you." He continued.

"It's okay, you don't have to stop" I said as tears escaped my eyes.

This was killing him; I could see it was killing him. He was trying not to cry. He wouldn't give Nick the satisfaction.

"I hate you."

"NOT GOOD ENOUGH!" Nick demanded.

He pressed the revolver harder against my temple, cocking the gun.

"I love you Theo." I whispered as I closed my eyes.

Suddenly Nick's grasp on me was gone and he was falling to the ground. The gun went off as he hit the ground and Peter shoved me hard out of the way, I hit the side of the bridge and went over the side. Falling to the rapids below.

~Theo's POV ~

"I could never love someone like you" I choked out.

"It's okay, you don't have to stop." She said as tears poured down her face.

This hit me hard. This was killing us both.

I refuse to cry; I refuse to give him what he wants. He didn't want her to hurt, he wanted to hurt me.

"I hate you."

I hate myself right now.

"NOT GOOD ENOUGH!" Nick demanded.

As he cocked the gun against her temple, she closed her eyes. She knew she was going to die and I couldn't save her.

"I love you Theo" she whispered.

Then out of nowhere Peter ran up behind Nick grabbing his neck and snapping it.

As he fell to the ground the gun went off, before I could react Peter shoved her out of the way. It was like time was in slow motion. He shoved her to hard, she hit the side and went over.

Without thinking I jumped onto the side of the bridge and dove in after her.

When I hit the water I looked everywhere, diving under, fighting the currents, and I couldn't find her.

"Over here!" Peter yelled.

I saw him dive off the other side.

I swam my way over to him. She was on the shore, not breathing.

I did my best to do CPR. She wasn't responding. Why can't we ever catch a break.

"Please, Bec please. You promised to always come back to me. Please."

She wasn't responding.

"Move" Peter demanded as he shoved me out of the way.

I watched as he took her in his arms and tilted her into a sitting postion.

"Now roar." He ordered.

"Wh... what?"

"You wanted to be an alpha right? This is your mate? ROAR!"

I went wolf and let out the loudest most pain filled roar I had ever done.

She gasped, leaning forward, and started coughing up water.

Peter held her as she tried to catch her breath.

I couldn't shift back. My fear of losing her keeping me from control.

~ Becca's POV ~

As I hit the water, I was pulled into the undercurrent. It tossed me in all directions and I couldn't find which way was up. I couldn't breathe.

Next thing I knew my whole body reacted to Theo. He was in pain. I sat forward with a gasp and started coughing up water. I was choking.

I looked up to see that Peter held me, trying to keep me calm. I looked over to see Theo, he was on his knees in the mud, looking down at his claws.

He was struggling.

I looked back up to Peter and it was like he understood. He helped me sit up and helped me over to Theo.

"Calm please."

He looked at me and I placed my hand on his cheek.

"Calm please."

He closed his eyes and he shifted back.

"I thought I lost you."

"You'll never lose me."

He gently wrapped his arms around me and buried his face into my shoulder. He couldn't help but break down but he didn't want Peter to see it. He sat there in the comfort of my embrace until he could calm down.

"Thank you both for saving me."

I reached my hand out placing it on Peter's and smiled weakly.

"Was a hell of a save." I stated.

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