Chapter Nine: A Run in With the Devil

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I was quite a few miles away before I stopped and fell to my knees.

I broke down and cried.

I cried so hard I couldn't catch my breath.

I thought maybe, just maybe he actually felt the same. That he wanted and needed me the way I wanted and needed him.

I sat against a tree; eyes closed trying to breathe. The only way I could calm down was thinking about him. Somewhere along the line he became my anchor. I've never had an anchor before.

"I can't just give up on him like everyone else does." I whispered to myself.

I groaned and stood up.

I decided to head back and talk to him. To make my way back to him like I promised I always would.

I'll never trust Stiles after today.

I started to walk back towards the cabin when two men walked out from behind some trees in front of me. I turned to run the other direction and there was a short man in my way. He looked around my age maybe younger.

"Well, aren't you pretty" he said in a creepy tone.

I said nothing, I scanned around trying to figure out a way to flee.

"I can't wait to play with this one."

They started closing in on me, I went wolf, and lunged at the creepy one.

I was able to knock him to the ground but was hit in the back of the head.

As I fell to the ground things started to go blurry.

I let out a loud howl and passed out.

~ Theo's POV ~

I don't know how long I had been running. I still hadn't found her; I won't ever give up. I have to find her.

I skidded to stop almost losing my balance, it felt like my heart was being ripped from my chest, what I heard broke my heart.

The most painful howl I had ever heard.

I knew this was her, she was telling me where she is, that she's in danger.

She wouldn't draw attention to her like that if she was okay. I ran as fast as I could in the direction of her howl.

I only stopped again when I smelled her blood. I was way to accustom to that scent now.

I looked around and found small puddles of blood on the ground by a tree.

She wasn't okay, someone had her. 

I could smell three other scents here.

I let out a loud growl and followed their scents through the woods.

I swear if I lose her, Stilinski will never see the light of day again.

I could feel a burning rage build up in my chest.

"I'm coming Becca, hold on." I sighed.

~ Becca's POV ~

I started to open my eyes and they wouldn't focus. I tried to move and I couldn't, my hands were chained, I looked around the room in complete horror.

I was back at the warehouse.

The one I saved Theo from.

They had chained me to the same fence, I stood in the same spot my Theo had stood broken and beaten.

This angered me and I let out a growl.

The door to the basement opened and the short creepy guy made his way down the stairs. He walked over to me and grabbed my chin hard with his hand. I tried to pull away but the more I resisted the harder he gripped.

"Now now, play nicely." He said as he let go of my face shoving it to the side.

My eyes flashed blue and I tried to break the chains. But when he noticed this, he pushed that familiar button on the table. The lights flashed and my body was filled with electricity. I lost control of my body as the convulsions took over.

I screamed out in pain, tears beginning to run down my cheeks.

"Mm, that's more like it." He stated.

He walked over to me and licked the tears off one of my cheeks.

I looked him dead in the eye and spit in his face.

He didn't like that very much and back handed me as hard as he could. I spit out the blood and smiled.

"He'll find me." I claimed.

"You were alone, no one will find you."

"He will."

He laughed at this and struck me again.

"You aren't going anywhere." He hissed.

"Nick! Your father is calling." Someone yelled from the landing.

"This isn't over." He demanded.

He gripped my chin hard again and pressed his lips against mine. My eyes went wide and managed to bite him hard.

"Bitch! Lucky for you I like them feisty." He smirked and made his way back upstairs.

I fought against the chains as hard as I could, my vision still going in and out. Trying to stay awake... trying to fight.... Then things went black.

~ Theo's POV ~

As I made it to the woods edge her scent was stronger. But so was the smell of blood. I made my way over to the large warehouse and snuck around the side of the building.

"Just kill her and let us move on" someone groaned.

"No, I think I might keep this one." Another voice said.

"Your father won't like that, Nick." A third voice sighed.

"I don't care, she's mine. Now leave us alone for now." He demanded.

"Whatever" the first voice groaned.

I saw the two men walk out of the building and go around to the other side.

As quietly as I could, I made my way to the door. The coast was clear, so I went inside.

"Come on now princess, wake up. "

The one called Nick was speaking from downstairs.

The lights in the building started flashing.

My eyes went wide, I know what that means, he was using those electrical fences.

But she made no sound...

Fear and anger took over and I ran downstairs.

I kicked the door open.

"Get away from her!" I growled.

The one they called Nick started laughing. He sounded insane.

"I'm not going to kill her, but she isn't leaving." He said, smirking at me.

"Listen here Dick..."

"Nick" he corrected me.

"I said what I said" I stated with a snarl.

"She's mine" he yelled; eyes wide.

I got in his face and shoved him into the wall.

He tried to push me back but I held my stance.

I could feel myself shifting.

Taking my claws, I gripped his shoulders tight.

"YOU WILL NOT TOUCH HER AGAIN!" I said with a growl full of hate.

"Th...Theo" Becca's weak voice called for me, breaking through my rage.

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