Chapter Forty: A Chance to Heal

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~ Becca's POV ~

I woke up the next day when Liam's hand came over the side of the couch hitting me in the face. Apparently, Theo and I fell asleep on the floor watching movies.

Liam must be having a nightmare because when his hand hit me in the face it hit me so hard, I yelped in pain. They both reacted so fast, Theo's eyes shot open and he shifted, Liam jumped up and fell off the couch landing on me.

Theo not fully awake and unaware of what is happening shoved Liam off me and growled.


Still not listening, now both growling at each other.

I inhaled deeply and with all the force I could muster made myself yell.


This reached them, they froze in place, blinking, finally realizing where they were.

My hand reaching up to my throat, Theo's eyes softened, and he shifted back.

"What the hell just happened?" Liam questioned as he calmed down and sat down.

I looked down and just shook my head trying not to laugh.

"What?" Theo laughed.

"Liam, hi...t me, wh...en asleep. Acci...dent"

I could see Theo try and hide his happy proud face as I said full words.

Theo and him shared a smile then realized what I said.

"You hit her?"

"I hit her?"

I facepalmed and started laughing.


"Yes baby?"

"Can I food?"

"Of course."

He stood up and helped me up.

While I made breakfast for our little family, they took turns showering, and getting ready for the day.

I set the food out on the table and we all sat together eating.

I smiled as I sat here watching them talk about things they dreamed for the future.

They cleaned up the living room while I took my shower and got dressed. Then before we knew it, it was time to head out to talk with the others. I sat up front with Theo, him never letting go of my hand, Liam sitting in the middle in the back, arms resting on our chairs while he leaned forward singing to the radio with me.

Well, he sang more than me, while I'm getting my words back, I feel like a stuttering child. They were happy I was getting my speech back but it still made them sad that I sounded so broken.

I had an idea that may help with this but there was no way I could ask them.

They would absolutely refuse.

I needed Derek.

"You, okay?" Theo asked.

I must have zoned out hard looking out the window thinking.

I smile and nodded.

He looked at me confused but didn't push it with Liam here.

"What is that sound?" Liam questioned.

I shrugged.

"Probably just the radio."

"Weird. It's so familiar but I can't pin point it." He said and shrugged.

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